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Presidential election in East Timor Polls have closed in East Timor as the country elects a new president in what is expected to be a three-way race. Twelve candidates are standing, but one of the favourites for this largely ceremonial role is incumbent Jos?� Ramos-Horta.

He is a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and survived an assassination attempt in 2008. Former military chief Taur Matan Ruak, who is backed by prime minister Xanana Gusmao’s Congress for the Reconstruction of East Timor (CNRT) party, is also expected to do well in the first round of the ballot. The third contender is former parliamentary speaker Francisco Lu-Olo Guterres, head of the opposition Fretilin party, who lost a run-off to Ramos-Horta in 2007. With a population of 1.1 million, East Timor became independent in 1999 after 24 years of occupation by Indonesia. There are United Nations forces stationed there til the end of the year. If no candidate wins a 51 percent majority, the top two will face each in a run-off vote next month. Survey Programs Free. More about: Politics, Presidential elections.

Kingston Story Vybz Kartel Rapidshare Library

News contkablewi Blog longlillago Rfkautopsy Bahrain protesters camp out in square ahead of talks Thousands of people have camped out overnight in Bahrain’s Pearl Square after the leadership ordered the army and then riot police to withdraw yesterday. Many protesters began early on Sunday morning, calling on the King and his inner circle to leave immediately. Matlab 2009 Torrent Windows on this page.

Bahrain’s opposition is expected to present its demands to the Gulf State’s crown prince today. Those include the release of all political prisoners, resignation of the government and talks on a new constitution. Addressing the crowds last night, the head of Bahrain’s main Shi’ite bloc hailed the success of the protests, in spite of a bloody crackdown that has seen at least six people killed and dozens injured since last Monday.

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