Animal Planet Anthem 2014 Download

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Animal Planet Anthem 2014 Download

Bilderbergers announce the New World Order of the Illuminati and a single world empire • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Who are the Illuminati? • (Interview of former Illuminati Svali with HJ Springer) • with Greg Szymanski • • • • • • • Who are these people? • • • • • • (article by alleged Illuminati) The Truth for sale: How to fight the evil and make some money on it too. Yep, that is what this 'noble knight on a white horse', allegedly doing his best 'to save the mankind from evil', Benya Fulford, essentially says. July 14, 2015 You are breaking the law by posting my subscription newsletter for free. The rule is that you are allowed to post the newsletter for free on the Thursday after the Monday that subscribers get it. We will be unable to continue the work required to create the newsletter without the support of our subscribers.

If you continue to post the newsletter as soon as it comes out, we will be forced to take legal action. Your understanding in this matter is appreciated. You are breaking the law!!! These are the very first words you see in his ugly, threatening and guilt projection message.

Wait a minute, one might say, I just started reading something, and before I even get to know what IS the 'beef' in it, I already get a doze of ugliest guilt-projecting energy. Interesting aspect about this guilt manipulation procedure is that you ARE breaking some law, which is presented as some kind of undeniable fact beyond any and all arguments. Not that you 'MIGHT be breaking some law', or 'according to ME, you are breaking the law'. It is already a self-proven 'FACT' in the twisted mind of this 'warrior against all evil', Benya, who, for some strange reason, was called ' a liar, fraud, con man, charlatan, Narcissist, fantasist and criminal plagiarist' by the alleged 'real' Illuminati representative. Another interesting interpretation in his message is his narcissistic idea is 'The rule is.' He does not seem to comprehend that you can not set any 'rules' either in the fight for Truth or for Creativity.

Well, sure, you CAN try to, but you have neither necessary authority nor real power to dictate ANY kinds of 'rules' to Truth or Creativity. Just be humble enough and grateful enough to be so blessed as to even come near it. Because in front of Truth or Creativity, you are just nobody and nothing special, worth even mentioning, and it has been specifically stated 'ALL you have in your hands is dust, and nothing but the dust'. Just a couple of points before we begin looking at it. First of all, determination on whether some law is broken may be made only by the impartial and fair court hearing.

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Animal Planet Anthem 2014 Download

Secondly, which law? - The 'law' created by the corrupt men in the never-ending chase of the money 'god'? Thirdly, and probably most importantly, Benya is simply manipulating guilt and substituting something fake for the real, which is exactly the favorite trick of the evil money worshipers, whose main 'laws' are.

Money is god, and god is money, Either I suck your blood or you are bound to suck mine. Because there is no other game in town. Naturally, the question arises: But how can you possibly fight the evil world of money, while leaning upon the same corrupt ideology of fake 'values' and its system of cunning manipulation tricks, just to make one guilty if one is not willing to bow down and serve the money 'god'? Basically, the very first sentence in his ugly guilt manipulation procedure about allegedly 'breaking the law' is the evidence in itself. Furthermore, it is probably one of the most telling indications and a living proof that his whole 'evil fighting' trip to 'save the world' is nothing but a fake, or, at best, an attempt of the blind to lead the blind, the inevitable outcome of which is both of them falling into a pit, just as has been stated in the New Testament. And the crescendo of his ugly concoctions and manipulations is a threat, cunningly wrapped into a wrapper of some inevitable necessity of 'we will be FORCED to take legal action'.

Will be 'forced' by WHOM, and by what power of what? You see, it is not ME, who is doing it, I am just 'forced' by some 'objective necessity' or external circumstances with the inevitable outcome. But this is not me who is responsible. This is just the reality of 'how it is' in this ugly world of the money 'god' worshiping.

Yes, he can certainly try to boost his own significance in the scheme of things, but the question still remains: Is there ANY evidence that all his concoctions and fabrications are nothing more than a trick to delude the 'clueless' and lead them by their noses directly into an abyss while making them think that what he is giving them is not just concoctions and fabrications, but something that corresponds to reality. This would probably be quite a show in itself to see this matter actually go to a court. But what if he simply ends up being exposed in the court for selling all sorts of lies from all sorts of 'sources', which he had merely invented to make it look like there is some substance in it in order to boost and somehow validate all sorts of lies, manipulations, concoctions and inventions of all kinds or pipe dreams of wishful thinking at best, if not the outright plagiarism and/or disinformation?

Here's a quote from the alleged 'real' Illuminati site. The New World Order Benjamin Fulford Jewish-Canadian conspiracy theorist and notorious fantasist Benjamin Fulford employs an otherwise jobless, delusional Serbian bum (a former drug dealer) living near Fulford in Tokyo to 'star' in various videos with him, posing as the 'Grand Master of the Illuminati'. Fulford and this Serbian nobody plagiarise the material made freely available by us on this website and sell it in plagiarised books and to subscription-paying suckers. Fulford is a liar, fraud, con man, charlatan, Narcissist, fantasist and criminal plagiarist. He is the uttermost scum, swindling weak-minded people. In his own words. 'Hello, my name is Benjamin Fulford.

I am a spokesperson for an organization known as the White Dragon Society. We are an international group of financiers, military men, people in intelligence agencies, and in secret organizations, as well as journalists, and regular citizens who have been appalled and disgusted by the never-ending wars caused by the military-industrial complex. They have been using over 90% of humanity's savings in order to steal oil, pillage countries, and just cause mayhem.' Hold on - aren't the international financiers, military men, people in intelligence services, Masons and propaganda journalists precisely the PROBLEM?!

Fulford is an Old World Order agent of DISINFORMATION, trying to confuse you about who is good and who is bad. ALL INTERNATIONAL FINANCIERS ARE BAD. ALL WAR MONGERS IN THE MILITARY ARE BAD. ALL INTELLIGENCE SERVICES ARE CORRUPT. ALL OWO JOURNALISTS ARE LIARS. Fulford is making himself rich selling you lies. The world will be free only when we are free of exactly the people who allegedly belong to the 'White Dragon Society' (formerly the Black Dragon Society!).

As to 'the business of the journalists', here's what John Swinton, then the pre-eminent New York journalist had to say. 'There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job.

If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread.

You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men.

We are intellectual prostitutes.' There are quite a few things that could be said about it and that is one of the reasons we did not comment on this before. But Benya keeps insisting and projecting guilt on all those who decided to make his 'earthquaking revelations' of quite questionable value and validity, made for the purpose yet to be determined, available in full as soon, as they are published, which does make quite some sense. Why shouldn't some people have a chance to know what is going on as soon as it comes out, just because they either do not have a computer and have to read it in some public place, or do not have money to spend on it, or may not even have a bank account, or live in some country where the kind of money he charges is comparable to their monthly incomes, not even mentioning the issues of identification of 'undesirables' or considering that all his big words and projections are not worth more than a used condom to be thrown into a garbage bin once is usefulness expires? How corrupt one needs to be to even conceive of an idea to place a prices sticker on nothing less then Truth itself, if there is any to begin with? Is it available only to some 'chosen few', and not to mere 'mortals' that either can not afford to pay or do not even consider that all these wild stories of Benya are worth a penny? Is there any evidence that all his concoctions, inventions and 'prophecies' are anything more than a plain show for the 'fools' and a 'herd of sheep', 'full of fury, signifying nothing'?

Why does he need to charge money for his grand concoctions and 'revelations' of all kinds if not to make something fake look like something really valuable? There is another interesting question with quite some consequences: Is it, by ANY chance, done in order to IDENTIFY the 'undesirables' and potential 'troublemakers' in order to add them to what is known as the 'Red List' of all those to be exterminated FIRST in the FEMA concentration camps of which there are hundreds in the USA alone?

Let us go through it point by point. • First of all, the very essence of the copyright issue is to protect the COMMERCIAL interests of the individuals trying to 'make a buck'.

This is ALL about money, 'profits' and gain on purely commercial level and it isn't even a real solution to a problem of supporting the creative people regardless of the 'commercial value' of their work. The copyright law, as it stands, is not even meant to support the creativity. With sufficient marketing hype, nearly anything may be pushed to the levels of mass hysteria resulting in sales of utter garbage, and even utmost evil, in millions of copies. But genuinely creative works are not guaranteed to bring enough income to even support the most basic needs of the authors and there are plenty of examples of it. • But the point here is that Benya poses as some kind of a 'warrior for Truth', nothing less. So, the question arises: Is he trying to SELL you the allegedly 'inside information' about the evil most profound and all sorts of schemes to take over the world and parasite on everything, which every human Being has the Creator's given RIGHT to know?

Can you imagine Jesus Christ charging you money for the Truth and for entrance into the 'Kingdom of God'? How can one even conceive of an idea of charging money for the Truth? Because if we take out the information from the 'sources', then what will be left is mostly his wild guesses about some grand schemes, at best. So, the 'beef' in his reports is not his own ideas about it, but the information, allegedly told to him by his extensive network of 'sources', and even there, it isn't even clear if those alleged facts are not mere disinformation. So, what is he selling you?

• What is he doing by charging you money to know the Truth, as soon as it comes out? Is he merely trying to 'survive', like any 'mortal'? Runaway Road Adventure Patch Free on this page. Then why not 'go get a job' to earn enough money during the day and do all your great writings and investigation after hours, just to keep your Soul clean and trustworthiness on a proper level? Just because the media is corrupt to the bone and marrow and sold their souls to the evil, does it mean you can start charging money for nothing less than Truth? What kind of logic is this? Are you insane? • The very fact he charges money for someone else's information, first of all, taints that information and makes it not trustworthy.

Simply because if one has the monetary interests in the matters, there is no guarantee that the information will be pure enough, undistorted and not exaggerated, or made more colorful, just to make it look more 'valuable' and 'insightful', simply to attract the customers, which is what you can actually see in every single of his writings, allegedly based on information, provided to him by others or found on some web site. Essentially, he is no different than a parrot, repeating someone else's words, and arrogant, blind, cunning and dishonest enough to even charge the money for it, as though it was his own original work and creative ideas, which it is not, at least for the most part, beyond some wild exaggerations and inventions of all kinds, very little of which happens to turn out at the end the way he painted it. • His writings are not his own genuinely creative work and ideas, beyond some wild exaggerations and all sorts of 'prophecies', quite conceivably made for some dubious purposes. Simply because he takes the information, allegedly provided to him by all sorts of 'authorities' and those in 'power' and influence, and simply tells it to you, as is, or adding some wild interpretations of his own, stretching the original meaning like a condom. So, the substance of information itself is not genuinely HIS.

If telling the Truth is copyrightable in principles, then those who allegedly told him all his 'earthquaking revelations' are the authors, but not Benya, by ANY means. In fact, it can be claimed that his original contribution to the resulting writing mostly consists of vast exaggerations, 'blowing flies to the size of a helicopter', and all sorts of wishful thinking, at best. Very little, if anything of substance, of what he told so far, did in fact materialize and could be verified via commonly available information sources. • Yes, he does have enough experience in dealing with the corrupt world of money and 'power' and he does have some ability to 'read' the information 'between the lines', simply because he understands the world of cunningness, lies and techniques of deceit quite well, but he is not a Prophet of any kind, by ANY means. If anything, his very motivations and the way he concocts all sorts of wild ideas and projections are quite suspect. Simply because today white is white and black is black, but tomorrow it is all just the other way around. How much trust can anyone place on it?

If you read some of the feedback on various forums and blogs, you will find plenty of people having enough reasons to doubt his sincerity and honesty. Yesterday, the queen is one of the evilest individuals you can find, which she in fact is, but today, boom, she is involved in some negotiations on behalf and for the 'bright future of mankind', which is simply impossible, simply because all those people, if you can call them people to begin with, made the contract with Lucifer and 'the dark side' and those contracts are not reversible. As they say, 'the hell may sooner get frozen' than for the evil to become good. The same thing applies to the Pentagon, the Pope, P2 masonic lodge, various 'leaders', 'authorities', agencies and so on.

For example, he keeps talking about the military cooperation between the USA and Russia. But, during the briefing at the Pentagon on Aug.

12, 2015 the U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno called Russia 'the most dangerous military threat to the U.S. He said the Army has been working to rebuild its ability to fight an adversary like Russia over the past 18 months, mainly training for hybrid warfare, which includes a mix of conventional, counterinsurgency, cyber, space and other military capabilities'. 'In addition, the Committee of chiefs of staffs of the USA was led by General Joseph Dunford, who called the Russian Federation as the biggest threat to the States'. Isn't this something totally opposite to what Benya keeps singing in his reports? So, who is lying and/or manipulating and fabricating here?

How can you possibly reconcile all this? And we can cite quite a list of utter and complete contradictions between what was reported by Benya and what had actually taken place in reality. Or take this one (March 31, 2015) where he says. 'The battle has now reached the point where the Satanists are negotiating a surrender to the Red and Blue, the White Dragon Society and their allies'. Actually, there are quite a few places during the last year, at least, where Benya talks about Cabal's 'negotiating a surrender'. For example: September 22, 2014 'That is why cabal representatives have begun negotiating surrender with the White Dragon Society and their allies'.

May 5, 2014 'That is why surrender negotiations are continuing under the surface.' March 3, 2014 'This blustering is all a form of cabal table pounding and posturing for better treatment in their ongoing surrender negotiations.' So, keeps talking about these 'surrender negotiations' for years on.

But, do you see ANY 'surrenders' happening even 'after all these years'? Naturally, the question arises: So, how many generations need to pass by before this 'surrender' takes place in reality?

Secondly, how can you even conceive of an idea of negotiations with the satanists and obedient servants of the 'dark side'? Because any promises they might give worth absolutely nothing to them. Their Kol Nidre prayer annuls any promises they have given and any contracts they have made or signed. You can not negotiate ANYTHING with them. About the only language they understand is the language of the ultimatums, power and threats to their very existence and, most of all, all the money they have robbed, stolen, conned out of or acquired via parasitic means. That is about ALL they understand and capable of understanding.

So, what kind of fools can even conceive of an idea of negotiations with the servants of 'the dark side'? What is Benya feeding you, people?

• Benya presents himself to be a 'WDS spokesperson', and, therefore, their 'mouth'. Now, these WDS people are allegedly engaged in the 'fight against the evil' to 'save the mankind'. Furthermore, it is alleged that they have extensive network and all sorts of contacts on the highest levels, which, first of all, implies quite some expenses and a certain degree of 'authority', 'power' and 'influence'. You can not be simply a 'bum' and expect that anyone of any 'authority' or 'power' will speak to you or would even bother to know you exist.

Those kinds of people do not deal with mere mortals. You simply MUST have some 'initial net worth' and 'weight' for them to even be interested in knowing you exist. Now, with all their 'Dragon family money', can not they afford to pay the expenses of their own 'spokesperson' to be able to 'survive' and do the work of being their 'mouth'? Or does he have to go somewhere and find some money to pay his bills to do the work for THEM, boosting their image and significance, and being essentially a marketing agent for them? What is this but the lunacy level?

And who ARE them, whom do they represent, who authorized their involvement and who asked for it? What authority do they have to conduct all sorts of behind the curtain negotiations and deal-making of all kinds on behalf of mankind without even asking if anyone wants or appreciate their 'help'? Here is his own words.

'There was also an offer to pay this writer over $30,000 a month in Dragon family money to finance investigative journalism. So far no money has appeared. There have been so many announcements of this type over the years that have failed to materialize that this phone call should be considered more likely an attempt to spread disinformation than a sign of any real breakthrough. ' These people have lied so many times that only their actions, not their words, can be believed.' And these are the very same people he alleges to be a 'spokesman' for! So, he himself admits to be a 'spokesperson' for the liars and those who do not keep their word, and yet, making all sorts of claims to be 'fighting evil' and having guts to even present the 'agenda for the good of mankind'?

Upon what authorization and upon what request and by whom? And WHO are these so-called WDS 'family'? WHERE is the full story on them? The thing is, some individuals allege that they are nothing more than the Chinese gambling mafia and that is where their money comes from. Whether it is true or not, you have to investigate yourselves. In fact, he even claims to have been 'initiated' into their clan and even posted a picture of him, hanging upside down during the 'initiation ritual', and, therefore, had given some oaths and did become a full-fledged member of their organization, or a 'family' or a cult, whichever it is.

It would be interesting to see the full text of the oath he has given, at least in order to determine if it differs from any other oaths used during the initiations in all sorts of cults of evil. After all, he has given this oath in his alleged battle against all evil on behalf of mankind, didn't he? But the thing is that even a plain ordinary mafia 'takes care of their family and people' and does not expect that someone is going to do the marketing work for them while not even being paid a penny. Strange, isn't it?

• The copyright law does not work for 3 days. Either it is copyrighted for life, or there is no notion of a copyright to begin with. Furthermore, there are exceptions in the law, known as 'fair use' clause.

According to that clause, if no money is charged for the information and it is done for humanitarian or educational purposes, among other things, then the copyright is inapplicable. See: Again, the copyright law is meant to protect the COMMERCIAL interests. Religious or humanitarian information, meant to benefit the mankind as such, can not be copyrighted in principle. Simple as that. Else, it is nothing more than perversion and the money 'rules' over the needs of mankind.

How can you even conceive of charging money for allegedly vital information of humanitarian nature, to allegedly 'save the mankind from evil'? Than what kind of a model Benya proposes? Making money on fighting the corrupt world of money? Are we in a madhouse?

• And, finally, Benya has made some claims to be the offspring of one of the wealthiest men, George Taylor Fulford: 'at the time of his death he was the largest single shareholder in General Electric and was considering buying a company called General Motors'. This implies that Benya Fulford is quite a wealthy man. On the scale of being one of the major stock owners of the GE, this translates into millions, if not billions, unless he was disinherited.

So, the money isn't even an issue on this level, nothing even worth mentioning, or IS it? Then why Benya even talks about money? Where is the guarantee that it is not done just to inflate the significance of his concoctions and make it all look like something so real and 'valuable' that it is even worth some money to be paid for all sorts of rumors and his own inventions? What else could be the case?

• Yes, it may be quite interesting and engaging to read, at least as some fairytale, as he keeps pumping it all up and concocts all sorts of promising stories about the 'noble knights on a white horse' who allegedly came to 'save this world', even though some of those 'knights' turn out to be the dragons! Does this imply that the humanity has lost all its heritage and contacts with the entities from the Light side, serving the Law of 'us' vs.

'me and my own interests'? Why would some dragons come and chose to 'save the mankind from evil', while the 'entities of Light' keep silent and, seemingly, have abandoned the mankind? How could this be? Sure, who knows, there might even be some Truth in his writings, even though you can hardly find any evidence of it.

In fact, the actual and verifiable events seem to be happening just the other way around than what Benya claims or foretells in his prophecies. Except there are way too many of them to even begin mentioning here.

• There is also a question: But WHO is Benya Fulford? Is he, by ANY humble chance, just a disinformation agent, 'a wolf in sheep's clothes', selling you all sorts of myths and tales of a 'bright future of mankind', just to make you servile and passive, instead of standing up to it, and giving you all sorts of concoctions, if not the outright lies and fabrications, wrapped up in a wrapper of Truth? Which of his 'earthquaking prophecies', revelations and interpretations can be verified? Just review his past reports on this very page and then look and see which ones did correspond to what had actually taken place since then.

Surprise, surprise! • Some, if not most of his interpretations of a meaning of events simply do not follow from the original source materials in the links he provides. In fact, it is mostly a waste of time to even look at those links because the way he interprets the meaning and significance of it is not even in the picture. OK, fine, you did 'see' something that MIGHT be the case, but at least do not wrap it into a wrapper of it IS in fact the case. Because some of those things might have several alternate meanings, to the point of being just the opposite to what he tells you it means. What he tells you to be the 'good news' quite realistically may mean the 'bad news' and vice versa. And in many cases, the meaning is hidden, and if anyone of his 'sources' discloses that meaning to ANYONE, he becomes a walking dead.

Because there are plenty of ways to find out who leaked the information. So, one has to be simply suicidal to tell Benya anything of real value or meaning, even if they knew it. The REAL meaning is only known on the topmost level of 'the pyramid', and anyone on the levels below it are simply receiving the disinformation and for a specific purpose, and that is to keep everyone confused and deluded. So, the very attempt to see the REAL meaning is an exercise in futility in most cases. Yes, you can guess of some PROBABLE outcomes, but that does not imply you can SEE the real thing.

For example, take one of his favorite themes of BRICS alliance. He keeps singing the song that it constitutes the genuine opposition to the Rothschilds and 'banking mafia'. But, the BRICS may as well turn out to be just a scheme to create an ILLUSION of some 'progress' and 'change in the power structure' and control, while deep inside it is simply moving the accent and assets to China, just to change the labels or 'to make MORE money', so the humanity keeps hoping for the 'bright future of mankind' while being led by their noses into the abyss, and the rope around their neck is simply being tightened.

Could THIS be the case? If you look at how easy and quickly the UK exchanges and markets decided to support the Chinese Yuan and consider the impact of such unexpected shift, especially in light of the fact that the most powerful and influential force on the markets and the economy of UK happen to be the same Rothschilds, then what does it tell you? So, the net result of the whole scam could be just to gain some tactical advantage for the same satanists and the banking mafia and to divert everyone's attention from the 'REAL deal'. Could THIS be the case by ANY humble chance? Just review the, which was openly published by the Illuminati. What does it tell you? The very fact that British are moving towards China in a heavy way economically means what?

Well, the UK is owned by whom, if not the Rothschilds? So, what does it matter to them where to move their money to, BRICS or the puppet theaters of the USA and EU? They still own the whole thing, gun, stock and barrel! So, what IS the REAL 'meaning' of it? • Or, quite often, if not in most cases, he says things like 'according to MI-5, or Pentagon' or some other agency or 'authority' such and such a thing had taken place. Now, HOW and where did he obtain the information? Was it a DIRECT contact, person to person, or was it merely found on some web site, which he did not mention?

Where is the guarantee that we are not dealing with a 'broken telephone' type of situation, while his text implies the direct contact? According to him, even major intelligence agencies, the Pentagon, the royal families, the Vatican and all sorts of other 'big guns' keep contacting him and telling him 'the secrets' behind the curtains, as though he is some central coordinating force or 'authority' on this planet through which the delivery of 'truth' and 'secrets' of all kinds to 'mere mortals' is to happen.

But WHO is Benya 'in the scheme of things' waving the WDS flag left and right? Here is an example, as presented in his July 27, 2015 correction notice.

The July 20th edition of Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis opened with the following quote attributed to a top Pentagon person. “Just Watch is as it unfolds. You will be tempted to get a pitchfork ready here and there but, just leave it in the closet. All should be accomplished without a shot being fired if everything goes according to plan.” This quote in fact originated from Jerzy Babkwoski who writes using the pen-name ZAP. The source that sent me that quote erroneously claimed it originated with the Pentagon. This source will no longer be trusted.

In any case, the quote very accurately describes what multiple sources have been telling me. As one Pentagon source told me “he put words right in my mouth.” Well, but how come Benya did not tell you that the message came from some ZAP or Zip or Zing, and instead told you that it came from the Pentagon? Interestingly enough, just a couple of years ago, it was allegedly 'the Illuminati grand master', Alexander Romanoff, and a head of the world's martial arts societies Chodoin Daikaku, who allegedly has a 2 million strong army of martial arts warriors, that were ready to fight any moment, just upon his calling, to 'save the world'.

But the WDS were just a bunch of liars, promising things they did not deliver. And today, do you see even mentioning of those former heroes anywhere? So, what happened? How could the real heroes be converted into nothing even worth mentioning, and are they still interested in 'saving the world from evil'? And now, the WDS is the major force to 'save the mankind from evil'!

Guess what will happen tomorrow. The way it looks so far, Benya is willing to change his 'heroes' and his mind as easy as condoms or 'useful idiots' to be blown up out of all proportions and then thrown into a garbage bin once their 'usefulness' no longer has any value to be exploited to blow up things even further. Plans to 'save the world from evil' First of all, it's been said. Blind leading the blind shalt fall into a ditch.

Simple as that. And that is precisely what we are dealing with here - some blind fools, not necessarily SEEING anything of real value, are trying to 'save the world', for whatever reasons or interests they might have. In order 'to be able save the world', the first thing that is required is 'SEEING' the essence of it, which translates into a degree of consciousness or awareness as some call it. Because if you do not have enough awareness to 'SEE', no matter how sincere you are and your efforts, you will simply end up in a pit, and pretty much inevitably so.

Because the events in the world don't just happen 'out of the blue'. It is all a result of immensely complex processes of growth of Intelligence on this planet. There are some things and aspects of it that lay well beyond comprehension of nearly everyone on this planet and some of it may turn out not as it APPEARS to be, as seen by most.

Some of those events or aspects may have the consequences just opposite to what many were lead to believe. In order to 'save the world from evil', you need to understand the mechanisms and principles of the Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence, ALL-pervading, ALL-engulfing and forever expanding. The events and appearances are not just some random and 'undesirable' acts in a performance in some mad house. It is all precisely sculpted and structured to facilitate those very mechanisms of 'SEEING', that lay at the foundation of growth of Intelligence and are the results of certain experiments, conducted on this planet, the intents of which is to facilitate the most rapid growth of the Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence and its manifestations on this planet, or 'All There Is', as some classify it.

Yes, there are different versions and the interpretations of what is going on with this planet. Some claim that we are dealing with an attempt of takeover of this planet by 'the dark side', specifically by the Orion Group and as a result of the so-called 'negative approach' of the 'ruling family' or 'social memory complex' Lucifer. This essentially means that what we are dealing with is an attempt to sabotage 'the original plan' for development of Intelligence on this planet. This, in turn, means that the issues we are dealing with are immensely complex and so are the possible 'solutions', and could not be solved merely by force, with a gun or violence of all kinds.

Furthermore, they are multidimensional and multifaceted. Considering the fact that the knowledge on what is known as the 3rd density, or the level of development of self-awareness of human Beings is not available, the complexity magnifies drastically. What is available on this level is theories, guesses, creative search, intuitive flashes and things of that nature, but not the KNOWLEDGE, simply because of what is known as the 'Law of Confusion' which is meant to facilitate the genuinely NEW and creative ideas and aspects. But all of this is too complex to even begin to discuss here. One needs to study these things to even begin to comprehend the REAL issues of what we are dealing with and what opportunities are presented to us and what REAL problems do we face as Humanity, some of which are immense in their complexity. Yes, the time has come to draw 'the bottom line', and REAL things ARE happening, some of which may even be visible. But they are happening in such a way as to minimize the probabilities of catastrophic consequences of some probable events and actions.

The 'future' is not determinable from the present, like in some deterministic machine. It is not mapped as some 'inevitability' from the 'present'. There are what is known 'probable alternatives' to what may happen 'in the future'.

And the number of those alternatives is virtually infinite. It all depends on the point of view. From one point of view, doing so and so might look to be the most beneficial or most 'efficient' course of action.

But from a different point of view, it may turn out to be nothing but disaster and destruction of all kinds. So, how could the 'blind', not 'seeing' even the skin-deep levels for what they are, 'lead the mankind' to anything other than 'hell', as it is commonly known?

How many people are there on this planet who are able to SEE some of those mechanisms and necessities, created and facilitated on the HIGHEST levels of Being and Existence as such? So, let us look as some elements of 'the plan to save this planet' as proposed by Benya Fulford and the WDS. • Yes, indeed, saving the environment and bringing an end to poverty ARE some of the most important issues. But these things take generations to accomplish.

In order to save the environment from collapse, you need to change the entire industrial base, energy generation technologies and so on. Because with current energy generation technologies and use of oil and fossil fuels, all you can hope to improve is reduction of pollution by 10-30%, at best. As to the poverty, again, it might take generations and massive amounts of all sorts of help, assistance in agricultural production techniques and methods, irrigation techniques and so on, not even mentioning the transformation of the entire societies and social organization in the 'underdeveloped' part of the world, which by itself is quite a risky proposition, at least from the standpoint of a 'reserve genotype' to be activated in case the 'developed' part of the mankind becomes hopelessly corrupt and/or zombified 'to the point of no return'. Because the 'underdeveloped' part of the mankind is precisely that part that has not been corrupted by the world of money and 'industrialization' techniques and methods of merciless exploitation of everything that moves or does not, for that matter.

It is precisely this genotype still has the necessary purity and humaneness to continue the processes, at least from the standpoint of the 'positive approach' or 'service to US' vs. 'me and my own interests'. So, the result of 'rapid elimination of poverty' might lead to utter corruption of the original and pure genotype of 'primitive' societies, as the same techniques of ruthless exploitation and 'industrialization' are introduced into those, still relatively pure and uncorrupted societies, even though much corruption has already entered even into the most remote and 'uncivilized' parts of this planet.

So, the issues are way much more complex than most could even begin to comprehend. Interestingly enough, the supporting evidence of the 'reserve genetic pool' may be seen in the results of a study conducted to see what those 'uncivilized' people will tell us once they see our great values with their own eyes. So, the group of 'primitive', 'uncivilized' people were brought to the UK, dressed in plain clothes of the 'civilized' people and were taken to all sorts of places to see how our great 'civilization' works. At the end, they were asked what they think about our 'democratized' society. The shocking part of that final interview was that they asked: but why are you people so insensitive, and why there exists so little care and respect for each other, why are you so inhuman, violent and so on? And that IS a shock, which directly implies that these 'primitive' people are MORE 'developed' as far as real human values go than our mentalized and egocentric society.

The net result is that you won't see any visible changes possibly for generations. But, even if you succeed, does it change the world of money, power and influence and will it cause the powers of evil to subside and stop parasiting on this world and creating all this global violence, wars, revolutions, not even mentioning of mercilessly robbing the people on this planet and creating vast imbalances of wealth? But what COULD be done, and almost immediately, is to, first of all, take back the control of the media and stop creation of all sorts of lies, deceit and manipulation in the media so that people of this planet will be able to learn the TRUE information, instead of being lied to, morning to night, every single day on nearly every single channel of media any place you look. Because the REAL force that is capable to bring up the real changes are the PEOPLE, and not some puppets and not even 'noble knights on a white horse'. Because no knights will be able to bring out radical changes required. The system is just too big, too sophisticated, too powerful and all-pervasive.

It exists for thousands of years and has been perfected to the point that it is simply impossible to stand against it, unless ALL the people get involved, at least to some degree. They own ALL the governments, legislature, courts, media, major industries and on and on and on. They have their agents on ALL the levels of significance of anything, down to your local city offices.

It is the most extensive network of evil ever existing on this planet. And it is built upon the networking structure and architecture. Meaning that you can not destroy it as a whole. All you can do is to take out some nodes. But it will still function, even if half of the network is destroyed, just like Internet itself.

So, HOW are you going to fight it? In the world of money and 'survival' you can not trust even in purely creative areas, such as music, arts and even science, just like with Benya. Because in order to 'make more money' or to 'survive', they will be exaggerating the meaning and significance and adding all sorts of artificial embellishments into otherwise potentially creative work. If you look at the 'modern' music, arts and science, you will mostly find the pure grade hype and even utmost evil. Because it is done by those, who are either concerned with 'survival' or are interested in magnifying their own significance, if not craving for promotion of the outright evil, for their own interests, just as the 'negative approach' of Lucifer states, not even mentioning the so-called 'Orion Group' and the issues of takeover of this planet by the 'dark side' and its innumerable agents and puppets of all kinds you see in the so-called governments, media, the so-called international organizations and so on. And if even the arts and science have been corrupted, pretty much to the bone and marrow, then what do you expect to achieve at the end, but not the utmost lies, perversions, deceit, manipulation, just to 'gain' something for oneself without any concern for others or 'us' as a whole?

Moreover, the modern so-called science is basically the system of utter delusion. Most of it could hardly be even called science, first of all, because of the total distortion of the so-called 'materialistic model' and so-called 'objective reality', which is UTTER myth.

Because whatever you look for has to be inevitably and unquestionably 'verified' by the MATERIALISTIC means and methods. But those are some of the grossest illusions and distortions. The 'matter' does NOT 'rule', as commonly believed.

Even in Yoga and Easter systems of thought, such as Tao or Zen, it is one of the most fundamental principles. Matter or Tamas, as it is known from Gunas, is considered to be the grossest and utterly unconscious state of Being, which is not quite correct because of the very concept of matter. But, nevertheless, 'matter' is considered to be the grossest and the most unconscious state of Being and Intelligence, necessary to obtain and experience the initial states of self-awareness. And yet, it 'rules' even in the so-called science. The concept of 'matter' is, therefore, 'supreme', which is utter and complete absurd and even a delusion, and of the most profound kind.

Because matter is a 'medium', a vastly slowed down energy, like a bullet, filmed with a high speed camera allowing one to see it, with the help of which, nevertheless, the CONSCIOUSNESS and AWARENESS may grow, and it is available in form of something rigid or tangible only on the lowest 'densities' of Being. It is a profound 'distortion' of that which is known as the Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence.

Yes, necessary indeed, as via 'matter' you are able to experience the initial and quite primitive manifestations of consciousness or awareness. But a 'matter', as such, does not 'rule' anything, and can not possibly be defined as the highest measure of validity of ANYTHING whatsoever. It is just the other way around. And it is precisely this grossest distortion of 'materialism' and 'objective reality', that has been elevated above all, is 'the cause of all calamities' on this planet. Matter is probably one of the most unreal concepts there are. Even physicists know it and that is precisely how the quantum physics was born. Because matter is nothing more than the energy at a particular 'state' or 'rotational speed' of photons.

It is basically, the Light, slowed down to the grossest level where processes are so slow that they APPEAR to be something 'tangible'. Yes, it is difficult, if not nearly impossible to talk about it here and there are things one must study on his own.

But, nevertheless, matter, as we know it, is nothing but a lie, and a DELIBERATE lie, just to remove the very possibility of some 'higher' states of CONSCIOUSNESS and to convert the existence and Intelligence into a conglomeration and interaction of some primitive, mechanistic objects, that are, nevertheless, considered to be 'the only thing that is real'. And that is precisely why you see these robots everywhere nowadays, presented as some kind of 'bright future of humanity' that will invitably bring all sorts of 'benefits', at least as far as greed of the material world goes.

Furthermore, the politicians, as such, are mostly totally uncreative liars and fabricators, forever giving you the promises of some undefined and amorphous 'bright future', while not meaning a word of it. Very few of them have the necessary background and technical skills and enough talent to solve ANY problems. Because, in the 'higher education' institutions, they are mostly taught to argue, manipulate, lie better than others and to memorize mountains of tricks of manipulation, exploitation and 'gain'. The creativity requires courage and risk, vision and trust that Intelligence and Life do 'make sense', in order to really improve upon things.

So, there is plenty that could be done, and pretty much nearly instantly and without much fuss. WHO is going to object these things and on what grounds the 'secrecy rules' the affairs of the world? Sure, there is plenty to be done and not everything is as simple, as it might look 'on paper'. But what options or alternatives do you have? • There is another question to consider: Where is the guarantee that all those quite wild stories of Benya are nothing more than a trick to keep the people totally inactive in hope that some 'noble knight on a white horse' will do THEIR work for them and will 'save them' from the all-pervading evil, which they themselves have allowed and even supported, at least in some cases and to some degree, purely out of their blindness and utter absence of care for each other and even Life as such? Why and how could 'the evil rule' if you CARE, and not only about the ways and means to stuff your own bellies, but for the Life as such? Yes, it is true that the machine of mass zombification and robotization of mankind is immensely powerful and totally controlled by the forces of evil.

Yes, it is true that Truth has been heavily suppressed and any 'dangerous' information has been either destroyed or perverted. The Truth is not for sale. It can not be bought, no matter how much money you throw at it and how much 'power' and 'influence' you have and how much blood you had to spill in your never ending thirst for 'dust, falling into dust'. This is the word from the spheres beyond visible. What are the the issues related to posting Benya's reports as soon as they come out?

'bleeding heart' defends Benya and his noble efforts After reading the ugly guilt manipulation and threatening message of Benya, which is quite a piece of 'art' in terms of manipulation, we have also been contacted by one of those 'bleeding heart' kind of guys, which, on the surface, was appealing to our 'humaneness' and 'give him a break, he is just human'. On the top of it, this individual had even guts to end his message with '.but remember one thing - don't lie to yourself-'. And this response is made not necessarily to him, but to all those of his kind, and largely because of that last statement of his, that has a profound significance, at least when told by someone who can SEE. Except that we are aware of a different version of it: 'You can lie to others, but you can't lie to yourself'. So, here is his message. I like getting Bens reports on a monday for free even if they can be fanciful sometimes but look, he does deserve to earn a living and I'm sure he is not getting rich of his reports.

You can quote the law over and over all you want and there are probably dozens of loopholes but human being to human being, Ben deserves some reward for his reports and you know that. Just like you deserve energy returned to you for what you do. Posting 3 days later is not exactly Naiz - you you fucking can't post at all and I think it's pretty fair. Then again you play it the way you want to but remember one thing - don't lie to yourself-“ The first thing to mention in response is 'I like getting Bens reports on a monday for free'. But the question is WHY do you STILL like to get them for free, and, therefore, would rather not pay even though you obviously find them of some value to you? Would you also like to get some food from the supermarket for free? You see, this simply indicates your deepermost disrespect for creativity.

Even to conceive the idea 'I like getting Bens reports. For free', you, thus, insult YOURSELF and any and all further mind manipulation tricks to justify some things are simply said by the man who does not have the respect for Creativity. How can such an idea of 'getting something for free' even arise in the mind of a honest human being that appreciates Life and Creativity when he is getting something of value, which is a fruit of creation of someone else?

As to 'but look, he does deserve to earn a living', the answer is simple: then let him go out into the world and EARN it in a honest way instead of selling all sorts of utterly unverifiable myths and tales to the 'clueless'. How one must feel telling all sorts of things to others while, at the same time, knowing full well that very little of it is verifiable and much, if not most of it, is nothing more than wishful thinking projections, at best? As to 'I'm sure he is not getting rich of his reports', the response is simple: are you SURE, SURE that you are 'sure'? Do you have any supporting evidence of your 'sure'?

How could you possibly know? You see, the very fact that he can afford to go on some vacation, right in the middle of the battle against the evil, as he claims, means what? And where does he get the money for all his trips to the Vatican, Rome, to see David Rockefeller and all sorts of other 'influential' individuals? Just his travel expenses alone might turn out to be more than any 'ordinary' human being, 'just making a buck', can afford.

And what does 'getting rich' have to do with Truth and his alleged efforts to fight evil? As to 'You can quote the law over and over all you want and there are probably dozens of loopholes but human being to human being, Ben deserves some reward for his reports and you know that', our response is simple enough: The thing is that is precisely Benya, who brought this court argument, and that IS his 'main point' - You ARE breaking the law! And his very 'message' ends precisely with a threat of a legal nature. As to whether 'Ben deserves some reward for his reports', what if it turns out that he 'deserves' a PUNISHMENT, and not a compliment? And the consequences of deluding people and creating all sorts of false pictures in their minds, while presenting it all as some kind of REALITY of how it REALLY is, are quite severe.

It is one thing to be deluded in one's own mind, because one bears the consequences of his own actions. But deluding the people and thus 'lead them astray' is something utterly different and the consequences are much more severe for doing so. Furthermore, his disclaimer note, where he releases himself from any responsibility for the information he provides, changes nothing as far as the consequences go. As to 'Just like you deserve energy returned to you for what you do', to tell you the truth, the very word 'deserve' does not even appear on our radar screen as far as the results of work we do.

We do not do it just to get some praises or adoration. We do it because we have CHOSEN to do it, REGARDLESS of whether we even receive a single 'thank you' from anyone, even though, yes, it is certainly a great feeling within when someone appreciates the fruits of your labor, and primarily because it means they have SEEN something, and not that they admit that we are 'great'. We are what we are.

And we do what we do not because of any kinds of 'rewards' that could be measured in material 'values' or ego gratification procedures. But because it simply MUST be done in our opinion, and that does not imply that our opinion is 'right'.

But we DO see the fruits indeed and that means to us that one more human Soul has awakened to Truth and reality of it. What a blessing! What a grace! We can only say 'thank you', oh that Power that had found a way to use the fruits of our labor to awaken one more Soul on this planet. We need no other 'rewards'. The very Joy and a smile and peace in our Souls is about the highest 'reward' we can even imagine.

Furthermore, we have not received a penny for all the work we have done, and have NEVER even asked for a penny. The very idea is simply not of our concern. We DO receive all the Grace and all the daily necessities, that are of the most simple kind, on the par with a poor man.

But that is ALL we need. We need nothing 'extra', nothing 'special', nothing 'extraordinary, beyond being able to SEE some aspects of Truth and appreciate some principles of the Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence, ALL-pervading and ALL-encompassing. And finally, as to 'Then again you play it the way you want to but remember one thing - don't lie to yourself -', yes, this is EXACTLY true, and that is one of the most significant things in this entire chapter. But do you REALLY realize what you have just said and even begin to comprehend the consequences of it in relation to YOURSELF, and not others? Do you REALLY understand WHY you can not lie to yourself and what does it mean to lie to yourself? If you don't mind, let us tell you what it means to US. It means that deep inside of you you know and see things in a particular way, which constitute your deepermost understanding and beliefs.

But on the surface, when you relate to others, you are saying things that are different from what you yourself believe in the depths of your being. Now, as far as WE are concerned, what do you know and can possibly know about our deepermost 'secrets' and beliefs and opinions? And, in order to accuse us of lying to ourselves, you at least need to state what ARE those lies or the moments where you think what we say is not what we deeply understand? Let me repeat one more time: there are some consequences to your accusations, and those consequences are for YOU yourself. Who knows, may be one day, you might discover that the left part of your mouth is not saying the same thing as the right part, not even mentioning that, which lays deep within you, and that is quite a discovery. Here's the hint for you that has a potential to open up some doors: 'I like getting Bens reports on a monday for free'. Our suggestion is: look at it as deeply as you can manage.

Walk with this idea morning to night. Who knows what might happen. What shall we do about publishing the information on Benya's reports Well, one thing is certain, Benya seems to be really interested to get our attention with his guilt projection and fear instillation tricks. After we have been contacted by one individual and looked at Benya's threats, the initial feeling was of utter disgust, to the point that one has an urge to vomit, so sick and perverted the whole thing seemed to us at the time. The feeling was: why should we even bother with all these schemes and look at all this complicated mess and manipulations while people are simply asleep?

Why should we even argue about the authors? We either carry them or we don't. We have never argued with any author, at least about the issues of publication. This, by itself, looks like something on the par with insane. One of this author's friends told him once: 'Why do you even bother trying to help these people? They get what they deserve'.

Well, certainly, he has a point, and a big one at that. Basically, I do it because I simply can not do otherwise, and it isn't even some moral or ethical consideration. For one thing, despite all the idiocy I have seen, I simply do not believe that people are as dumb as they pretend to be.

Basically, the problem of blindness is not a result of some inherent inability of people to SEE. It is their REFUSAL to even look. It is their deep fear that if they even look at something honestly and sincerely, then, somehow, the entire structure of their belief system of myths of all kinds will simply collapse. So, they PRETEND that they do not see while deep inside refusing to even look. On the other hand, even if a few people will be able to see as a result of what we do, then it is worth to us more than can be imagined by many. Some say: even if a single Soul has awakened, that is a great blessing in itself. Because every single individual whose eyes open becomes like a spark that can fire up many things.

About degeneracy, 'power complex' and megalomania The other pretty ugly part of his threats and all the negative energy projected by the 'bleeding hearts' and other members of his 'elite club' of 'the chosen few', who have the financial and technical abilities to pay for his reports, is that he begins to dictate some 'rules' to nothing less than Creativity and Truth, and that is not such a good idea, and it has some consequences, some of which Benya can not even begin to comprehend it seems. At the roots of it lay a pretty ordinary megalomania and narcissism.

Usually, it is tightly coupled with what is known as degeneracy in medical terms. Degeneracy, is tightly coupled with psychiatric disorders, when one somehow 'looses it' and begins to confuse the real and unreal and takes purely imagined and at times quite 'twisted' or 'stretched' and distorted versions as something ultimately real. Degeneracy, in turn, begins with sexual perversions, which Gregory Klimov calls 'the first bell of nature', just as Benya himself had reported having the 'unusual sex' with one lady. The roots of sexual perversions lay in dullness and denial, thus, insatiable desire for more and more sex.

Eventually, it becomes dull and one no longer experiences the orgasmic culmination during the plain ordinary intercourse. So, 'naturally', they begin to stretch the limits of what is sex. Thus, sex becomes perverted. Initially, it could be the same sex partners, and then, as it 'grows', it becomes sadism and eventually sadomasochism, and masochism is the worst and most vicious form of sadism.

If one does not pay attention to this sickness, then 'the second bell of nature' comes in form of mental diseases, and if one keeps denying this sickness and keeps pushing it further, then 'the third and final bell of nature' comes in form of birth defects. Birth defects mean that the Nature simply terminates this particular branch on the tree and this bloodline. From then on, this branch simply withers away and can no longer produce any fruits. Very few degenerates on the third level have either desire or are capable of producing the offspring.

This is how Gregory Klimov, one of the world's foremost experts on degeneracy and Higher Sociology, presents the entire process and the roots of it. But this has to be studied and the results will be simply shocking to most.

You can review an interview with Gregory Klimov that outlines the most essential things as far as degeneracy and 'the power complex' go. It is not an exhaustive coverage of all the issues involved, but, nevertheless, it might shock your minds if you even begin to comprehend the significance of it and the impact they have on everyone on this planet. Degenerates Rule The World! (Interview with Gregory Klimov about 'the power complex' and stages, symptoms and expressions of degeneracy) Unfortunately, Gregory Klimov is one of the most taboo authors you can find. Out of his 7 books only one has been translated into English.

See: by Gregory Klimov The utterly secret field of Higher Sociology discloses the very roots and mechanisms of that which Benya attempts to deal with. In particular, the concept of 'the power complex' or insatiable desire to 'rule' others and impose ones own will upon them is covered in the most profound detail. So, all these 'demons' Benya is trying to 'fight', at least as he presents it, and their very motivations can be understood only if you are aware of the deepermost details and the very core of their twisted belief system. Benya, with all due respect for his work, and some of it is quite insightful, does not seem to have the real grasp on the underlying issues, nor he has those necessary keys that 'open the doors' to this most profound riddle in the entire history of this planet.

Yes, he does know some things and has some intuitive grasp of it, and probably more than many others, but still he looks like one of those 'blind ones', groping in the darkness of evil without having the sufficiently solid base to stand upon, and it's been said: the house, built on a rock will stand, but the house built on sand will collapse as soon as rains and winds come in. And, to our opinion, Benya's 'house' is precisely built on sand. Simple as that.

Yes, he waves his hands a lot and shouts all sorts of slogans and makes all sorts of proclamations and even 'prophecies' of sorts. But most of it is nothing more than 'a tale, told by an idiot, full of fury, signifying nothing'. In order to 'fight the evil' you need to SEE it, to SEE its very roots and foundation, to see and understand its 'operating principles' and the entire system of belief, and, probably most importantly, to see that hand, which rules it all in this grand puppet theater. To SEE, and not to THINK that you see. That is the difference between the 'heaven' and the 'hell'. Else, one is simply doomed in face of the most powerful forces in the entire history of mankind.

Yes, one can see some puppets indeed. But unless one can see the puppet master and understand his very roots and underlying ideology and its 'goals', one has virtually no chance to 'win' this battle.

Simple as that. Now, these are the very roots of what is known as evil.

Eventually, these people get so confused that they begin to imagine that they can set some 'rules' to anything they want. Because, deep inside, they are the followers of what is known as 'negative approach to development of Intelligence'. The essence of the 'negative approach' is self-serving and totally ignoring the needs and interests of others.

And that is precisely why one 'looses it' in the most profound terms and even begins to set some 'rules' to anything he pleases, not even realizing that some things are simply beyond his control, regardless of what he thinks or does. And the indication of the fact that they did indeed 'loose it' is the fact that they begin to set some rules even to some of the highest principles of the Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence, such as Creativity, going to the point of delusion where they even begin to set some 'rules' to nothing else that Truth and place some conditions on it. At that point, it becomes basically 'a mental department level', meaning they have lost the most fundamental guideposts on their way. One needs to open up a bit and realize ones own relative significance 'in the scheme of things', and that is development of Intelligence, and place oneself into a proper perspective, simply by realizing that one is NOT 'the greatest thing or entity ever known to mankind'. In could be just the other way around in at least some aspects.

And that is precisely why it was said: All that you think is great treasures you have in your hands, that you have managed to grab, is dust and nothing but the dust. Now, back to original subject. First of all, we have no interest in being the only ones that make his reports available to the whole world without any artificial delays or strings attached, even though we disagree, and for fundamental reasons, with the idea of not providing the information openly and unconditionally.

We are not quite interested to play the role of Jesus Christ in the game of 'saving the world'. That is not the role we chose to play. It is our opinion that Humanity can not be 'saved' by some 'noble knights on the white horse'. Humanity needs 'saving' itself, or, more precisely, to drastically increase the degree of awareness of every individual, and that happens purely on individual level, upon ones own individual initiative, desire and interest to do so.

It can not be imposed from the outside, even though plenty of assistance is available upon 'calling', which is already happening as we speak. It won't work, it never worked and it can not possibly work. Because if one refuses to SEE, just as been said in the New Testament, for example, then he will remain blind and will not learn anything he is not interested in learning. Learning and 'SEEING' is a result of internal desire to do so in order to progress or refine the level of ones own consciousness and come to the point where one can 'SEE', at least the most essential things. Simple as that. Secondly, in all the years we have been operating our sites, not a single author had ever placed ANY conditions regarding his work, as to how and why and in which form we chose to publish it. We publish things in a particular visual format to facilitate the clarity and simplicity of perception and to allow one to process and digest massive amounts of information.

No fancy pictures, no bells and whistles, to make sure there are no hindrances and distractions of any kind. And, nevertheless, if anything, we have seen quite some compliments by some of the REAL researchers and of the world caliber that indicate to us that they do find this work of value, to the point that some of them even begin to promote it, and not necessarily for the purposeful promotion. Thirdly, fortunately or unfortunately, there is quite a few pretty subtle and yet far reaching things said in his reports and for the purposes yet to be determined, that might have a pretty significant impact in terms of distortions of all kinds. Now, there are many people who still did not study these subjects of evil to the extent that is necessary for them to SEE the whole picture. And, knowingly or unknowingly, whatever Benya says may have quite some consequences as far as their understanding, distortions of all kinds, and further probable actions go. So, if there is ANY chance that we might help to unscramble, comprehend or even understand some of those quite subtle things, that might not be noticed by those, who did not do enough study of it, then that is what we will try to do. Whether we are 'right' or 'wrong' or our interpretations are 'correct', let the people decide for themselves.

But at least they have a chance to look at it all from a different perspective, and we do not usually comment on those things, where we do not have a sufficient or necessary competence or a certain degree of seeing the essence of it. And, from our own view, we have seen PLENTY of information in his reports that is essentially DIS-information, at least for all those, who did sufficient amount of studying, not that we are trying to accuse him here in CONSCIOUSLY propagating the lies and fabrications. At least some of it, and quite conceivably, might be done without him even being aware of it and the consequences that it might have. We chose not to comment previously on all those questionable things that we found in his reports, some of which could be considered the deliberate perversions, at least if done with 'bad intent'. Whether it is so, 'time will tell', and it will, definitely so. But, in light of this all, we started considering our options as to how to handle Benya's reports and his demands, and there are few of those options available indeed.

And the 'problem' we have is that these reports need to be addressed simply because he has too wide of a following and too much of an impact, at least on the minds of not very competent people, who did not study the issues deep enough to even begin to comprehend what we are dealing with here. Unfortunately, most of the options we have involve some additional work on our part and treatment of his information differently from how we treat and handle all other information on our sites, and that might cost something not only to us, but to him as well. So, the fist option we have, is to say: OK, dear Benya, we will honor your quite unusual request to delay the publication of information. Yes, we do not like the very idea of a 'special treatment' to any information or authors on our sites.

Our hands are full as is. We do not need any additional load and extra work to be done just because of some Benya with questionable reputation and all sorts of unverifiable information he constantly publishes. This implies that instead of publishing his reports as soon as we have a chance to see them, we will honor his request and, instead of publishing his reports in full, which, among other things, is necessary for historical reference purposes, we might instead publish the digests of his reports and delay the publication of full versions for three days as he requested.

And we warn Benya that this is probably the worst thing he could even imagine for himself. Simply because we may attempt to expose 'the real meaning' and some of those nasty hidden aspects, as we perceive it, of what he says and let everyone have a look at even those things that we have chosen not to comment on previously for various reasons. Yes, 'expose the real meaning' does not mean some 'revelations' of absolute and undeniable essence of it, but simply means in OUR opinion.

We make no big claims as to the guarantees of validity of what and how we see things. To different people, the 'real meaning' might be quite different, but that is 'the nature of things'.

Fundamentally, the 'hidden meaning' is available only on the highest levels of Intelligence, even though some things are available to anyone upon sincere asking and honest intent, or what is known as 'calling'. In our understanding, the sincere 'calling' may be answered by the higher levels, but only if it does not interfere with the individual's own free will and free choice. Simply telling you some 'answer', without your own sincere investigation and desire to know, is not likely to change the degree of your awareness, knowing or, rather, SEEING. Yes, it is quite a bit of additional work that we might have to do with this approach, and this is not exactly the kind of work we would otherwise chose to do, being as busy as we are with what we already have on our hands. But what to do, especially in the situation where you might be left as one of the very few in the entire world who has guts to publish his reports as soon as they come out and facing the consequences of 'explaining yourself'? One more aspect of Benya's reports is the fact that they might be of interest to some REAL information warfare fighters, or 'the messengers of Truth' as they are known to some.

Now, one of the principles of the information warfare, especially when you fight no one less but evil all-pervading, is that you can not dictate ANYTHING to those, who have chosen to fight. They are not bound to honor ANY requests of ANY kind and they submit to no one. Because they are fighting, or, more precisely, STAND for, nothing less than Truth and they are responsible to only the highest levels of Intelligence and Life force as such.

And, at least some of them, fully realize that they stake nothing less than their own Lives in this standoff with the evil most profound. So, there is no one in this world who can dictate anything to them. They are willing to pay whatever price there is, even if they make some 'mistakes' that are inevitable in pretty much anything anyone does or thinks. And their fight is not meant to cause some chaos and violence of all kinds.

Just the other way around, it is to try all they can to bring as many people 'to their senses' and WAKE UP finally. This is a battle for CONSCIOUSNESS and AWARENESS for a single purpose: to provide ALL the people ALL the information available or conceivable, so that their EYES would have at least a chance to open.

Yes, no one can force SEEING on anyone else, and even if they try to, it will most likely be violence against the will of those, who are 'blind' at the moment. Because the real reasons they are 'blind' is because they are not READY to see anything beyond what they already know, or, more precisely, programmed with. Krishnamurti during one of his interviews has told a reporter asking him all sorts of utterly meaningless and even foolish things. 'When you are asking something, you are NOT asking because you WANT to know something new.

You asking for that, which can support that, which you ALREADY know'. And that is quite an insight.

Just observe yourselves and see the REAL reasons for you to ask something of someone. Are you asking because you are really interested to know something that is different from what you already know? Or just to support that, which you already know? Because knowledge of something genuinely new for you is that, which endangers your 'same old, same old'. In new, you have no guarantee that your 'same old' will remain safe and your ego and 'self-image' are not challenged. So, this war is not a war of violence and destruction or some grandiose images of ego gratification.

One thing we know with certainty is that PLENTY of people would prefer to get Benya's reports 'as soon as they come out of the oven', without any strings attached and without being identified. So, why is he trying to twist their arms and submit to his 'rules'? What 'rules'?

Is he some kind of a king or emperor to create ANY kind of 'rules' to nothing less than Truth itself? Safety and security aspects. It is at least conceivable that the reason why Benya so insists on people registering with him in order to have unhindered and immediate access to information has NOTHING to do with money. But it might be done simply for the purposes of identification of 'undesirables'. Some people already know that there exists 3 lists in the NWO scheme.

The 'red list' is the list of either 'dissidents' or otherwise 'undesirables' or 'potential troublemakers' Those, who get on the 'red list' are to be exterminated first. There are over 100 FEMA concentration camps already built in the USA alone and there are hundreds of thousands of caskets already manufactured to store at least 3 bodies in each one. At the point of 'trigger event', those people are to be immediately arrested, without any court decisions, and are to be transported into the concentration camps with efficient gas and body burning chambers and so on. At this junction, this 'trigger event' may happen ANY moment.

ALL the necessary executive directives to bypass the law and the constitution have already been signed by the presidents Bush and Obama, just as described, for example, by Alex Jones and few others. How many of you are aware of the 'Project Endgame', secretly signed by Obama a few years ago?

Here is a little quote on that. Project ENDGAME - Global extermination 'A stunning Russian Foreign Ministry report is stating today that the President Obama has secretly ordered the 'immediate' opening of America's vast gulag of concentration camps, built since 2001 and estimated able to hold a further 1 million of their citizens, which is aside from the 2.3 million currently imprisoned in what has become the World's largest Prison Nation in all of history, in what they are calling Project ENDGAME'. February 24 2009 Do a search on 'Project ENDGAME' (enclosed in quotation marks) and see what you can find. Now, how much certainty can you possibly have that this very Benya is not going to provide the ID information about you if he is either bribed or threatened? All this means is that about the worst idea the real worrier might imagine is to register and thus expose the exact information about himself to anyone. Most of the information worriers even know that participating in any kind of 'social media' schemes is the easiest and surest way to get on the 'red list', not even mentioning the fact that their entire brain contents becomes totally open to the powers of evil that control and own all these so-called 'social media' outlets. One must be a hopeless fool to doubt that these outlets will provide ANY and FULL information on them, including every single post they have made or read and every single email they have ever sent of received, which means what in your opinion?

There is also a substantial class of worriers who simply can not obtain any reports on the paying basis, even if they wanted to, and for numerous reasons. It is our opinion that no person, regardless of where he lives on this planet, how much income or equipment does he have, should be deprived of ANY information about the evil or anything else for that matter and without any delays regardless of anything.

Even if Benya's reports are largely fakes and fabrications of wishful thinking, at best, one still should have the ability to access them unconditionally. And not to worry, our humble friends, the Creativity and Truth WILL find a way to make sure you have ALL you need and without any conditions whatsoever. For example, some people are willing and have the abilities to provide any additional information even if it is not available on the sites. At this junction there exists a mechanism of getting the extended version of the site and the entire collection of information via BTSync program.

This means that if someone is interested in Benya's information, but is not able or willing to either pay or be identified, then install the BTSync program and create a folder for extended real-time collection. See further instruction here: Revelations, Prophecies, wishful thinking or disinformation? In light of Benya's legal threats regarding the release of his information without delays and no string attached, let us look at what is he charging money for in his alleged 'fight to save the world'. Who knows, some people might even start asking the questions of a kind: 'But WHAT am I paying the money for?

Am I just a fool, ready to swallow 'hook, line and sinker' anything that some 'authority' throws me?' How can I verify that it is reality and not just a fiction?'

'How do I know that this big mouth Benya is anything more than a plain ordinary con-artist, if not worse than that?' Netanyahu and other senior nazionists to be arrested soon July 21, 2014 'The arrest of nazionist mass murderers like George Bush Jr. And Benjamin Netanyahu and their fellow cabalists is imminent, according to Mossad and other sources'.

Mind you, that was said more than a year ago, on July 21, 2014. Furthermore, the 'sources' are nothing less than Mossad. And if Mossad does not know what is going on 'under the hood' then who would know better? Have any of you heard even of traces of Netanyahu and other ZioNazis being arrested or even condemned even after a year since these 'revelations'? So, how many years and generations will it take before these 'prophecies' are going to materialize in reality? Japan’s Abe may be arrested at Davos, Switzerland for role in Aum terrorist attacks Jan 14 2014 'During the last week various intelligence agencies have forwarded evidence to the White Dragon Society showing that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan was deeply involved in the Aum Shinrikyo subway sarin gas attack terror cult.

For this reason, the possibility is growing that Abe will be arrested on terror charges when he goes to Davos, Switzerland for the Cabal meeting starting there on January 21, the sources in Chinese, British, Japanese and American intelligence agencies say.' Was he in fact arrested and have you heard even any mentioning of his arrest anywhere? Yes, Benya is careful enough not to say he WILL be arrested, but then what is that 'evidence' that was 'forwarded' to WDS from VARIOUS intelligence agencies and where do these agencies reside outside of Benya's head? How does one know that these 'intelligence agencies' and their 'evidence' is anything more than Benya's inventions and/or disinformation bluff, just to blow his significance? Just imagine the following scenario if you wish.

You simply call Benya and tell him that you are an agent of such and such intelligence agency and you have the information he might be interested in. The thing is, there is no way for Benya to know if you are real or not. Because it is clear to both of you that you can not identify yourself or disclose your code name. So, it is foolish for him to even ask you to identify yourself, even if he uses some secondary means. Then you tell Benya anything you wish or find something really noteworthy published somewhere and you tell Benya that YOU are the actual 'source'. Now, what do you expect to happen as a result if not Benya publishing your utter disinformation garbage claiming 'according to our 'source' in such and such intelligence agency, we can tell you this: 'blah, blah, blah'. And what are the readers to do but to swallow it 'hook, line and sinker' and fall on their sorry 'rear end' and say 'wow, look at this one'.

Moreover, some of them, including his quite extensive 'support group' will be foolish enough to even begin thanking him and praising him for such 'deep insights', like some Prophet. And ALL of it means what in reality?

Just ask yourself a simple question 'but how can I VERIFY ANY of it and how do I know that all of it is anything but a little tiny piece of a chicken manure'? Or ask yourself the question 'did Benya actually try to VERIFY any of it before he actually published all these concoctions', just as any half decent reporter is expected to do in a similar situation, at least if he is not much excited by the idea of loosing his reputation of being a reputable reporter? It is much easier for a reporter to loose his reputation than to gain it and once he is caught lying, that's the end of him. He may as well 'go get a job at some fast food outlet' because no one in his clear mind will ever believe a word of his from then on. There is another question here: don't these 'intelligence agencies' simply have Benya as a laughing stock for entertainment and are rolling on the floor seeing this utter garbage and disinformation published by the 'bleeding heart' Benya, pretending to be 'fighting to save the world', as some grand story of profound significance? Isn't this not even laughable, but simply pathetic?

How can possibly anyone in his clear mind classify all this grand bluff as anything but disinformation 'to lead the herd by their noses to the pit'? Allegedly, these 'intelligence agencies' have even provided the EVIDENCE, and both, Benya and great so called WDS seem to have simply swallowed it all, 'hook, line and sinker', without even trying to verify any of it before they open their mouth in public via their mouthpiece Benya with all these grandiose claims? In that case, there is question to be asked: If nothing happens even in case where some evidence exists, then what does it all mean?

Alternatively, what kind of 'evidence' they have and what does it mean the 'evidence' in principle? Is it merely a balloon that you can blow up to the size of a jumbo jet? It seems that if any evidence to such horrific crimes does actually exist, then a court simply MUST arrest the criminals and of such a grand magnitude.

All that is needed is to file a court complaint and provide that evidence. Are we missing something here? Yes, understood, the legal issues get complicated in a hurry and we can not possibly know what any court will actually decide to do, especially if that court is corrupt. For example, Benya talks, for years on, about some 'negotiations of surrender' with ZioNazi satanists. It seems that in that case the only thing of concern to them is to negotiate a better 'deal' for them in light of their certain failure. But what we see in the world instead is pumping up the violence, including the ZioNazi 'revolution' in Ukraine to establish the 'New Khazaria' on their 'ancestral' lands that historically and undeniably belong and are the motherland of Russians and other native people. And what we do actually see instead is TOTAL support of even the utmost lies and perversions of satanic grade?

So, what does it tell you? Doesn't it imply that the very idea of ANY 'surrender' is about the last thing in their minds?

In fact, it is highly doubtful that such an idea as surrender can even arise in their minds, filled with evil to the brim, and historical events show it in no uncertain terms. What we can also see is that the so-called governments throughout the world keep passing new and new 'laws' to totally shut the mouths of anyone who opposes their servitude to the satanic system of evil.

And we can see more and more violence throughout the world and even the attempts to continue the ancient ZioNazi plans to wipe out the white race from the face of this planet. For example, massive influx of migrants to Europe, which Benya interprets as an attempt to unite Christianity and Islam, which is simply an absurd, may in fact turn out to be a totally different scheme, and that is to destroy the white race via massive influx of colored people, which, eventually and inevitably, will cause of intermixing their blood pools and, therefore, will destroy the purity of their races. It is well known, even from the 'scriptures', that the white race, and especially the Slavs, and even more so, the Christians, not even mentioning Jesus, are the worst 'enemies' of ZioNazi satanists. And there is plenty of evidence of it and specific quotes by the highest level 'authorities', religious or otherwise. It is even described in several speeches of the ZioNazi moshiach (false 'messiah') of 'Chabad mafia', Menachem Mendel Schneerson, and other rabbis of world fame.

Slavs, and among them Russians is the most unruly people in the world. They are defiant because of the composition of their mental and psychic abilities inherent in many generations of ancestral genes that are not subject to reconstruction.

Slavs or Russians can be eradicated, but not conquered. That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and, first of all, a sharp reduction in their numbers. -- Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe. It is worth looking at that entire page as it contains plenty more quotes by all sorts of 'authorities'. Is it something even conceivable in light of these alleged 'negotiations of surrender'?

Have you ever heard of such a thing in the entire history of mankind? How can the party that has been defeated and that is why it is engaged in the surrender negotiations, still attack, and not to merely attack, but to even pump up the attacks even more? Then WHO is 'surrendering' to whom here? Yes, sure, if you ask Benya and his kind, they will immediately invent some 'explanation', such as 'well, they are simply trying to negotiate a better deal doing all this violence and raising the stakes', and that is precisely one of the reasons why it is merely foolish to even conceive of an idea of 'negotiating' with a loosing party. For example, what kind of negotiations where there with Germans after the WWI and WWII? Did 'civilized' world even negotiate anything with Germans who were trapped into WWI and WWII by the same ZioNazis beyond the amounts and time scale they'd have to pay? And German people did pay such huge amounts and for generations that it is simply baffling to see them recover, and not merely recover, but even become one of the most powerful economies of the 'free world'.

Interestingly enough, Adolph Hitler at the very end realized that he was merely trapped with Russia and he left a note describing it before he went to 'better places'. And you can find some other similar 'explanations' indeed. In that case, about ALL you have to do is to simply 'take out' a few heads at the very top of the pyramid and see what happens. Most likely, they'll get more talkative in a hurry. Don't these 'secret societies' have an army of assassins and Ninjas of all kinds? So, what is the problem here, really?

About the only ones that might be difficult to get are the Rothschilds and Kuhns and the 'top level' of the pyramid of evil. Simply because they live in palaces and there are dozens of underground tunnels from their places to the outside world. So, try to 'get' them. But there are ways to 'take out' even those, just as history shows. Probably the easiest way to do it is to use their own servants and closest associates and even their own agents. Giving enough money, they will even sell their own mothers.

If you are aware of the Harvard Project, which had to do with exactly these issues of 'taking out' and concurring the states via mechanisms of corruptions, it will be not that difficult to figure out the details of how to do such things. It isn't even as complicated as it might look initially and that is precisely why many 'great' warriors and 'rulers' of all kinds were killed, poisoned and you name it, throughout history. Very few of them survived and died of natural causes. And you tell them this: every single day they postpone their final surrender, several of them will be exterminated, without any court proceedings, but by mere implication that they do indeed serve the biggest evil on this planet, beyond any doubt. After all, the USA stated numerous times that they will find and destroy any 'terrorists' or 'enemies of the state' anywhere in the world and any time they want. The precedent is undoubtedly there. And you can also simply declare it as 'extraordinary circumstances where 'democratic values' of 'civilized world' are endangered'.

Simple as that. The US performs the remote killings from the drones on nearly daily basis worldwide and then claim they have killed the 'terrorists' or 'terrorist suspects'. And we are dealing here not with mere terrorists, but with the worst criminals and mass murderers in the entire history.

So, what is the problem here? Just ask Benya, he will give you the list of those, who can be executed without even winking an eye. In days, you will have their signatures and they'll start singing like singing birds 'negotiating out' their former cohorts, even though their signature means nothing, literally, at least if one knows their Kol Nidre prayer and realizes what it is to full extent. So, who is lying and/or fabricating here and who is putting whom up, while rolling on the floor seeing all these lowest grade disinformation reports of pathetic level of authenticity and intellectual honesty? Yes, Benya does publish a few things that can be confirmed to be valid and at times even insightful. But the thing is, nearly all of it is already known or understood by implication by those who studied the issues sufficiently.

Most of it simply follows directly out of mechanisms and methods of enslavement of mankind. In fact, people might even wait for his reports hoping to learn what is really going on in the world. Simply because ALL the mass media is profoundly corrupt.

But what many people may not even pay attention to is that all the events pretty much inevitably follow if you know how the 'system' works. Most of it is simply inevitable, regardless of who and what reports on it. The mechanisms of evil are the same, the goal of concurring the world is as ancient as the world itself. About the only way to know what is really happening in the world is to see the RESULTS and changes occurring, which will inevitably be reported even by the corrupt reporters and journalists once it becomes obvious. So, just watch the events as they unfold and observe the tendencies. If you see your rights are taken away, one by one, what possible 'progress' could be there regardless of what anyone reports on it?

And if you see your rights and freedoms begin to return to you, then what other 'evidence' do you need to see what is in fact going on? All this commotion with Chinese Yuan and moving funds around the world and all these provocations and terrorist acts are nothing more than a part of the scheme. And if you expect that some evil 'queen', all of a sudden, begins to support some 'bright future of mankind' and humanist projects then there must be a purpose for it and that purpose has NOTHING to do with 'saving the world', but to promote the same evil as before. For example, at this particular junction there is massive operation going on according to ancient goal of ZioNazi satanists to wipe out the white race. This is done by all sorts of terrorist acts and all sorts of 'ISIS' schemes in order to create the instability and chaos in the '3rd world', such as African continent.

As a result, we see MASSIVE migration of people to where? Well, to Europe and those places where white race resides.

And it is done in order to dilute the genetic pool of white race via trick of mixing races and blood with dark colored races, which is simply inevitable when people intermingle. And you don't have be a 'genius' to see all that. Because the evidence of it is in nearly every single news report out there.

Yes, they do not report the REAL issues, and instead propose all sorts of scheme to 'contain the problem', which is impossible unless you remove the very underlying reason, which is terror throughout not only Africa, but in other regions as well. Because this is a worldwide campain now. Did this great Benya mention it? Or are we imagining something here? Then what about this? I speak OF THE DEATH OF THE WHITE RACE. The complete removal of all means of reproduction of the so-called Aryan race.

Men, we now control the destiny of this race. It is now time to make sure the White race becomes extinct through miscegenation [incest] and having a virtually zero birth rate. We have all enjoyed the vision repeated all over this world every day of THE LAST WHITE CHILDREN playing with little dark children and knowing that they are being set-up for their eventual destruction. We can ruin THE ANCIENT PURE BLOODLINE OF AN ARYAN CHILD by convincing him or her of the altruism of begetting interracial children. We must expose the race mixing of the urban centers to the suburbs and rural areas of this country. More aggressive programs to integrate these areas are now underway through HUD. It is worth any price to annihilate the next generation of White children.

We want every White father to feel the sting of having their children marry colored mates and produce biracial children. We must use our power to discourage White men and women who still persist in getting together from producing more pure White children. They will be ostracized by not becoming part of the New Society of all races. This will dissuade most of them.

We will deal with the less cooperative goyim [non-jews] by tmurder and imprisonment. Finally, we will SEE THE END OF THIS WHITE RACE. Impressionable White children will have their minds molded into the agents of their own destruction. Already, our efforts have succeeded in making the 'men' of this race grovel at our feet. ZioNazi Quotes categorized Just ask yourself the simple question 'but why do we see such a flood of migrants' all of a sudden? What's 'the end goal' of it and what kind of miracle have caused it.

And that is how you will know what is REALLY happening in the world, even if there is no Benya of 'god chosen kind' to tell it to you. Don't you have your own intelligence to SEE what surrounds you? Or do you think you need some Benya 'to lead you by your nose'? WHERE and HOW, if most of you are simply 'asleep' and do not even bother to appeal to your own Intelligence and 'more subtle levels' of it all? Who knows, may be some 'answers' are long awaiting within your own Self just to be called upon.

Anniversary of 911 comes with no arrests but some untimely deaths September 8, 2014 'There is an anti-cabal revolt brewing in Japan because of the cabal excesses. The Japan Revolutionary Party and the Japan Independence Party will make their move when the timing is right, party sources say. The move will involve arresting the people involved in fraudulently stealing the last general election for Abe. Nazionist agents in Japan like Gerald Curtis, Michael Green and Richard Armitage will also be dealt with, they said.'

The 'anti-cabal revolt' has been 'brewing' for how long now? And when are we going to see that 'timing is right' moment actually manifest? How many more years and generations have to pass for that 'timing' to become 'right'?

If you look, for example, at the ZioNazi coup in Ukraine in 2014, the entire bloody operation to take over the Ukraine took just a few days and a few weeks to initiate the 'election' of a new ZioNazi government to legitimize the results of the coup, throw out from the parliament and persecute the opposition parties and establish a totally fascist ZioNazi regime, which, btw, have exceeded the levels of horrors and even genocide even if compared to Germany of the WWII period. 'Not many Jews like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer'. And this was said by the highest authority in the Masonic world, Alber Pike in his Morals and Dogma. This was also said by madame Blavatsky (Blavatskaya), who created the Theosophical Movement. And this was said by Alister Crawly and a slew of others on the higest level imaginable, including even some rabbis.

Here's quite a book about the opinions of the leading rabbis of the entire world as far as ZioNazis go. In this book, those rabbis bluntly state that Zionism is exactly the satanism and that is precisely its very nature. And we can quote dozens of the most direct statements warning the people about these satanists. And THIS is the REAL information and not the chicken manure Benya feeds you, just 'to take your eyes from the ball' and look the other way.

Compared to the REAL information, all his hand waving and fuming is nothing more than bluff, very little of which is supported by any real evidence of fact. Question: why don't you, people, actually STUDY the issues instead of waiting for some 'quick fix' from some Benya as you weekly meal or 'doze' of what appears to be disinformation rather then information? Have you ever thought that this 'quick fix' may take you to 'hell', instead of 'heaven', where many of you hope to end up, while not moving even a finger to actually do what you can and are capable of in accordance with your creative abilities? So, the question arises: who are those The Japan Revolutionary Party and the Japan Independence Party, 'clueless' to the point that they do not know how to change things within weeks, if not days, and instead, have to wait for the 'right moment'. How does one even define that 'right moment'? And these are just a few visible examples of his 'reporting'.

Basically, you can take nearly every single 'report' of Benya and if you look at it carefully and do not merely accept all his bluff and wild exaggerations on their face value, but ask yourself the simple questions of a kind 'but where is the evidence of it' or 'how do I know he is not merely lying or fabricating' or 'how do I know this is true', then you won't find a single honest report of a real journalist, who respects himself enough not to publish all sorts of wild bluff, outright disinformation while fabricating all sorts of promises of 'bright future' out of thin air. The question arises: Is Benya merely trying to fabricate all sorts of hopes for the fools, who do not have enough guts to stand up to it on their own, and instead are looking for some Benya, WDS or gobbledygook to do it for them, while not even moving a finger themselves to take care of that which is dear to them and Life as such?

Haven't they heard the saying: 'the free cheese can be found only in a mouse trap'? Do they, by ANY chance, think that some Benya, or anyone else for that matter, is going to give them a 'free ride' to some 'paradise' and 'bright future for the mankind'? Interestingly enough, Benya's writings seem to be performed in his 'trademark style'. If you look at some of his reports when he worked for the Forbs magazine, you will find pretty much the same bluff, fabrications and 'making mountains out of the mole hills' out of mere nothing, or some delusions in his twisted mind, filled with ideas of self-significance and delusions of grandeur.

You can give him any subject or article title and he will invent the most complicated and utterly confused pile of 'horseshit', yet sounding so convoluted and so convincing that some people even read that crap, and not only that, but even thank him for his 'great insights' while not even able to verify a thing in it. Basically, most reporters that prostitute themselves for money, do exactly the same thing, and that is magnifying the significance of a small piece of chicken manure to the size of a universe. And they forever have this patholocical attraction to all sorts of complicated notions, phrases and words that have multiple meanings, so that the reader would not be able to 'nail it down' and see clearly what they are trying to say. They wave their hands, nod in approval of themselves, trying to convince everyone that their primitive, if not utterly idiotic lies are indeed some kind of a fact. If you replace their performances with a speech synthesizer and play their 3D models instead of showing them in front of the camera, you are likely to see the entirely different world.

Because they are merely puppets. You can hardly find a single honest and real journalist nowadays, who has enough integrity, insight and intelligence to look at the issues in genuinely inquiring way and to see the difference between the outright lies and manipulations and 'That Which Is', known as Tattvartha Sutra, or definition of Truth in Jain religion of India.

And that is probably why you see all these pictures of Benya with all sorts of 'authorities', 'pissing in his pants' in self pride and smiling with his childish, if not degenerate smile of an orgasm of 'achievement'. Yes, it is beyond any doubt that 'you can lie to others, but you can not lie to yourself', simply because such a thing is impossible. Strangely enough, we are compelled 'to get to the bottom of it' with Benya while intuitively knowing that we are dealing with 'the dark side'. We chose not to deal with it directly, simply because you get sucked-in deeper and deeper with it and there is very little chance that anything will change. Because the evil has no abilities to change, it can only grow, which is the very nature of it.

But we simply can not afford to abandon those naive people who, for whatever reason, did not study the real issues enough and can not quite SEE things clearly with their own eyes. And we know full well, with all sorts of statistical data and evidence, that some people indeed have 'woken up', and that is probably the only thing that keeps us involved with this ego-centric megalomaniac Benya, who, at this time, looks like a 'hopeless case' to us. Because he is not likely to change, nor he is likely to change any of his tricks or his insatiable desire to impress, just to prove something to others and, eventually, to himself, and that is 'Look how great am I. All the intelligence agencies, secret societies and even governments, ruling families and even mafia families are lined up to get in touch with me and tell me all sorts of secrets, forbidden to be known by mere mortals, but not to me, Benya the Great!'

We can pretty much predict one thing: he will keep pumping and pumping and magnifying and enlessly mentioning his own significance 'in the scheme of things' and NOTHING of what he told so far or will tell you in the future will manifest in way that you can verify it. But he will probably manage to keep plenty of 'blind fools' in all sorts of 'hopes for the bright future' and that seems to be precisely his 'job' as ordered by David Rockefeller and 'the banking mafia', who is at each other's throat as we speak.

Simply because according to 'the plan' there is only one of them will be left at the end and he will be pronounced a 'ruler' of this planet, that 'wolf in sheep's clothes', as described in the New Testament. The direct servant of Lucifer 'ruling family' of this planet. They seemed to have forgotten one thing, as simple as 'it ain't happening, Jack'. Simple as that. Because, first of all, it goes against the REAL 'Plan' for development of Intelligence on this planet and no Lucifer or Satan or Moloch or a slew of other names, associated with evil and/or 'the negative approach' will be able to do a thing to prevent it from happening. Yes, it is clear, at least to us, that you can hardly find a better disinformation agent then Benya and that is probably why he can afford to have a vacation in the middle of a battle for the mankind and pay for his trips to various places of 'influence and power'. Otherwise, where could a poor man like Benya, at least as he paints himself, get this kind of money?

Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion Protocol 2 - Economic Wars. It is indispensable for our purpose that wars, so far as possible, should not result in territorial gains: war will thus be brought on to the economic ground, where the nations will not fail to perceive in the assistance we give the strength of our predominance, and this state of things will put both sides at the mercy of our international agentur; which possesses millions of eyes ever on the watch and unhampered by any limitations whatsoever. Our international rights will then wipe out national rights Our international rights will then wipe out national rights, in the proper sense of right, and will rule the nations precisely as the civil law of States rules the relations of their subjects among themselves. Puppet government - pawns in our game 2. The administrators, whom we shall choose from among the public, with strict regard to their capacities for servile obedience, will not be persons trained in the arts of government, and will therefore, easily become pawns in our game in the hands of men of learning, and genius, who will be their advisers, specialists, bred and reared from early childhood to rule the affairs of the whole world.

As is well known to you, these specialists of ours have been drawing to fit them for rule the information they need from our political plans from the lessons of history, from observations made of the events of every moment as it passes. The goyim are not guided by practical use of unprejudiced historical observation, but by theoretical routine without any critical regard for consequent results.

We need not therefore, take any account of them - let them amuse themselves until the hour strikes, or live on hopes of new forms of enterprising pastime, or on the memories of all they have enjoyed. For them let that play the principal part which we have persuaded them to accept as the dictates of science (theory). It is with this object in view that we are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories. The intellectuals of the goyim will puff themselves up with their knowledges and without any logical verification of them, will put into effect all the information, available from science, which our agentur specialists have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction we want. (Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion Original Victor E. Marsden translation) Protocol 3 - Methods of Conquest.

To-day I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off. There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people. When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice. The constitution scales of these days will shortly break down, for we have established them with a certain lack of accurate balance in order that they may oscillate incessantly until they wear through the pivot on which they turn. The goyim are under the impression that they have welded them sufficiently strong and they have all along kept on expecting that the scales would come into equilibrium.

But the pivots - the kings on their thrones - are hemmed in by their representatives, who play the fool, distraught with their own uncontrolled and irresponsible power. This power they owe to the terror which has been breathed into the palaces. As they have no means of getting at their people, into their very midst, the kings on their thrones are no longer able to come to terms with them and so strengthen themselves against seekers after power. We have made a gulf between the far-seeing Sovereign Power and the blind force of the people so that both have lost all meaning, for like the blind man and his stick, both are powerless apart.

In order to incite seekers after power to a misuse of power we have set all forces in opposition one to another, breaking up their liberal tendencies towards independence. To this end we have stirred up every form of enterprise, we have armed all parties, we have set up authority as a target for every ambition. Of States we have made gladiatorial arenas where a lot of confused issues contend. A little more, and disorders and bankruptcy will be universal. Babblers, inexhaustible, have turned into oratorical contests the sittings of Parliament and Administrative Boards. Bold journalists and unscrupulous pamphleteers daily fall upon executive officials. Abuses of power will put the final touch in preparing all institutions for their overthrow and everything will fly skyward under the blows of the maddened mob.

Poverty is Our Weapon 5. All people are chained down to heavy toil by poverty more firmly than ever.

They were chained by slavery and serfdom; from these, one way and another, they might free themselves. These could be settled with, but from want they will never get away. We have included in the constitution such rights as to the masses appear fictitious and not actual rights.

All these so-called 'Peoples Rights' can exist only in idea, an idea which can never be realized in practical life. What is it to the proletariat laborer, bowed double over his heavy toil, crushed by his lot in life, if talkers get the right to babble, if journalists get the right to scribble any nonsense side by side with good stuff, once the proletariat has no other profit out of the constitution save only those pitiful crumbs which we fling them from our table in return for their voting in favor of what we dictate, in favor of the men we place in power, the servants of our agentur. Republican rights for a poor man are no more than a bitter piece of irony, for the necessity he is under of toiling almost all day gives him no present use of them, but the other hand robs him of all guarantee of regular and certain earnings by making him dependent on strikes by his comrades or lockouts by his masters. (Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion Original Victor E.

Marsden translation) Fair Use Notice: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the information in this document is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for criticism, comment, news reporting, research, educational and humanitarian purposes for the benefit of mankind. The material on this site is made available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

For more information go to: Note on delayed publication of full reports as soon as they come out. You may also want to check out the Antimatrix BTSync collection to see if anyone with full access key decides to publish it sooner than Thursdays after the original publication.

There is always plenty of people present on that collection, especially during the daytime in Europe, so you can download the entire collection in less than 10 minutes if your connection if fast enough. See: You can download BTSync program for many platforms here: (We suggest not using any version higher than 1.3.109) Now, this is his life and this is a demand he is placing on it, and he would have to bear all the consequences and eventually learn the lessons he needs to learn and we are not the ones to 'fix' him. It is not our responsibility and not our concern.

We are interested in people, not some fake Benyas of all kinds. Now, we are not going to fight with some vicious degenerate.

It is not the kind of fight we are interested in spending out energy on, nor do we like to sense all that ugly destructive energy he is emanating in all sorts of ugly thought-forms. To us, he is nothing more than a disinformation agent, a ghost, and a profoundly sick man that totally lost the sense of reality. Because only a vicious and profoundly sick man can say things like 'cease and desist', which, in purely legal terms, means the first step in a legal process. That means that he is willing to go after your throat, like a mad dog. And for the sake and in the name of what? Some notion of 'control'? Or his ability to precisely identify and track every one of his subscribers?

His never ending obsession with all sorts of violence, bloody revolutions and things of that nature are simply some of the clearest symptoms and indications of degeneracy, as the obsession with violence, domination and megalomania are forever and inevitably present in the activity of a degenerate. The question here is simple enough: why and how would someone make such a heavy investment in such foolish things as the alleged so-called copyright violations in the context of 'fighting the evil', especially when it is clear, pretty much on its face value, that the Fair Use Exception clearly applies to his writings, and for several reasons. Furthermore, he would have to PROVE that he is an actual author of what he claims to be his own original creative work. According to even the strictest standards of one of the most complex areas of the law, as copyright is, it is perfectly legal to quote at least 30% of the original material, especially for research and library types of use, and especially in the context of purely humanitarian information to benefit the mankind as such. We do not charge any money for any information we publish, and do not advertise anything, and we do not simply distribute any information to anyone out there. Those, who are interested in it have to find it and access it on their own initiative. Furthermore, we provide the precise links to the originals.

It is a common practice, even among the biggest information agencies in the world, to not object their information being published by the 3rd parities for non-commercial purposes, if they provide the link to the source, which is what we do. To this day, we have never had a single objection even from some of the biggest and most respectable information agencies in the world. In case of Benya, he can claim no more that 30% of the contents of his writings as genuinely his creative work. Because he himself quotes the text of his 'sources' in at least 70% of his writings. Therefore, if one decides to quote every single word of his original contribution, that turns out to be no more than 30% of total article volume, and, therefore, it is utterly within the law to publish it by anyone else, even for purely commercial purposes. It is our opinion that he could never actually win that case in the courts, no matter what he does. At the same time, we are not going to waste our energy on lunatics of his kind, forever pumping up their chests to show their significance, and all their concoctions, regardless of how much of it turns out to be real or pure grade fabrications.

The only interest and concern we have with his reports is to urge people not to blindly take it all on its face value, but try to use their own awareness and intelligence to SEE how much of it either makes sense or is verifiable or even conceivable. Because there are plenty of tricks and traps planted in his information that might keep them in delusion and false hopes of all kinds to keep them in a passive state, expecting that someone else will do their work for them of freeing themselves from the chains of evil. We urge you again and again: Unless YOU, individually, wake up and raise your voice and strength against the all pervading evil, no one, LITERALLY, is going to do it for you, and precisely because your very consciousness and awareness remain on the level of some blind believer in the 'bright future of mankind. You have to stand up for what is dear to you and what you consider to be the Truth. No one can do it for you, and even if they could, it would not change even an iota, as you remain as blind, as you have ever been. For now, this is all we are willing to say on this. We might work on this text and probably move it into a separate chapter.

So, if you are interested to see the developments on it, just refresh this page and look at the TOC to see if it has been moved to a separate place. We are also considering adding some commentaries to his previous writings to specifically show the utmost fabrications, perversions and outright lies and fiction he feeds the gullible people who did not take their time to study the issues on their own. But there is so much of it that it will take some time and may not even be as critical or important in the scheme of things at this junction. On the top of it, we do not have much time to deal with this kind of utterly irrelevant disinformation crap. Watch out for disinformation! Responsibilities of a reporter Note: One of the reasons we talk about this is because at least as a result of Benya's report of October 13, 2015, which contains quite wild allegations that the US military had taken over the FRS, we have seen several articles on the net, filled with joy, excitement and hope that we are finally beginning to see some real changes related to the 'banking mafia', suffocating the world, parasiting on it and waging all these utterly unnecessary insane wars, terrorist attacks, causing massive migration, among other things, and all sorts of other madness. This implies that these writers simply accepted all the typical and quite wild proclamations of Benya on their face value, without any efforts to verify any of it, and, as a result, might have become the disinformation agents themselves, knowingly or unknowingly, distributing falsified information and even making further conclusions out of it.

This, in turn, means that Benya, for whatever reasons, might have become a popular and widely quoted disinformation agent on a global scale, unless we see some evidence of his claims. That is about the LAST thing we need at this particular junction, if ever. And this, in turn, means that Benya, at least potentially, could be massively deluding people. For one thing, he is widely praised and quoted by all sorts of widely followed 'talking heads', publishing all sorts of disinformation myths, tales and wild 'prophecies' about the 'bright future', which, for some strange reason, seem to forever remain behind the horizon.

But the fact of the matter is that we have not seen even a shred of any kind of evidence of the FRS being taken over by the Pentagon, and, if anyone can provide such an evidence, we would appreciate you sending us the links to the articles containing the pertinent information from the trustworthy sources, at least in your opinion. We would like to look at it with our own eyes and see what it means to us. No need to bother about all sorts of talking heads or any kinds of opinions. We are only interested in authoritative information that can be further verified. Our position on such matters is quite clear, at least to us: about the LAST thing the world needs right now is disinformation about major events and the issues the world is facing at this junction, and, it is precisely our 'job' to identify and expose any kind of disinformation that might create a distorted view of reality. We have chosen to do it as our contribution into the global information war that engulfed this planet and which has been going on for several years now.

Basically, a trustworthy reporter can not just report all sorts of 'prophecies', rumors, myths and tales, and would never resort to dictatorial tone or threats, because, first of all, it is not his 'job'. And, even in cases when some reporter makes some claims and/or conclusions, it is a matter of intellectual and human honesty to at least clearly state that this is just his opinion or his own view on it, but to never claim in definite terms that this is certainly so.

But what we see with Benya is some kind of 'trademark signature' of his and that is to make the proclamations of all kinds, unsupported by any evidence and throw around all sorts of his personal interpretations and unprovable myths of all kinds. Moreover, most of his myths and proclamations simply do not manifest, at least soon enough to be verified, if ever. A trustworthy reporter better realize that there might be some consequences for effectively deluding people by representing myths and tales and wishful thinking, at best, as some kind of issues of fact and the actual state of affairs, thus creating a totally wrong perception in their minds. Because it is one thing to be deluded, but it is utterly different thing when you delude the others, simply because you may effectively force them to take the mistaken route in their way of understanding the situation and its meaning, thus affecting their free choice on which way to proceed because of mistaken or totally false conclusions they might make as a result of blindly trusting the information without utilizing their own intelligence. Yes, in a way it is ultimately their own personal responsibility to check and verify the information and not to allow to be deluded.

But, when you combine a certain force and/or conviction of some statement with the alleged 'authority' of the author or his 'sources', and, especially when you see all sorts of unverifiable claims, allegedly made based on the 'information from our source', then what is reader to do but to blindly believe it, simply on the basis of some mythical 'authority', because to verify any of it is simply impossible in most cases. Thus, the reader may either take a critical position of 'unless proven or logically obvious, I am not going to believe a word of it'. Or, alternatively, the reader may simply trust it and accept it all in bulk, simply based on that mythical 'authority', or the force of conviction of the author. So, in a way, an author may effectively jam some desirable conclusions with force of 'authority' into the minds of the readers, even though those conclusions merely delude the readers and lead them astray. As we can see in the media, it is not that difficult to jam all sorts of utterly false or misleading images into the minds of the readers, going as far, as to totally not report the most significant things and exaggerate utterly meaningless things to the status of some undeniable Truth. 'The bottom line' here is that any author, and especially the reporter, bears a certain personal responsibility for creating the artificially distorted picture in the minds of readers, and that responsibility is greater than one might suspect.

Moreover, it has to be eventually rectified, regardless of anything, and it will be rectified, pretty much inevitably. It is just a matter of time. But Truth can not be destroyed and it will eventually and inevitably come out.

But there is a price to pay for any kinds of lies or deliberate distortions. Because that is the Law. Information warfare: paid disinformation agents As you might know by now, we have a global information war raging on and all sorts of paid disinformation agents are working on the net in nearly any place of significance, and especially on all sorts of forums and discussions of the 'hot' topics. There was a pretty revealing article, published by someone, who claims to have been one of them formerly, where he describes how this 'system' works. He was finally disgusted with it, to the point where he decided to go 'open air' about it.

The entire 'system' is also described in a brochure, distributed hand-to-hand among the 'god chosen' people in Russia and its original edition was printed back in 1949. It is basically a 'simple man's version of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion', except the validity of it is indisputable, unlike of the Protocols.

It was also archived in the KGB archives. Pretty interesting and quite revealing document. Interestingly enough, if you read it, you will be able to see the same exact techniques and tricks of intimidation used to this day, and you might recall all sorts of 'strange' or unpleasant situations in your own life, which left a bitter taste in your mouth, simply because you did not know how it 'works' and did not understand what happened, as it might have blown your mind to pieces.

In the opinion of one prominent researcher. I am yet to see a single Jew, who does not live by the principles of the Catechism. Just in the New York subway alone, whenever you happen to bump into someone, it is nearly guaranteed that he is a Jew, who intentionally tries to run into you, just to create a conflict, so that he could justify to himself that everyone hates us, and, therefore, justify his own hate towards 'goyim'. (Catechism of the Jew in the USSR) One of the main aspects of these 'operations' is that these paid disinformation agents work in groups, like a pack of wolves, which we can also see on the Benya's site and his quite extensive 'support group', singing praises to him every time he publishes anything, regardless of what it is and how true or even conceivable it is. Now, what happens in your mind if you find something objectionable in the original writing, when you see quite a number of people singing praises to it in nearly every single post?

Well, it is not surprising at all that you might begin to doubt even your own intelligence. Simply because it is overwhelming, like going against a flood. When some 'hot' or 'dangerous' information appears, some of the first responses and comments you are likely to see are precisely from disinformation agents.

This happens because in their 'headquarters' they use the automated search software to do the searches on the 'hot' or 'dangerous' keywords or key phrases, nearly non-stop, and that is precisely why some of the first attacks on some 'hot' issue you see literally within a few minutes, if not seconds from the original publication.Because these agents are immediately informed from their 'headquarters' about the specific thread to attack, even if it is a totally new thread. Just try to pay attention to the time stamps to see if it is something conceivable. Also look at that time density of opposing comments.

That, by itself, might give you an idea on what or who are you likely to be dealing with. Their 'arguments' always look like something semi-'rational', 'convincing' and even semi-'scientific', even though it is nothing more than profanities, which they won't be able to prove even if they go blue on their face. They rarely contain any substance or proof of anything.

It all remains on the level of a fiction, myth or opinion. They will invent all sorts of 'facts' by taking some known information and turning it all upside down, which simply gets plenty of people baffled and they do not even know how to respond to something so obviously ridiculous, if not simply bizarre, and not supported by any kind of evidence.

The trick is a standard satanic technique of turning everything upside down and creating grand confusion. As long as there is no clarity, and especially if they manage to get you off balance and angry or defensive, they are pretty much guaranteed to 'win' the case. Another trick is a standard masonic argument, called 'PROVE IT'. Well, the thing is that with any REALLY 'dangerous' information, the first thing that happens is destruction of evidence and witnesses. Even if you cite some book or some world famous author, they will still insist: PROVE IT!!! Quite often, they will simply call him 'mad' or use their favorite - 'antisemite' trick.

If all fails, blame it on this abracadabra called 'antisemitism'. Try to argue that one! You will hardly find a single person, who will not get offended or even angry, and will be able to see though this trick and not to loose his balance, but to stay on the subject and to continue grinding them, which is easier said than done and it requires a substantial amount of knowledge. ' Anti-Semitism does not signify opposition to Semitism. There is no such thing. [and if there is no such a thing as 'semitism', how could there be ANTI-'semitism'?] It is an expression we Jews use effectively as a smear word used to brand as a bigot, like you guys, anyone who brings criticism against Jews.

We use it against hate-mongers.' (The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview) They often try to get the writer or his supporters off to a completely different track and convert the issues into something else, or make their own arguments look like something that simply 'makes sense' to a 'normal' human, and only someone 'insane' could even argue it. When you talk about one thing, and they start accusing you of something totally 'off the wall', what are you to do? The minds of many people simply get 'short circuited' and the fuses blow. This is one of their favorite tricks to get you angry, upset and loose your balance, and if you get caught into their trap, they immediately start the orgy of the ugliest insults and ridicule. There are usually several of them working on the 'hot' or 'dangerous' threads and they usually attack their victims by the whole pack, so it does not look like just a personal opinion of just a single person.

The idea is to overwhelm you with something 'so obvious' to anyone with 'sane mind'. This trick is called 'because EVERYONE says so'. That is all they need as an 'argument'. But very few people would even dare to ask: but even if everyone says so, does it mean it is true?

Just recall how many times in your life you have heard this very 'argument'. You'd be surprised how popular it is. One other trick they usually use is to overwhelm the thread by insulting the writers in the ugliest ways, calling them names, accusing them of being 'insane' and agreeing with each other, licking each other's rear.

You can see this on nearly every thread with 'dangerous' information out there, and the 'signature' is pretty much the same in all cases. The idea is to fill the thread with garbage, and so, when new readers come in, they quickly loose any interest in it since about all they see is garbage, idiocy and insults of all kinds. And that is PRECISELY the idea behind suppressing the most important information.

You might recall plenty of articles you have read, which originally looked like something noteworthy. But when you started reading the comments, it made you loose any interest in it in a hurry, simply seeing it all as a hopeless case. Many people do not realize that this, by itself, is something suspicious.

Because in precisely these cases it may turn out that the original information was indeed something deserving to be looked. Just look at the comments on the Benya's reports site.

It is probably more 'sane' even in a madhouse. And look at how much licking you can find there. It gets to the point that anyone 'in his clear mind' would simply get disgusted after reading just a few of those, and there are hundreds, if not thousands of them on each of his reports. They are usually fly-by-night operations out of some unoccupied buildings in some filthy parts of the cities and change their location every couple of months. They never have any signs in front of the building or anything that might identify them and their location. They are paid quite well, more than they could expect to earn elsewhere. Mouse And Keyboard Recorder Keygen{h33t}{easypath} there. We will do our best to expose all the lies, fabrications, distortions, myths and all other forms of disinformation, simply because, in our opinion, about the most critical thing right now is for the people to know the Truth of how it IS in reality and to clearly SEE and understand all the tools, mechanisms and methods of the ongoing world takeover by the ZioNazi satanists and the 'dark side', parasiting on this planet.

Otherwise, how do you solve the problems and improve things if you do not even know what are the real issues and what kind of progress did we make in this fight for this planet? Information is the key. Because the summary moment has arrived, and the time has come to draw 'the bottom line', and to see clearly what are we dealing with in reality, and not in all sorts of myths and tales, fed to all in a massive flood of lies and fabrications. Otherwise, how are we going to identify the REAL problems of this planet at this junction?

Their time is up, which is evidenced by the information explosion all over the net and they can 'succeed' with their plans ONLY when people are blind and do not even know what is going on behind their backs. Because about the only thing they are afraid of is for people, at large, to begin to see what and how it is in reality, just as stated by Harold Wallace Rosenthal.

Our greatest fear is that this falsehood will be discovered, for we will be stamped out the moment the general public comes into possession of the truth and acts upon it (It is one thing to put a man in possession of the truth, to get him to understand it is another, and to get him to act upon it is another still. Truth by itself has no value unless used or applied in some way.) It is becoming apparent that an awakening is occurring even here in America. We had hoped that through our devastation of Christian Germany that any subject dealing with us would be a fearful taboo. However, there seems to be a resurgence here in the one nation that we so strongly control. We are presently making plans for a rapid exodus. We know that when the light begins to dawn, there will be no stopping it.

All efforts on our part will only intensify that light and draw focus upon it. We fear that light is coming forth in movements across this land, especially yours.

It has amazed us how you have been successful in reaching the people after we closed every door of communication. (The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview) Well, what can we say but to notice that Rosenthal talks like an 'apostle' of Lucifer himself. The amount of insight and depth of his information and understanding is something you will hardly find amongst 'mere mortals'. He certainly deserves a 'thank you' for revealing it all, and it is not surprising that he was killed within a year of this interview.

Because he was a living witness. But it looks like he did this interview playing a role of the 'Lucifer ruling family' 'channeler'. Putin Story Scripted – Russia Spent $ 6 Million with American PR Firm September 15, 2013 [.] This, my friends, is the higalian dialectic on steroids. Problem – reaction- solution, and it is a fact that the awakened are not immune or exempt from the psy-op.

Every mind has been purchased. In the USA, we can follow the money trail through what we now know is a fascist system.

Mercenaries whip up a chemical false flag attack in Syria. The intelligence community (secret Zionist code for lawless militant drug traffickers and war fabricators) covers all the bases: fake YouTube videos, CNN teleprompter scripting, and made up Presidential reports that give the Commander In Chief no other legal obligation than to bomb. Corporations inject the media — like pumping a Foster’s Farm chicken with growth hormones — with the same styled imagery & heart string jerking sadness of dying babies who have been gassed. In Russia, same scheme, different dialect of lies, but ultimately bough and paid for by the Russian military industrial complex. Within moments of returning from vacation, I immediately said “.whoa.why is this Russia/Putin narrative being shoved in my face so hard?” Before vacation I was talking about how I admired the conduct of the Chinese and Russians on the international diplomatic stage.

I now realize that’s exactly what they paid for. The global elite are slowly whittling away at American sovereignty and prosperity, and we are witnessing the final nail in our coffin — convincing our citizens that we really are much better off conducting ourselves as obedient global citizens. That our international diplomacy skills are old and obsolete. That America is no longer an “exceptional” society under the most powerful & protective rules of Constitutional law in the history of mankind. In order for both the Russian and US military industrial complex to win trillions, they must destroy the USA from within (we’ve seen this through our collapse), and then finalize the deal with final push from Putin. The entire story has been scripted, and all facets of this story are covered.

Each of us will one day soon say that we had no other alternative than to act, and each of us will open our wallets and throw trillions to the elite. We will beg them for global stability, and since the USA is in its final throws of incompetence, the majority of our Zombies will clammer towards a one-world government. A peace negotiated by all angry parties for the sake of humanity.

Is this all a conspiracy theory, or is it a fact that what I tell you — that there is so much money wrapped up in this scheme that they cannot afford to stop lying to you — then please consider that anything you believe about Vladamir Putin has been paid for. The Russians have spent almost $6 million dollars with a public relations firm which specializes in lying to you for profit. It has been reported that the Op-Ed piece published by Putin was crafted and placed in the New York Times by American PR firm Ketchum. Let me repeat that: Vladamir Putin’s handlers are an American corporation that gave him inside access to one of the US’s top media outlets. Communist Russia has used capitalism to penetrate the American mind? But, one could ask, “but Putin is trying to negotiate peace?

Isn’t that the desired outcome?” Only if you look at the surface, but you have to realize that the stage is being set for the battle of Armageddon between the Russian Bear and the God Blessed Exceptional Amerikans. It’s a slow trickle of thinking inserted into your brain, but don’t forget, $6 million dollars is being spent by the Russians for “PR”, and you bet your bottom dollar that they expect a trillion dollars back in war profits for their investment. Don’t forget Obama’s help to the military industrial complex by signing the NDAA. By doing so, he essentially gave them an open check book to pump lies into the media. The 2012 NDAA repealed the Smith Mundt act which prohibited the US Military from using the media to propagate fake news stories in their psy-ops.

What’s the punchline? Armegeddon is a very profitable venture. The only way to fund it is to pre-fabricate chemical false flags, whip up tear jerking imagery of gassed babies, convince the world population that there is no other alternative than to open their wallets and throw money at the Pentagon, and line up a billion of our youngsters to get slaughtered fighting for “freedom”. The end result: Profits flow like a slot machine to the elite. The people pay the bill.

A billion lives are wiped out (no biggy for the elite—especially if the troops are too stupid to be anything but obedient and patriotic). All sides of the military industrial complexes of Russia, USA, China win a couple trillion. And worst of all, the elite actually pay billions to make us believe this is a better alternative than a collapse.

Then fabricate the problem — exploit the human reaction to the horrifying events they create —- and then pay big bucks getting ready to offer the Zombies a solution. Because they will win trillions. It’s all a lie and it can never be stopped. The best thing we can do is believe none of it, and resist their higalian dialectic to the death.

We will literally need to kill the elite (for humanitarian reasons) to stop them from lying. We can do this, but time is running out. Tell as many people as you can — not about the truth, but especially about the lies. (HAVE YOU GOTTEN ENOUGH OF THE PSYOPS?) Well, what can we say but - yep, that is EXACTLY the idea and it has been covered by plenty of researchers, and of the honest kind.

And it has also been one of the major ideas about taking over the world. For the NWO to be announced, and, most importantly, ACCEPTED, the first thing that is necessary is to create the global chaos. Eventually, 'the herd' will be begging on their knees to end all this global madness, even if they have to sacrifice all those 'values', they were fed throughout the ages, such as 'freedom', 'democracy', 'privacy' and the rest of it. As we say again and again: It is for YOU to decide which world do you want to live in and how much of your energy you are willing to dedicate to it in order to actually do something, instead of sitting like a zombie and waiting for some 'noble knight on a white horse' to do it for you. And try to remember this: EVERY SINGLE one of you can do something, regardless of the level of your 'advancement' or how 'insignificant' it may look to others. Just like the 'god chosen' people say: 'a hair from each one - a fur coat for my wife'. What 'matters' here, is that you, individually, feel in your very heart, in your very depths, that you have done all you could and all you could conceive, in order to contribute your own little bit of creativity and courage towards something, which is the very Source of Life, the very Essence of it All.

Is 'banking mafia' 'negotiating the surrender' or are they getting stronger? Benya keeps singing about 'banking mafia' 'negotiating the surrender' again and again. Here's an interesting article.

The War on Cash is advancing on all fronts. One region that has hogged the headlines with its war against physical currency is Scandinavia. Sweden became the first country to enlist its own citizens as largely willing guinea pigs in a dystopian economic experiment: negative interest rates in a cashless society. As Credit Suisse, no matter where you go or what you want to purchase, you will find a small ubiquitous sign saying “Vi hanterar ej kontanter” (“We don’t accept cash”): Whether it’s for mulled wine at the Christmas market, a beer at the bar, even the smallest charge is settled digitally. Even the homeless vendors of the street newspapers Faktum and Situation Stockholm carry mobile card readers. A similar situation is unfolding in Denmark, where nearly 40% of the paying demographic use MobilePay, a Danske Bank app that allows all payments to be completed via smartphone. With more and more retailers rejecting physical money, a cashless society is “no longer an illusion but a vision that can be fulfilled within a reasonable time frame,” says Michael Busk-Jepsen, executive director of the Danish Bankers Association.

World’s Biggest Cashless Laboratory While Sweden and Denmark may be the two nations that are closest to banning cash outright, the most important testing ground for cashless economics is half a world away, in sub-Saharan Africa. In many African countries, going cashless is not merely a matter of basic convenience (as it is in Scandinavia); it is a matter of basic survival. Less than 30% of the population have bank accounts, and even fewer have credit cards. But almost everyone has a mobile phone. Now, thanks to the massive surge in uptake of mobile communications as well as the huge numbers of unbanked citizens, Africa has become the perfect place for the world’s biggest social experiment with cashless living. Source: (Recommended site for mind-blowing news on the NWO and their agenda, way more authoritative than anything you read from Benya.) Original Source: Question arises: If 'banking mafia' is really concerned with survival and is in the process of 'negotiating their surrender', as Benya keeps singing non-stop, then how come they are nailing the last nails into this NWO coffin for the mankind?

What 'surrender negotiations' Benya keeps peddling all the time? The TPP, a 12-nation pact with countries in Asia and the Americas Banks and other financial institutions would be able to use provisions in the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership to block new regulations that cut into their profits, according to the released this week. In what may be the biggest gift to banks in a deal full of giveaways to Hollywood, the drug industry and technology firms, financial institutions would be able to appeal any national rules they didn’t like to independent, international tribunals staffed by friendly corporate lawyers. That could nullify a proposal by Hillary Clinton to on financial firms — or the Elizabeth Warren/Bernie Sanders plan to between investment and commercial banks. Financial firms could demand compensation for these measures that would make them too expensive to manage. The TPP, a 12-nation pact with countries in Asia and the Americas that requires congressional approval, includes an investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) system. This allows foreign companies operating in TPP member countries to enforce the agreement without using that country’s court system.

Instead, corporations can sue for monetary damages in independent tribunals before corporate lawyers who can rotate between advocating for investors and judging the cases themselves. The lawyers have an inherent incentive to encourage more challenges with favorable rulings, so they can be paid to arbitrate them. Labor unions who allege violations of the trade deal cannot use ISDS directly; only international investors, i.e. Large corporations, can. Source: (Blacklisted News) (Office of the United States Trade Representative) The Multilateral/Multipolar New World Order will seem like heaven.

At first Here's a pretty insightful article which, among all other things, shows how nicely all these 'prophets of good news' and 'we are winning over evil' kind fit into the scheme of global deception, forever consoling the people with the ideas that some 'white hats' are already doing everything necessary 'to remove the evil Khazars (ZioNazi satanists) from power', so that everyone keeps sitting on their butt and doing nothing, waiting for some 'white hats' of all kinds to do their work for them. And this article quite clearly shows that all these 'good news' these 'fighters against evil' feed you, with all these seemingly positive results, perfectly fit into the same ancient NWO scheme, while everyone is lead to believe that it is all just the other way around. “I am optimistic that things aren’t as bad as they seem, because enough people are able to find their way out of the infantile drama you have portrayed, and the illuminati are simply tripping up as they flounder and we show their flailings about.

We actually have a choice down the middle, and that is to clean up the corruption in the international financial system and take back our world. We will not have a one world currency. We will abolish legal tender laws, and use the world’s gold on deposit in the trust called the Global Debt Facility to replace paper currencies in each country with national currencies in aurum, putting the central banks into bankruptcy in the process.

Most of the shills you have portrayed in your blog have been trying to keep this from happening, but thanks to a very accurate power transition model from the Department of Defense, we know there is a 95% chance that the people in each country will be able to clean up their corrupt politicians who will be powerless to prevent the clean-up.” I don’t know if the reader realized it or not, but what she wrote is actually a description of the New World Order. So upon reading it, I realized the need to explain what the NWO will look like when it’s unveiled, and to emphasize a critical point: The globalists are in the process of running a problem / reaction / SOLUTION scam on us, not a problem / reaction / PROBLEM scam. This means that when we reach the end result of this transition process, the NWO will look like the SOLUTION to all our problems, not another PROBLEM (such as a dark, scary fascist regime) we need to overcome. It will appear as though the corrupt have been defeated, World War 3 has been stopped, all regional conflicts have been resolved, biowarfare against the population has been halted, poverty has been alleviated, debt money has been abolished, secrets have been revealed, and so on and so forth. And the masses, after having been force-fed negativity and conditioned to expect a scary NWO for so long, are expected to be so overcome with joy that they’ll willingly embrace the New Order. That’s how a problem / reaction / solution scam works when you’re using it to create a New Order for the entire planet: 1) you intentionally create an overwhelming number of terrible problems, 2) you make sure the public is fully aware of all those problems (by carpet-bombing their consciousness with mainstream and alternative media coverage of all the ills in the world), then 3) you present them with the solution to all their problems (the NWO). In that final phase, you don’t present them with something ugly and scary; you give them something attractive and inviting.

And once they have accepted it and come to depend on it, you start tightening the screws again. In light of this, let’s have another look at the aforementioned reader’s expectations, one-by-one We'll 'clean up the corruption in the international financial system.'

This statement presupposes that the international financial system started out as something good and became corrupted, and such a view has no basis in reality. The international financial system was purpose-built as a slavery system by the International Central Banking Cabal. It cannot be “cleaned up” or “reformed” into something good any more than a meat grinder can be reformed into a cow uterus. The international financial system IS corruption; it is corruption incarnate.

We must simply walk away from it and build our own system of trade, starting at the local level with our own neighbors, then networking peer-to-peer until there is a true (decentralized) global community. If we don’t build our own financial system, we will use theirs by default, and then we’ll be stuck in yet another of their growth and harvest slavery cycles.

'We will not have a one world currency.' Of course we won’t. The NWO plan does not call for a one world currency — at least not at first.

It calls for national currencies which will be backed by a supranational reserve currency currently known as the SDR. Over time, the SDR will be expanded into more and more areas that are currently the domain of the national currencies. This process is expounded upon by future IMF Director and current Governor of the People’s Bank of China Zhou Xiaochuan in his speech titled “ “. .First off, “the natural forces that are pushing the world towards economic integration?” Ha!

As for the rest of the passage, note how well it matches what China’s Zhou Xiaochuan said. The globalists have been planning this for a long time, and the BRICS are the key to making it look like “it’s different this time.” 'We will abolish legal tender laws.' “We will abolish legal tender laws, and use the world’s gold on deposit in the trust called the Global Debt Facility to replace paper currencies in each country with national currencies in aurum, putting the central banks into bankruptcy in the process.” To begin, who owns the bulk of world’s gold now? To answer this, you might ask yourself a few more questions: Who removed the gold backing from the world’s currencies, especially the dollar? Who then turned around and printed unlimited paper money to buy up as much of the world’s gold as they could get their hands on?

Was it the “elite” or the people? As for the central banks, they are mere paperwork constructs of the globalist bankster families, and they can be disposed of when they are no longer needed. As I explained in one of my old Event Watch updates (when speaking of Janet Yellen). >>>Later, she will be seen as making a mistake that causes the big implosion. In the aftermath, she and the Fed will be taken down and replaced by the Treasury in a “rejuvenated, Constitutionally-recentered Republic of the United States,” possibly under Ron Paul [or Rand Paul].

One must not forget that the central banks themselves, just like the regular banks and corporations, are expendable fronts for those who hold power behind the scenes. And after 100 years of bribing, blackmailing, and killing, the elite families’ Fed parasite has thoroughly subsumed the US Government host. They can now discard the Fed and operate directly from the completely captured federal government.

“THE FUNDS THAT WILL BE IN THE ACCOUNTS WILL BE BASIL III COMPLIANT, AND UNTOUCHABLE UNLESS YOU WANT TO BUY A CONTAINERS OF AK-47S AND START A WAR.THEN YOU CAN KISS THE MONEY GOODBYE – IN ESSENCE, IF THE MONEY IS NOT SPENT FOR THE RIGHT REASONS, THEN EXPECT SANCTIONS”. In this passage, they are clearly admitting that they will be monitoring how you spend your money, and your access to it will be blocked if they don’t approve of what you’re doing. Of course, they give a good reason why this must be so: because it is essential to stop “terrorism.” But we all know by now that a terrorist is anyone who believes in freedom and opposes the rule of the few over the many. They always give a good public reason for increased control, don’t they? >>I’ve long warned of the dangers of transitioning to an all-electronic currency (with no cash or coins) because it would place control of our money into the hands of whoever controls the computers, but a new thought crossed my mind this morning: what if they imbed RFID chips in the cash and coins? With that thought in mind, I googled “” and “” and found out they’ve already been doing it [and all the time].

Now think about it for a moment • With most of your currency in electronic form at a Basel III-compliant bank (implemented to supposedly stop financial fraud), they can track and control it. • With RFID chips embedded in your cash and coins (implemented to supposedly stop counterfeiting), it all becomes trackable and controllable.

• With RFID chips embedded in your consumer products (implemented to supposedly stop shoplifting), they all become trackable and controllable. So this is how it will go down (if they are able to pull it off) • They will collapse the old system.

• They will launch the new system by handing out lots of money so people will gleefully accept it. (At this initial stage, they’ll probably block financial access to very few people, such as those trying to buy weapons.) • Once everyone is dependent on the new system, they will start blocking money from more and more people for more and more reasons until all who remain are locked into a very small box of “elite”-approved behavior. How will they lock out dissidents, you ask? By using RFID readers at cash registers, intersections, roadblocks, cell towers, etc., as well as in smart meters, cell phones, wireless portals, etc., they will track the movement and destination of all currency and goods. And if you are designated a persona non grata, your digital and physical cash, as well as your consumer products, will be seized for whatever reason they choose to invent.

You will be unable to buy, sell, or barter in the mainstream economy. Make no mistake: the new financial system being sold to the undiscerning elements of the awake and aware community is not of the True Light. It is just the new, improved version of Cabal control covered with a candy coating. Simply because the physical world, perceived by most, as the only thing that is 'real', or 'the only thing there is', is more 'unreal' than 'real'. Yes, everything is 'real' to some extent, simply because it undeniably exists, be it in the form of an idea.

But the physical world is just an intermediate step in development of Intelligence in a particular setting and a level of growth. It does allow the Life energy to experience many things and become self-conscious via interactions, to bring a Being the point of awareness. Once the awareness is achieved, the Being begins to deal with various energy levels directly and the material aspects, full of all sorts of deficiencies and limitations, loose their status of 'ultimate reality' and become perceived rather like a prison, than anything desirable to operate within. But these are way more intricate subjects than what we can cover here. While reading some negatively charged information, try not to get identified with it.

Just stay aloof and keep some distance from it. No need to make it a part of your Being and get immersed and identified with it, as once you 'tune-in into it', you immediately invite the highly negative energy which is like a poison. Yes, it might be very difficult, if not nearly impossible, NOT to get affected by it. But it IS doable, and with certain practice you will be able to get unstuck or 'unsucked' nearly instantly. The problem we have right now is that we live in a world, 'ruled' by highly negative concepts, structures, and 'guiding principles'. In other words, we live in the world, soaked in pure evil, nearly everywhere we look or hear.

Probably the most important 'task' or change we can make right now is to get unstuck and leave all these horrors outside of your Being, and look at it just like at a stage in a theater, and consider it as nothing more than a 'bad dream', which it indeed is. It IS a 'dream'. It IS the most profound distortions. But for all those, who are not interested in following the 'negative approach' of Lucifer or the path of the 'dark side', one needs to invite into ones own Being the energy of joy, giggle, gratitude and appreciation. Any bitterness, anger, resentfulness, revenge or even hopelessness simply poison your Being and deplete your energy, as that is how the 'dark side' feeds on it. They are not the natural states of your Being.

They are what is known as 'distortions', which you need to eventually SEE and clarify your perception of. And, under no circumstances, dwell on the negative energy. It is just a dream and illusions of all kinds, and it will all fall off by itself, painlessly, one day, like an old snake skin, once your eyes begin to open. There is simply no need to try to invite it, or get stuck with the feeling of suffering, pain, misery or hopelessness. Any negative states of your Being will dissolve by themselves, and within minutes in most cases, if not seconds, unless you chose to keep focusing on it as something 'real'.

Yes, it IS 'real' in a certain sense, and, yes, it is nearly impossible not to get identified with it in some cases. But this is not who you are or where you want to go, or IS it? Very few people realize that this negativity somehow 'appears' in their lives precisely because one needs to SEE it, sense how it feels within their hearts and ask themselves the simplest questions: Is it what and how I want to feel? What do I need it for? What benefits does it bring me?

What doors does it open in my perception? What CLARITY do I achieve out of it? Why do I need to forever cling to it and carry it around? It is your own choice, nothing more than that. If you allow your energy to be sucked by the parasites and destructive forces, then you will be drained indeed and your precious Life energy will be sucked out of your Being for as long as you allow it, consciously or unconsciously does not matter much.

Yes, it IS a certain lesson to be learned and a purpose of that lesson is to eventually bring you even to the utmost extremes of it, if necessary, so that you would have a chance to eventually SEE the very nature of it and make a decision to simply 'switch off' from that wavelength and 'tune-in' to a different 'radio station', that broadcasts Life, not death, destruction and SELF-destruction, eventually and inevitably. And that is precisely the difference between the so-called 'Negative approach' and 'Positive approach'. The 'negative approach' elevates death to ultimate levels, and the 'positive approach' affirms, asserts and invites Life, Joy and Creativity, as the very essence of Life itself. And the sooner you notice and recognize it, the sooner that life-long nightmare ends for you. There is no power or force in this world, or any other, that can prevent you from SEEING and not being affected by destructive things. And, unless you recognize it and SEE its very essence, nothing can be done. Because no 'outside' force can interfere with your own decisions and your own choices on how do you wish to live your Life and what kind of things you wish to explore and experience.

Once humanity at large realizes it, then genuine 'New World' and 'New Man' may arrive. Bot not before that. Because if you insist on remaining blind, you get the NWO and its '21 point plan' and/or several variations of it. Interestingly enough, the NWO scheme incorporates quite a few concepts and ideas that are exactly the same as the World of New Consciousness, as we choose to call it here.

Those are 'technical' or 'practical' details, but, nevertheless, they need to be looked at and we need to eventually come to some 'conclusions' of whether to keep some them or dispose of them or any other ideas related to this NWO scheme. It will be difficult, if not impossible, to see which ideas are in fact beneficial unless you get 'a handle on it' and learn the very mechanisms of staying aware.

Right now, it is much more beneficial, if not critical, for you to ALWAYS stay on the wave of Life, joy, lightness, smile and gratitude for having the opportunity to BE, right where you are and who or what you are. It is much more beneficial to fill your Heart with Love and appreciation. Of LIFE itself!

Osho and his experiment with a commune in Oregon To create the 'new world', you need to create the 'new consciousness' or awareness first, or a 'new man', just as Osho, for example, tried to do in his experiment with the commune in Oregon, which, actually, 'succeeded' to a large degree, and the results of that experiment are available, at least if you dig around. Moreover, there are hundreds of books of his that go into the most minute details of any conceivable aspect of Life as such, from personal to universal. Whether it was 'right' idea or 'wrong', 'virtuous' or 'evil' is for you to decide for yourselves. Yes, there were some problems with it and they are the same kinds of problems we are dealing with in Benya's reports, the issues of governing and control. We'll touch upon some of them later in this chapter.

But that experiment did 'work', at least from the standpoint of many practical aspects, and there are plenty of beneficial ideas to be learned from it. Except it was not entirely self-sufficient and did need the external funding to purchase those things that were not produced or manufactured within the commune, and that IS one of the major problems with it. The main source of income was from the sales of his books and from several yearly festivals. But that may not be applicable as a general case. It 'worked' only in his particular case. So, that model still needs some refinements, even though the basic things, like food, shelter, clothing, medial and child care, education, various services and construction and other basic needs were covered quite well. Interestingly enough, there was no money circulated inside the commune.

You wouldn't even hear about it any place you go. Money was used only in the dealings with the external world. So, it was essentially a pure communist model in this regard. The model of the NWO also assumes the absence of money, but for a different reason, since everything 'belongs' to the 'emperor of the world', by implication. So, this, by itself, is quite an issue to look at and see if it at least points us in the 'right' direction. We are not trying to promote it here, but one thing is certain: that was probably the only known case in the entire recorded history, outside of the religious or tribal communities, where relatively large number of people were able to live together, take care of things without any kinds of conflicts or aggression, without pressures of the ideas of 'survival' or any kind of ego-centric activity and ideology, which is quite an achievement in itself.

Yes, we are aware of the idea of a Kibbutz, as implemented in Israel, but let us not get sidetracked. Furthermore, the entire environment was of joy, relaxedness, giggle, laughter and appreciation. There was no pressures at a work place.

There was no 'competition' of any kind. Basically, he was against the very idea competition in principle, and for a good reason. Why do you need to 'compete'? Is Life about 'competition', which inevitably leads to the 'cut-throat' viciousness eventually, at least in plenty of cases and spheres of activity? Or is it about exploration and refinements of who you are and growth of you awareness, eventually leading you to placement of yourself in the 'larger picture' of nothing less than Life itself? The very idea of 'competition' needs to be looked at, and in a much more insightful manner than what we have at the moment. The very idea of 'overwhelming' the others, or 'getting on the top of them', or 'winning' some futile game is what?

And leads where, but to some absurd of self-defeating nature? For example, in the capitalist model, there is an idea of 'diminishing returns', meaning that the more you 'gain', the less significant it becomes and the less of a 'progress' can you make.

Because initially, you can multiply your profits by orders of magnitude. But when you own trillions, how easy is it to increase it in relative terms to your existing worth, not even talking about multiplying your wealth by orders of magnitude?

Nowadays, you can see this global obsession with all sorts of 'competition', nearly everywhere you look. But who does ever ask a simple question: am I trying to just PROVE to others, and, ultimately, to myself, that I am 'not worse' than them, and, in fact, even 'better', compared to them, and can even 'overpower' or 'defeat' them? But for what? There was no need for ideas of 'achievement' of anything.

The only 'achievement' one could even mention is to live in joy and appreciation and 'take it easy', without any unnecessary strain or effort, even though - yes, things do need to get done, and they were done quite well, in the implicit manner. In Zen, there is a notion of an 'effortless effort'. Quite an interesting concept, which is a key to the meditation, which is the state of inner peace and silence in your mind, when your 'channels' to the 'higher levels' are open. But that is another story. And that single aspect alone is something inconceivable in the framework of the 'modern world'.

Because if you look at the 'real world', then what you see is an endless 'rat race', compared to that model, in which there was no need for any 'rats' or their 'races', inevitably leading to an abyss. It looks like the time has come to review the results of that experiment and see if we can find those things in it that could be implemented in the 'real world', and not just in some limited single 'commune'. Because the existing models and approaches on this planet at this junction simply pale in comparison to what was achieved in his 'commune'. What we have today on this planet is basically not more 'advanced' than the ideas of the outright barbarism, parasitism and exploitation of everything that moves, or does not move, for that matter. If we just look at a few major aspects, such as being able to live together with others, without any violence or conflicts of all kinds, or fear of 'survival' and the inherent 'competitive pressures', and the very idea of 'competition', as such, which merely translates into cut-throat existence, then what other known 'system' allows you to operate in such a non-hostile environment outside of some religious monasteries or tribal environments?

The 'bottom line' about the Osho's 'commune' is that with all this talk about some mythical 'elders' or 'world government' of a benevolent kind, you are not even close to what was already done and may be verified and reimplemented 'as is', pretty much. And the reason is simple: how could the 'blind' of Benya's kind possibly see and propose anything that really works for all, not just some, and works in the long run and allows the mankind to live in peace and harmony? Because these people, with all their ideas about some mythical 'village elders' or 'world governments, do not have a slightest clue of what is 'harmony', as such. All they know is endless struggles, the ideas of 'survival' and 'winning over' something or 'achieving' some 'goal' in their never ending struggle with their own Selves, just to 'prove' something. Yes, understood: 'how can you punish the blind for not being able to see?' And that is precisely why the idea of the 'enlightened' men, at least one of them, being the primary choice for the 'global village elders', may turn out to be to best choice possible.

One just needs to ask the simple question: would you rather live in the world, governed and directed by the people of Jesus' kind, according to quite a few principles he had outlined, or would you insist on some other selection criteria? No wonder, he was called a 'King'. Because, if there were any REAL kings on this planet, who would they be? But one thing you can be sure of: it is certainly more engaging and 'enlightening' than anything you will ever hear from the propagandist Benya, as blind, as arrogant and as dictatorial, as any of those he condemns all the time.

If you review some books by Osho and compare the depths of his vision to the 'revolutionary ideas' of Benyas of all kinds, then those of you, who at least have SOME ability to SEE, will be able to see the difference. And that difference is of day and night, in quite literal terms. (Contains about 300 of his books) Some issues with the Osho's commune in Oregon We are simply obliged to mention some problems and the issues with his 'commune' in Oregon, that are of the same kinds as problems we are discussing here, the issues of governing, in order to avoid creating a one-sided or distorted or incomplete picture of the whole thing. Basically, it was run by absolute dictators, and the person '#1', the only person he communicated with and was regularly discussing the issues of the commune and giving the instructions to follow.

And, interestingly enough, she was formerly a waitress in a restaurant in the New York. So, in terms of 'merits', it tells you something. And on the top of it, she was Jewess. What a 'killer' combination! Now, he himself was considered to be an 'absolute authority', just like some 'god'. Anything he said was beyond any arguments and had to be followed, like it was a word of 'god', quite literally.

He did not relate to anyone besides that formal 'head' of the commune. He did have several people working for him, providing food, cleaning his house and performing other service type of activities. But those things were done mostly in silence. Everyone knew what they are supposed to do and they just did it.

There was simply no need for a chatter of any kind, and, if they would like to get his opinions or discuss something, they could submit a question and he would talk about it on his daily lecture, but only if he considered that question significant enough and applicable to others. Now, under that 'head' of the commune sat a bunch of what we choose to call 'power witches', or 'power bitches', as they were called by some. Those were the heads of various departments, dealing with day-to-day practical activities of the 'commune'. They also had an absolute and unquestionable 'power' in their departments and nearly anything they said was actually a dictatorial order, to be followed unquestionably and unarguably.

That was a part of the trip of disabling the egos, known as 'breaking the resistance'. Yes, it does make some sense. But this is not something just to be 'swallowed' as is, as it has some quite far reaching repercussions. Basically, it is a thin hair away from total dictatorship and oppression. Something not to be taken lightly, even though he does provide plenty of 'reasoning' for it. There were several reasons it was organized that way and he talked about it in his lectures on numerous occasions.

It is quite a long subject to discuss here, so we'll just touch upon a couple of points. First of all, they were all women.

The idea was that women are less entangled in their heads and were acting more on the level of a feeling, than men, who tend to be guided more by purely mental aspects, then the level of feeling. Basically, he called his approach 'the way of the heart' during numerous lectures. In that respect, it was quite 'natural' to give the controlling aspects of running the 'commune' to women. Secondly, he mentioned it numerous times that the women were forever abused and exploited by the men worldwide, and so, it was his way to somehow compensate them for all the injustice and abuse, which women were subjected to throughout the history. So, the entire environment was basically dictatorial, and this is pretty much the same issue as mankind is facing in respect to social organization throughout the world. It is either a monarchy, which is dictatorial in its nature, simply because some 'tsar' or a 'king' has the absolute power and authority, or, alternatively, it is an approach of 'representative democracy', which is nothing but a myth, as in reality, the 'ordinary' people do not 'rule' anything, nor do they actually elect anyone to represent their interests. Even the 'democratic' societies are ruled by all sorts of corrupt individuals having 'power' or money, and those, in turn, are ruled by various 'nobilities' or 'ruling bloodlines'.

And it all happens behind the curtains. We emphasize: in reality, people never 'rule' anything and never actually 'elect' anyone. They might think they 'elect' someone, but either side they elect is inevitably going to serve not them, but their own puppeteers. They just THINK they do.

But the reality of it is that it is all decided by some 'hidden hand', working behind the curtains, and that 'hidden hand', on the topmost level, is the same evil bankers and the same ZioNazi satanists, as you can see worldwide, everywhere you look, pretty much. And it is them, who.