Crack Wpa2 Beini Software

Crack Wpa2 Beini Software Rating: 7,3/10 9174votes

Nov 22, 2015. About the WEP cracking I would say nothing, let me briefly explain how to use this CDlinux OS to crack WPA2 encryption algorithm. First I'll tell you a little about the cracking principle, it is using the pin code of WPS (WIFI Protect Setup), by guessing the pin code to connect to the wireless router. Just because. In this tutorial I'll show How to hack a WPA/WPA2 Wi-Fi connection through a bootable USB. [Download beini.iso]. UNetbootin software to make your USB drive bootable. [Download UnetBootin for Windows, Mac or Linux] 4. A Dictinary File For WPA 2 Crack. To crack WPA/WPA2 follow this image instruction.

Crack Wpa2 Beini Software

If you want to check the security of your Router ́s wifi password from a telephone, whether it be T-Mobile, Metro PCS, Spring or any other company, you can ́t miss this article full with the best existing apps to audit networks from Android and iOs. • • Do you have? Are these apps really useful to audit wifi networks? Admittedly, it is not the best method, however, if one of these apps can tell you your wifi password, you have a real problem These are the 3 most important things you have to do: • Change your wifi password for a stronger one • Use a WPA2 encryption • Deactivate your router ́s WPS • Change the SSID This is the first step to make it impossible to hack your wifi. I ́m going to show you several apps for mobile phone or tablet used to audit wifi networks. Don ́t you think for a second of using them to hack wifi or ( that is illegal and utterly immoral).

You can also use this kind of app to know your wifi password in case you lose or forget it. Contenido • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 SIMPLE STEPS TO AUDIT A WIFI PASSWORD • Identify your Internet Service Purveyor (ISP) • Chose the app appropriate to your purveyor • Download the app from our download page • Check your network ́s security in less than 2 minutes So if you have arrived to this page after Googling how to hack wifi, steal wifi, crack wifi password or something similar you are in the wrong place.

Here you will learn how to audit wifi connections in a very simple way using Android to check the security of our connection. However, the most effective method is WifiSlax. Soon we will present a professional network auditing course with WifiSlax. What these app really do is tell you that if you haven ́t changed your router ́s default wifi password, your password will be very weak and it ́s going to appear on your mobile phone ́s screen and it ́s going to be available to any hacker around.

I have been doing research on the efficiency of these apps to audit networks, those which do not need root permits and I don ́t think they are useful. Maybe for those who don ́t know anything about technology. (Don ́t miss our new guide on in 5 minutes, all brands and models).

All these programs work practically the same way. First, they scan the different connections, and shows in green the ones that are weak) If yours is marked as weak, you should change it. You can check the wifi of Vodafone, Cricket,, Spring or any other company from countries like E.E.U.U and England, regardless of their net having WPA, WPA2 or WEP security. It isn ́t necessary to know more about network security, no wifi hacker would use these apps and this isn ́t ethic hacking either.

It is a simple check of your wifi ́s safety. If you want to audit your wifi in a more professional way, you must to use WifiSlax.

HOW TO HACK A WIFI PASSWORD a hacker? Hackers use several techniques to crack wifi passwords and wifi password hack In this article I am going to show you some mobile phone apps that simulate the hacking of a net What they really do is check your net ́s security. Many people take advantage of the fact that wifi routers are vulnerable because their default password is very weak for the algorithm with which they create the passwords is public domain. Luckily, router manufacturers are doing their homework and people are opening their ayes and starting to change their default passwords (something you should do immediately and frequently to avoid being hacked). But how does a hacker hack wifi? Using audit systems such as,, o Beini. For this, if you learn how to use one of these systems, nobody will be able to hack your wifi.

IPHONE APPS TO AUDIT WIFI In the screenshot above you have some Iphone apps with which you will be able to check your wifi passwords. One of the iOs apps that I have tried is Wifiaudit.

These apps don ́t last long on the Apple Store because many people put them to bad use. It ́s sad but instead of using them to check their own wifi, they use them to hack wifi. ANDROID APPS TO AUDIT WIFI Now it ́s time to analyze 14 android apps I have been trying. AndroDumpper This app is pretty new and works very well. It is different to the rest from the list because, just like some Wifislax programs, it also takes advantage of the vulnerability of the WPS protocol.

Download Game Dragon Ball Ultimate Tenkaichi Untuk Pc. It is useful to check if you have any security problem because of your WPS protocol. You can use it in two ways: Root mode and without it. I believe it is currently the best wifi audit app. It works very well. Wifi WPS WPA Tester It is one of the latest apps to audit wifi to appear in the Play Store.

Morethan 52.000 people have rated it with 5 stars. They can ́t all be wrong, can they? Some lines back I wrote that this kind of apps are getting les and lesseffective.

However, Wifi WPS wpa Tester works very well for a simplereason: it needs root permits to crack the algorithm of the router ́s WPS. It is not only an app containing a database with the routers ́s default passwords, it can also crack WPS codes if the router has its WPS activated. If this is your case, deactivate your WPS NOW! The WPS pin is calculated through several algorithms: • Zhao • TrendNet • Dlink • Arris Router Keygen Based on the tests I ́ve been able to do, Router Keygen can tell you the wifi password if the SSID and the route ́s default password have not been modified, and only with some models.

When people Goole “ how to hack wifi from Android” this app is the first result so change your default password. Wlan Audit This tool is different form Router Keygen. Wlan Audit let ́s you know the router ́s Mac and its kind of security. It also shows the wifi ́s signal. It is a less known app because it neither cracks nor unlocks wifi passwords.

This app is useful to check you signals range to decide whether to buy an access point, an wifi amplifier, or even a PLC to reinforce the signal in places like the garage of the attic. HHG5XX Wep Scanner This app checks the security of Huawei routers, namely the model HHG5XX. The app can crack all the passwords the company fills it up with.

The app can do it thanks to the algorithm Huawai mac2wepkey. If you have this router, which is pretty common, you should install this app to check your password with Android. WifiPass Wifi Pass is one of the apps to audit wifi with Android that uses networks like JAZZTEL_XXXX and WLAN_XXXX among others. If you want more information, read our review.

This password cracker can give you the password instantly if your SSID is in their database and you haven´t changed your default password. You can start changing your configuration!

In Spain this type of net is pretty common. Pulwifi Contrary to Wifi Pass, Pul Wifi is one of the apps with more passwords in its database. Like WifiPass, it cracks nets of the type JAZZTEL_XXXX, WLAN_XXXX, WLANXXXXXX, YACOMXXXXXX, WIFIXXXXXX, some that use default D-Link Routers and some of the Huawei models. Wat have you learned so far?

I hope you have realised that you have to change your wifi´s SSID assap. You are going to avoid being hacked form Android.

Wireless Cracker This app is one of those you have to install to check the security of your wifi connection because, as its nam implies, it is one of the most used to hack wifi. Wirelss cracker let´s you crack passwords from many knids of net: Bbox-XXXXXX, DMAXYYYYYY,Discus–XXXXXX,INFINITUMXXXXXX, SpeedTouchXXXXXX, ThomsonXXXXXX and Orange-XXXXXX. Turbo Wifi for Claro routers If you have a Claro router and want to remember your password or check your net´s security, this is a good app. Turbo Wifi is the best app to get these passwords.

This app takes advantage of the vulnerability of Claro routers when they generate the default wifi password. The best thing? If you have a Claro router, change the default password and don´t worry. You won´t be able to get all the passwords but if your router has a WEP password and a SSID TURBONET_XXXXX, it will completely vulnerable. (FIX it!) So the best thing you can do to avoid being hacked is to use a WPA2 password written with uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. Time Line Therapy And The Basis Of Personality Ebookers.

As you can see, with a simple Android app anybody can get your Claro router´s wifi password. WPA Tester – Wifi Password This app works in a similar way to the rest being able to crack default passwords from some of the most comercial routers in the market including those from Ono, or at least so they say. It hasn´t worked with the wifi in my office for I have a strong password, a SSID that is not the default one and WPA2 security. Routerpwn It is one of the programs for cracking wifi passwords that I use the least. It is one of the many wifi audit apps you can find on the market.

I don´t know very well how it works (I haven´t found much information) but once I tested it and it was able to give me the password of a client from Santiago de Chile. PenetratePRO This is one of the most popular app to audit wifi and, at first sight, one of the best working ones. I have seen it on several forums although I haven´t been able to try it yet. Wifi Recover my password This fairly unknown app is very good to retrieve your lost wifi passwords If you have forgotten them. It is called “ Wifi Recover my password” This wifi password app includes a very peculiar dictionary including all the default passwords of a lot of routers.

The dictionary has to be installed in the memory of your sd card (66Mb). The downside is that if you don´t have a memory card, you won´t be able to install the dictionary. You can solve the problem if you have internet on your mobile phone for the app can access the dictionary online. A good way to see if your wifi can be hacked of if you need to change tour password for a stronger one. This options must be activated in adjustments. The dictionary contains the passwords of all the most common routers that companies give for free and some more.

The only models it lacks are TP-LINK, but nobody is perfect. The app´s interface is very similar to the rest. Nothing new here. You will surely find many networks that still work with their default wifi passwords, for this it is so important that you change yours. Wifi passwords by company To audit a wifi network it is important to know the company or internet provider.

It is not the same auditing a Movistar wifi password than one by Jazztel or Ono. Jazztel passwords If you have a Jazztel router, you have to be doubly careful, Jazztel routers are the most vulnerable ones.

If you don´t change your default password, anybody can hack it. To check that I´m right, donwload for example Router Keygen and try to crack a Jazztel wifi. It will take less than 2 seconds. Even if you change your passwords with audit systems like Wifislax, Wifiway or Beni, it can be cracked very easily if you don´t have WPA2 encryption. Think that many people use this audit systems as Wifi Password Crackers, and if you use the default WPA password, you are fucked, even more with Jazztel. The best you can do is create a superstrong password with upper and lower letters, numbers and symbols plus a WPA2 encryption.

Ono passwords If you want to make your Ono wifi password stronger, the best way to do it attacking the WPS vulnerability with Wifislax. You can also audit Ono wifi passwords with the Android appa ONO4XXFREE. You can download it from our. It is important that you can not get your wifi password by any of these two methods, for if you do, anybody can do it. Change your password, SSID and other safety parameters until you are completely sure that your wifi network is impenetrable. ONO4XXFREE is not as powerful as Wifislax, for it can only crack passwords from the older ONO routers that have WEP and WPA passwords and only the default ones.

The SSID of Ono networks has this nomenclature: • ONOXXXXXX • ONOXXXX • ONOXAXA ONO4XXFREE can only audit ONO passwords with the SSID ONOXXXX that do not have letters, and only those routers whose MAC starts by: • E0:91:53 • 00:01:38 It is worth your time to check your net´s security, even if it takes some time to check the security of your ONO router with WIFISLAX. If you have other model of router by ONO, don´worry, the algorithm for the other routers has not been leaked. ONO is one of the safest companies and even more now that they have allied with Vodafone. They give you pretty good Netgear routers, although you can´t set them up yourself. Movistar passwords Movistar wifi routers are among the most difficult to hack.

They usually have a similar SSID. As you can see in your city, it is one of the most used. Many of the existing Android apps can audit Movistar wifi passwords. So if you have one of these routers, you need to be especially careful. Movistar is one of the companies that set up their router with the WPS activated by default so many hackers can break your wifi with apps like Androdumpper o WifiSlax.

They will be able t o crack Movistar wifi password very easily. What does this mean? It menas that if you have a Movistar router you´d better deactivate the WPS and change the password to a stronger one. Vodafone passwords Security in Vodafone Routers was not all it´s cracked up to be before 2015, for in 2014 the algorithm that the company used for their WPA2 passwords was leaked. So those routers from 2014 or older that have the default password are vulnerable.

For example, Router Keygen has this algorithm. Luckily, the new VODAFONE routers are pretty difficult to hack. The best way to audit your Vodafone wifi is by using Kali Linux and its app “Wifiphisher”. It is a very advanced security app with which you can audit wifi in a professional way. I like to explain all these methods so you can defend yourself from any possible attack. What WifiPhisher does is create a false access point and lock the router.

If your are surfing your own network, you will suddenly lose your signal and a screen will appear asking to write the password again, and that´s how Wifiphisher gets your password. So if suddenly you see a nwe screen asking for your password, do not write it! The best course of action is restarting the router. This method is similar to the one that uses Linset.

This method works for any other kind on net. Orange passwords The best way to audit an Orang wifi password is using the Android app “PulWifi” (we´ve already seen it and it is available for free in our download page). This app is very easy to use. You will see the vulnerable connections in green and the strong ones in red. This app contains the Orange algo- rithm.

In other words, it has all the default passwords with which Orange sets up their routers with. Another app with which you can check the security of your Orange wifi is WirelessCracker. It works like PulWifi, you will be able to see the Orange SSID in green if it is vulnerable. If you change the SSID, you will be pretty protected from hackers.

Sadly there are many. Claro passwords As seen previously, the best option to check the security of your Claro wifi is the app TURBOWIFI. Lately I´ve been trying a new app that works very well called Wifi Unlocker.

I have reviewed it in a post where you have the APK available for downloading and updating.. Before wrapping up I´d like to tell you that lately there are new apps in the Google Play Store that simulate a wifi hack. One of the most famous is Wifi Hacker Prank. The funny thing is that this kind of app is that even though the Play Store clearly states that it is an app to make some pranks with friends, there are more than 1.000 comments saying that the app doesn´t work and it´s a ripoff. It makes you think. It looks more like a prank to those who want to hack wifi.

Even so, this app has been downloaded more than 100.000 times. We do not favor or promote any illegal use. Each user must have the consent of the owner of the Network to audit.

Beini On Virtual Machine: Virtual Machine is a software enable you to create a virtual operating system in windows. For those who can't boot the Back Track Software properly, due to their display card not supported. Virtual Machine is an alternative way. Step to install the virtual machine.

Please follow below picture by follow the numbering and text in red color. - First install the virtual machine software ( ).

- You can download virtual machine from: - Open the Virtual Machine software and Select Installer disc, choose the CD rom (as number 2). - If you do not have CD Rom, you can use ultra iso software to make a iso image (at another computer) and copy to your harddisk. And tick 'choose installer disc image file' and browse 'that iso'.

Once click finish, VMware will start loading. Click ok when ask below. Click ok again when below message prompt out.

You need to make sure you usb wifi adapter is using by VMware, not the windows. Go to VM -->Removable Devices -->Realtek RT8187xxxxx -->Select Connect.

Now only means that your VMware is using the wifi adapter. When prompt below, click ok. Now you already in Linux OS, same as in the manual. Now follow the manual on how the crack the password.

** Remember, To release your mouse from the VMware, please press CTRL + ALT. Feeding Bottle Method: 1. After boot successful, you will be bring to below screen. Click the 'Feeding Bottle' to start the program. A windows will prompt out, just click ok.

At below screen, select the wifi card and wait for the monitoring mode enabled. Then click next. Click scan and wait for 30second. Then select the wifi that have client as shown in below. Click and highlight the client info and click next.

Click start to attack, you will notice the IVS start running. Once it reach 30000 to 50000, the password should be found.

Refer below picture. Note: the router that you want to hack must be using (have data transfer), the higher data transfer, the faster the cracking process. If you notice that IVS value is not running, or running very very slow after few minutes, it means that there is no data transfer on the router. You may look for other time (when the router is using) to test again. Below shown successful case with password shown. Copy down the password and close the software.

Then logout and shutdown the machine. Minidwep-gtk Method: 1.

After boot successful, you will be bring to below screen. Click the Minidwep-gtk to start the program. A windows will prompt out, just click ok. When below windows prompt out, just click ok. Click the Minipwep-gtk to start the program. Then click scan to scan the available wireless. Select the wireless with client, and click the launch to start cracking process.

Note: the router that you want to hack must be using (have data transfer), the higher data transfer, the faster the cracking process. If you notice that IVS value is not running, or running very very slow after few minutes, it means that there is no data transfer on the router. You may look for other time (when the router is using) to test again. Below showing the IVS is running and increasing. Normally IVS Reach value around 30000 to 50000, the password will be found. Below shown successful case with password shown.

Copy down the password and close the software. Then logout and shutdown the machine. For WPA/WPA2: 1.

Just select WPA/WPA2 and click scan. Select the wifi that have client and click the dictionary attack to browse to your dictionary password list. Click lauch to attack. If password still not found after the run out the dictionary list, you have to prepare a bigger dictionary list. *** This Beini Software is for your own wifi education purpose for you to understand more on yoru OWN wifi security.

Cracking other people wifi is illegal and against law. We advice you do not attempt to attack other ppl wireless other than your own. GOOD LUCK TO YOU. ** Note: This guide is base on our knowledge and it is for learning purpose only. We not responsbile any miss used of the content. Problem Description Views Published On 789 22-Nov-2016 2030 26-Dec-2015 3200 06-Mar-2015 2782 06-Mar-2015 16939 24-Apr-2014 8414 09-Nov-2013 7000 06-Jul-2012 13434 05-Mar-2012 7795 21-Feb-2012 8662 16-Nov-2011 6685 16-Nov-2011 39402 26-Apr-2011 209341 22-Feb-2011 130439 22-Feb-2011 51277 11-Feb-2011 126147 25-Nov-2010 9468 31-Aug-2010 28155 15-Jul-2010 21617 02-Jul-2010 8142 02-Jul-2010 13974 31-Dec-2009 7969 12-Aug-2009 15756 15-Dec-2008 6612 15-Dec-2008 6272 15-Dec-2008 9685 15-Dec-2008 27668 15-Dec-2008.