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Title: 19 Shell’s Technical Graduate Programme - Life as a Discipline Engineer Duration: 3:06 minutes Description: Ever wonder what working as an engineer is like outside of the classroom and into the energy industry? Hear from our Discipline Engineer technical graduate, Rina Yang as she shares her career journey, experiences in Shell and insights into her role. 19 Shell’s Technical Graduate Programme - Life as a Discipline Engineer [Background music plays] [Text displays] technical graduate programme at shell discipline engineering [Video footage] View of a bay with oil storage facility. “You're going to be a future leader of the company, [Video footage] Woman in red overalls walks through a work area where people are sitting at workstations with computer monitors. So you're actually exposed to a lot of different challenges.

[Video footage] View of a monitor from over a woman’s shoulder. You're given real job challenges from the first day that you start work. [Video footage] Young woman in red standing in front of a storage tank.

My name is Rina Yang; I joined Shell two years ago, [Text displays] RINA YANG MECHANICAL ENGINEER and I graduated from Nanyang Technological University in Mechanical Engineering. [Video footage] View from ground of pipes overhead.

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Camera pans across the refinery. As an engineer, I get to come up with solutions. [Video footage] Rina at a workstation, speaking. How do you make the equipment more energy efficient? [Video footage] Views of refinery. How do you operate a turbine to consume less energy? We need to think of the most energy effective ways [Video footage] Rina at workstation.

Apr 27, 2015. Mentor Graphics just announced three new PADS family products for PCB design that, according to the company, start at unprecedented pricing for the. Tools in this space include Mentor Graphics' Xpedition Enterprise, Cadence's Allegro, and Zuken's CR-5000/8000. Download this article in.PDF format. [ Download from this server (214.9Kb) ],, 15:31. OS: Windows XP +. Processor: Dual-core Intel or AMD processor minimum. Memory: 2GB Minimum, 4 GB Recommended Swap Space: 2X the amount of RAM Xpedition® Enterprise from Mentor Graphics is the industry's most innovative PCB design flow, providing.

To minimise power consumption. [Video footage] Computer screen.

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The company places a strong emphasis on safety, and our safety practices are world-class standard. [Video footage] Rina outside with backdrop of storage tank.

My day to day job is in troubleshooting, and especially in times of catastrophic equipment failure, [Video footage] Rina and others at workstation with banks of computer monitors. It's the time when you get to see everyone really come together as a team. [[Video footage] Close ups of images on screens. There's no such thing as a hierarchical culture over here, [Video footage] Rina and work colleague at workstation.

So as long as you have facts and information [Video footage] Rina outside with backdrop of storage tank. That you can share with the team, everyone is open for discussion. [Video footage] Rina and female colleague at workstation.

You're assigned a buddy or a mentor, who will guide you through your day to day job, who will help you in your long term career ambitions [Video footage] Rina outside with backdrop of storage tank. And also if you have any queries about your rotational jobs, or about your career goals, and long term plans, [Video footage] Long shot or work space with many workstations. Camera pans to Rina and a male colleague talking. You can always feel free to talk to any senior leaders. They are always very open to sharing about their own personal journey.

[Video footage] Rina outside with backdrop of storage tank. There's a half annual review with your line manager so through this discussion with your line manager, he will actually inform you what your strengths and what your weaknesses are and what are the actions you can take to close these gaps. So, in such a feedback process, you get to learn more about yourself [Video footage] Rina and female colleague in meeting room with whiteboards behind them.

And how you are doing in the company. [Video footage] Rina outside with backdrop of storage tank.:50 I think what I like most about the Shell Graduate Programme is that it exposes me to different rotational roles, [Video footage] Worker putting on safety gloves and climbing a ladder so I get to try different departments such as Maintenance, Turnaround, Projects, Engineering Assurance. [Video footage] Rina outside with backdrop of storage tank. And also it sends us on development courses [Video footage] Close up of someone writing.

Such as Shell Life, which develops you as an individual leader, [Video footage] Worker standing amongst pipes and machinery. So, on the courses they teach you how to better yourself in influencing people, in terms of communication, [Video footage] Rina and female colleague walking along a corridor and then going through a turnstile. And how to bring out the leader in yourself. Shell helps me to achieve a work-life balance [Video footage] Rina outside with backdrop of storage tank.

By having a lot of community and networks in the company. [Video footage] Group of people sitting at a restaurant table, talking, laughing and eating. There are various support groups, such as Nexus, which is the graduate community, and also the Women's Network where you can get support from fellow women in Bukom. [Video footage] Rina outside with backdrop of storage tank. And also in Bukom, there are various facilities for the staff to use.

[Video footage] People playing tennis. Sometimes I play tennis with my colleagues on the tennis courts. [Video footage] Rina and female colleague with trays of food in the cafeteria; they walk over and sit down at a table with other colleague And also there was one time when we organised a cooking competition in our cafeteria. [Video footage] Rina outside with backdrop of storage tank. I think Shell brings out the leader in me [Video footage] Rina talking on cell phone/two-way.

By pushing me to the limit. [Video footage] Rina in large room, monitors and whiteboards behind her. In fact, in ten years' time, I will be exposed to various exciting technical roles which allow me to gain a deeper understanding of the industry.

[Video footage] Rina walking in safety glasses and hard hat. It's an exciting place to work here”. [Text displays] Shell logo ©SHELL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 2013. Title: 21 Shell’s Commercial Graduate Programme - Life in Downstream Commercial Duration: 3:10 minutes Description: At the heart of the oil and gas industry, Tobias Chen joined Shell's graduate programme in Business Development.

An exciting platform from which he can excel, feel pride in his achievements and propel is careers, all while having the flexibility to ensure that his work complements his life. Find out what makes his experience with Shell like no other. 21 Shell’s Commercial Graduate Programme - Life in Downstream Commercial [Background music plays] Guitar music [Graphics] COMMERCIAL GRADUATE PROGRAMME AT SHELL DOWNSTREAM COMMERCIAL [Video footage] Man sitting at workstation, talking on headset. “I'm Tobias Chen, I joined Shell in 2011. [Text displays] TOBIAS CHEN. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE. The culture is very open, very friendly.

[Video footage] Two young women in an open plan office. Men in a meeting room. One thing that keeps people here is the culture.

The Shell's Graduate Programme, is very different from the typical management trainee programme and the amount of participation of senior leaders in this programme [Video footage] Group of people at a meeting table. Is quite surprising and very encouraging. [Video footage] Tobias talking. I have never been declined walking into a VP's office or a GM's office. [Video footage] People in meeting room, talking.

They're always very encouraging and very welcoming towards feedback, enquiries or even challenges. [Video footage] Tobias talking. Each Shell graduate will be assigned, or through his own means, [Video footage] Two women talking in a cafeteria, with cups on table, looking at a document.

Find a mentor that is a senior leader in a business, [Video footage] Close up of an Individual Development Plan. With advice, career guidance and help to resolve some of the issues that a graduate might be facing. [Video footage] Same two women talking at table. [Video footage] Tobias talking.

[Video footage] People talking in meeting. The interactions with people who have spent 10, 20 years in a business I think that's really helpful for someone that's fresh out of university, like me.

[Video footage] Tobias talking in meeting room. Shell, as we all know, is a Fortune 100 company, and it has a huge array of businesses. [Video footage] View of bay with storage tanks in the distance. Aside from Upstream we also have the very strong Downstream business [Video footage] Shell V-Power signs at a filling station. Tobias giving a presentation.

Through that, you bring out a very complete perspective. It's a really a lot of opportunities that one can enter into. [Video footage] Tobias talking. [Video footage] People in meeting room looking at presentation on projection screen. There's always new businesses to explore and new dimensions, new markets, new challenges to face. It never gets boring. [Video footage] Close up of information about Shell Open University, zooms out There is this immense network of courses that we can take up in our own time.

It's called Shell Open University. [Video footage] Tobias talking. It broadens our horizons beyond just our job scope, our businesses.

[Video footage] Tobias at workstation, talking and working. I think that's a very strong benefit associated with being a graduate.

[Video footage] Tobias speaking. I'll typically begin my day with a little bit of planning about what's going to happen throughout the day. [Video footage] Tobias working at a computer. The mornings are typically time for, firstly, clearing overnight emails, [Video footage] Close up of Tobias typing on keyboard [Video footage] Group of people conducting a teleconference. That would be followed by teleconferences with our colleagues in the Philippines, in Thailand and in China.

[Video footage] Tobias speaking. People talking and laughing at a restaurant.

Lunchtime is typically spent with the team or with friends. [Video footage] Tobias at his workstation working on computer. [Video footage] Tobias talking After lunch, we can literally focus on our work.

- the project that's outstanding, the reports, the analysis that we have to do. [Video footage] Close up of Tobias typing on keyboard [Video footage] Tobias at his workstation working on computer. My proudest moment in Shell was the winning of a very important contract. [Video footage] Tobias talking on headset. Everybody, upon hearing the news, jumped up and cheered and it was really a very exciting moment for us; we celebrated. [Video footage] Close up of Tobias [Video footage] Tobias talking The first thing that my line manager said to me, when I first came to Shell, was [Video footage] Close up of Tobias 'You're all hand-picked to be the future leaders of Shell. [Video footage] Group of people.

Tobias writing on flipchart.that you will one day become a leader of this Fortune 100 company.' [Video footage] Woman walking through corridor. [Video footage] Tobias speaking. [Video footage] Womans walking into light open office reception area. This is also something that drew me to Shell in the first place; [Video footage] City scape at night with coloured lights at night. The opportunity to make a difference for the world's energy future.

[Video footage] Shell filling station at night. City scene lit up at night showing traffic.

The world's constantly growing and with economic growth comes an ever-increasing need for energy. [Video footage] Tobias speaking. [Video footage] Computer graphic People at workstations with banks of monitors. And so that prospect of being at the forefront of the most exciting part of the energy industry, [Video footage] Group of people walking along a corridor. I think that's something that really defines a Shell graduate”. [Video footage] Tobias smiling broadly.

[Text displays] Shell logo ©SHELL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 2013. Title: 22 Shell Graduate Programme: Why should I join Shell?

Duration: 2:10 minutes Description: There's nothing like a direct question to prompt an honest answer. Hear what young experts in the Shell Graduate Programme have to say about Shell, based on their own experiences. Contributing to solving critical real-world problems, getting involved in large-scale projects, having the opportunity to go wherever you want within a global organisation. Find out what appealed to them and what will work for you. 22 Shell Graduate Programme: Why should I join Shell?

Film Transcript [Background music plays] Bright, uplifting music [Text displays] Working at Shell Why should I join? Title: 23 Shell Graduate Programme: Who knows where the journey might take you? Duration: 1:55 minutes Description: The future is an open book for these graduates who talk about their experiences in the Shell Graduate Programme. A culture of continuous learning helps you discover your strengths and develop your skills. As your knowledge builds, so does the possibility to experience more, such as working alongside intelligent, motivated people who have time to invest in you and your professional development.

23 Shell Graduate Programme: Who knows where the journey might take you? Film Transcript [Background music] Pop music with guitars. [Text displays] Working at Shell Learning, development and support [Male Shell employee] Everyone is listened to, from the CEO to the graduate. [Female Shell employee] You are encouraged to go out there, see what you'd like to learn and why. [Male Shell employee] It's just a continuous journey of learning. [Female Shell employee] What I really like about Shell is that they give a lot of opportunities [Female Shell employee] for new hires to develop yourself.

[Female Shell employee] They very much structure your learning to you and your job [Female Shell employee] and what your qualities are. [Male Shell employee] When you start as a graduate, [Male Shell employee] you will be part of a global graduate scheme, [Male Shell employee] which is a very structured programme [Male Shell employee] and one of the best in the industry.

[Male Shell employee] Although it's structured, there is flexibility, [Male Shell employee] so you can choose and pick a bit, what courses you want to do. [Male Shell employee] You can also get the opportunity to go on external courses [Male Shell employee] and go on courses organized [Male Shell employee] by external universities, professional bodies, [Male Shell employee] But also there's soft-skills training, [Male Shell employee] So things like communication and leadership, [Male Shell employee] which, I think, complement, even for people who are technical, such as engineers, [Male Shell employee] really complement your development as a professional. [Female Shell employee] I have a feedback session with my line manager every week [Female Shell employee] and I show him what my progress is. [Male Shell employee] They want to let you discover what's right for you in your role. [Male Shell employee] They're not going to say, 'You're going to do this role.' Dark Heresy Adeptus Astartes Pdf File.

[Male Shell employee] They give you the opportunity to look at different roles and see where you fit in. [Male Shell employee] And you discuss this with your line manager [Male Shell employee] who can secure the support and resources for you. [Female Shell employee] I know for myself working abroad on two of my three placements so far, [Female Shell employee] It can get a little bit homesick being away, [Female Shell employee] and the people and my colleagues have helped me through that.

[Male Shell employee] Day in and day out, [Male Shell employee] you're working with really intelligent, really motivated people [Male Shell employee] that also really want you to learn and develop as a person. [Female Shell employee] They're also more than willing to invest time in you, [Female Shell employee] to invest time in your development in your knowledge learning [Female Shell employee] to help you really be the best that you can be. [Text displays] Consider a career with Shell Apply online at [Graphic] Shell logo on white background.

[Text displays] Copyright Shell International 2013. Title: 24 Shell Graduate Programme: What are you doing after work? Duration: 1:33 minutes Description: Shell is a place where you're part of the team, not just a new joiner in the corner, as several people in the Shell Graduate Programme explain. It's a community, young and friendly, where you soon get to know everyone, especially as the social side of work is just as important as putting in the hours. Join Shell if you want to get more out of your working life than you ever imagined possible. 24 Shell Graduate Programme: What are you doing after work?

Film Transcript [Text displays] Working at Shell The social side [Male Shell employee] You end up with a community [Male Shell employee] that are all travelling to a new city typically after university, [Male Shell employee] and so everyone makes a big effort to make new friends, [Male Shell employee] and it creates a very solid and strong community. [Female Shell employee] You've almost got this campus feeling. [Female Shell employee] It's a very young environment [Female Shell employee] and Shell has a very good social environment. [Male Shell employee] But also it's very important that you get to meet other graduates [Male Shell employee] from different areas that you wouldn't normally see, [Male Shell employee] and that helps to set up those permanent connections [Male Shell employee] that will help you out in the rest of your career. [Male Shell employee] There's the Energie Graduate Network, [Male Shell employee] and that's very involved – [Male Shell employee] always organising social events that everyone can participate in, [Male Shell employee] whether they be light-hearted or a development opportunity. [Male Shell employee] There's a Shell Women's Network, an Experienced Higher Network.

[Female Shell employee] The Asian Network, the African Network, and so forth. [Male Shell employee] There are opportunities for new graduates [Male Shell employee] to socialise and network together. [Male Shell employee] When I first joined, [Male Shell employee] I found a lot of invitations in my inbox. [Male Shell employee] Payday pint or bowling, sailing. [Male Shell employee] They've got a salsa event coming up.

[Male Shell employee] There are Christmas parties, barbecues, summer balls. [Male Shell employee] A senior engagement, lunch and learn with the leaders. [Male Shell employee] The opportunities to build a life within Shell, [Male Shell employee] as well as it just being the place where you work, are immense. [Female Shell employee] So it's a very friendly environment, [Male Shell employee] And it’s an environment where after a month you kind of feel like you know everyone [Text displays] Consider a career with Shell Apply online at [Graphic] Shell logo on white background. [Text displays] Copyright Shell International 2013.

Welcome to Toot Hill College If you are serious about your future and have the motivation to work to your full potential then we sincerely believe Toot Hill College is the place for you. We are an inclusive, high achieving college providing a wide range of A Level and BTEC courses. This choice allows our students to make the right decisions and secure for themselves the very best life chances. Toot Hill College has an outstanding reputation for pastoral care and each student is supported and guided throughout their time at the college. This ensures that all our students achieve their full potential and are well equipped to move on to university, college or work.

We look forward to welcoming you to Toot Hill College and helping you to make the very most of your future. 'At Toot Hill College, we are dedicated to offering an environment that is conducive to the very best learning and attainment. The staff at our college are committed to delivering first class educational experiences and have the highest expectations of all students.

This supports our key goal of aspirational levels of achievement for every student. By supporting our students to reach their potential, they will be fully prepared for the next stage of their learning journey — whether that be university, training or employment. Sarah Fox Head of College. Ofsted and Results Year 13 A Level results 2017: • A*–A: College — 31% • A*–B: College — 62% • A*–C: College — 90% • A*-E: College - 100% Out of all the students that applied to university, every student who wished to continue into higher education secured a place. The results were significantly above national trends reflecting the high academic rigour expected within the college. Ofsted, in their 2011 visit, stated that sixth form provision was good with good leadership and management enabling students to achieve good outcomes.

Ethos and Aims At Toot Hill College, we have a clear strategy for success: • Commitment: Toot Hill College is committed to providing a world class learning environment. Our staff aim to support all students to achieve at the very highest level, enabling them to secure their desired university, training or employment choice.

In turn, we have the highest expectations of all students. We encourage all students to develop as independent learners, helping them to access their full potential both academically and as young adults. • Community: Toot Hill College facilitates a fantastic range of curricular and extra-curricular opportunities that promote a true learning community.

The college aims to develop leaders of the future with initiatives such as the Student Union, Amnesty International and Debating Societies. The Senior Citizens' Tea Dance and Children’s Christmas Party provide our students with the opportunity to engage with the wider community. • Consideration: We aim to support the development of all students on their path to adulthood. At Toot Hill College, our staff are proud to provide care and consideration for all students. Equally, we expect all students to be considerate to each other and their community, facilitating a truly great learning environment for everyone. • Dress Code: Since we moved into our new building, we have introduced a more professional dress code, which has been designed to reflect the values of hard work and professionalism we instil in all our students.

The dress code requires students to attend college in smart/casual clothing, which excludes denim, trainers, t-shirts, shorts, low-cut tops, leggings and sports wear. Further details about the dress code are available on request. Students’ Union (Senior Prefects) An active Students’ Union enables greater autonomy for students in the creation of a ‘higher education’ ethos and provides opportunities for consultation regarding key college decisions. Sub-committees take responsibility for key college foci including events (such as the annual Christmas Party and College Summer Ball), teaching and learning facilities, links with the lower school and the college newsletter.

Level 2 Award in Community Sports Leadership (CSLA) An engaging and practical experience that enables students to develop leadership, communication, organisation and teamwork skills through the planning and leading of sports festivals for local primary school children. Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award This provides students with the opportunity to try new activities, develop key life skills and contribute to the local community through the ‘volunteering’ section. Students complete the final assessment by planning and completing, as a team, a fully self-sufficient expedition in the Peak District.

World Challenge Students complete a two week expedition abroad as a team, including a community project, a challenging trek and a sight-seeing element. Previous trips have taken place to Morocco, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Romania. This is the ultimate opportunity for students to respond to mental and physical challenges that will enable them to develop skills and gain experiences that will stay with them for life. Young Enterprise A national competition where students form a company to design, create, advertise and sell a product or service to be showcased at local and regional events with support from business leaders in the local community. Sport Enrichment Programme Students are provided with an opportunity to utilise the extensive leisure facilities available and to set up and participate in college sports teams to compete against other local colleges. Toot Hill College Passport A unique Toot Hill College programme that accredits students for 100 hours of volunteering in the school and local community; students are provided with opportunities to volunteer in subject curriculum classes or after school clubs, work with individual pupils through learning support or become an Arts Academy mentor working with pupils from local primary schools. Harlem Shake Creator Lite Free Download.

College students also facilitate an annual Children’s Christmas Party for pupils from an inner city primary school and Christmas Tea Dance for the residents of Bingham. Extended Project Qualification Well-respected and recommended by top universities, Year 13 students at Toot Hill College are offered the opportunity to research and write a 5,000 word project on a topic of their choice.

Each student is provided with a mentor who offers one-to-one support and advice during the project period; students complete the final assessment by presenting their findings to senior members of staff in school. Facilities and Environment The college has an excellent range of facilities and services available to students. The Suthers Building includes access to brand new facilities, including independent learning areas, modern catering facilities, college common room and wi-fi.

Extensive computing and ICT facilities are available and students benefit from access to a new design, technology and graphics suites, the new expressive arts block (including drama studios, photography dark room facilities, college art studio and music practice rooms), eleven science laboratories and exclusive use of Bingham Leisure Centre with subsidised gym membership. Advice and Choosing the right subjects The college provides a dedicated mentoring programme. In Year 12, the programme incorporates talks from College Alumni regarding life at university, study skills to help GCSE to AS transition, dedicated one-to-one interviews, clear and transparent targets, career pathways, revision and study support. In Year 13, the focus is on university, college and work applications. Mentors provide support in writing UCAS personal statements, writing letters of application for employment, choosing courses, looking for jobs, providing university and job references, offering study and revision support.

How to apply In order to apply for a place at Toot Hill College for a September 2018 start, you will need to complete our online application form. Applications open on Wednesday 8th November 2017. The final deadline for receiving applications will be Friday 19th January 2018. General entry requirements to the college are a '4' or above in English Language GCSE and a '4' or above in Maths GCSE. There are also course-specific entry requirements which students must meet in order to study particular courses: • In order to study an A Level course, students must achieve a 5 or above in the relevant GCSE subject(s). • In order to study a vocational course, students are recommended to have achieved a 4 or above in the relevant GCSE subject(s). For further information about the college you can download the or contact the College Secretary: Email: Telephone: 72 College Secretary Toot Hill College The Suthers Building Toot Hill School The Banks, Bingham Nottingham NG13 8BL We look forward to hearing from you.