Acrobat 10 Ppd Download Mac

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Acrobat 10 Ppd Download Mac

Before you re-install, you might try using 'Help >Repair Acrobat Installation' in the Acrobat Professional menu. I think that this will repair/re-install the printer, though I may be mis-remembering -- Peter Truskier Premedia Systems, Inc. Berkeley, CA USA >-- >You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 'InDesign talk' group. >To post to this group, send email to.

Acrobat 10 Ppd Download Mac

Try this link: Install Acrobat PDF Printer. It details doing it on 64bit Windows 8.1 - but the principle should be the same. Bearing in mind that you have to have a licence for Acrobat XI to install the printer driver, it seems an expensive way of having print to PDF functionality when there are cheaper/free tools.

>To unsubscribe from this group, send email to. >Visit this group. >> 30.10.12 10:29. But with Acrobat X installed, you would get the X driver If you want the Acrobat 9 driver, copy it from a backup (if you have one) to the '/Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/' folder. On 10/30/12 10:15 AM, 'Peter Truskier' wrote: >Before you re-install, you might try using 'Help >Repair Acrobat >InstallationŠ' in the Acrobat Professional menu.

I think that this will >repair/re-install the printer, though I may be mis-rememberingŠ Bret Perry Studio IT Manager/Production Artist ph 626-463-9365 fax 626-449-2201 The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this email by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately by calling the Help Desk at 866-682-8852. Please consider the environment before printing this email. Ptruskier 30.10.12 10:48.

With Mac OS X 10.6 'Snow Leopard,' Apple introduced an entirely new architecture for print drivers. The new system is designed to provide greater reliability and timeliness in printer support by taking much of it out of the hands of printer manufacturers that, frankly, have never been great at supporting the Mac platform. With such a major change, though, there were bound to be casualties, and one was Acrobat's Adobe PDF print driver. It simply stopped working.

In response, later versions of Acrobat Pro 9 have entirely removed the driver and its associated PostScript Printer Description (PPD) file from Snow Leopard systems. In its place, Acrobat leaves a new 'Save as Adobe PDF' item on the PDF menu of the OS X print dialog. And of course, we can still export direct to PDF from within Adobe CS applications like InDesign and Illustrator. That's all well and good for general use, but it doesn't satisfy every case. For instance, Lightning Source, the POD printer I use for my books, wants my book cover files to be run through Acrobat Distiller, which means first creating PostScript files from InDesign. But without the PPD for Adobe PDF, I have no way to create PostScript for oversize pages like book covers. It should work to choose 'Device Independent' instead, but it doesn't.

(I've written more about this specific problem on my. Freddie The Goldfish Game For Kids. ) Users of InDesign's Print Booklet feature have likewise found themselves up a creek. Fortunately, there are ways to recover Adobe PDF's PPD and make it permanently available to CS apps. Here's the procedure for CS4. Find a copy of ADPDF9.PPD, the PPD file that the latest Acrobat Pro 9 versions remove. You might find it on a backup of your computer at Library >Printers >PPDs >Contents >Resources >en.lproj. (That's starting from the root of your system, not from your user directory.) You can also get it from the Acrobat Pro 9 app itself if you choose 'Show Package Contents' from the contextual menu and then go to Contents >MacOS >SelfHealFiles >AdobePDFPrinter >PPDs >Contents >Resources >en.lproj.

You might also locate a copy for download from the Web. Place this file in Library >Printers >PPDs >Contents >Resources. (Again, that's starting from the root of your system.) Do NOT place it in the folder en.lproj. Though that will work too, it will move the file farther down on menus, making it harder to find. Rename the file so that Acrobat won't be able to find and remove it again.

I suggest something like 'Adobe PDF 9.ppd'. (That, again, will keep the file high on menus.) For CS4, that's all you have to do.

Now, when you go to print from InDesign and choose 'PostScript File' as your printer, you'll be able to choose 'Adobe PDF 9.0' from the PPD menu. (You'll see a menu item by that name regardless of what you named the PPD file.) With CS5, things are a little trickier. InDesign's menu does not show anything from the Mac OS PPD folder unless it's a PPD in a current print queue. One possible solution for InDesign is to add the PPD file directly to the app's support files.

Go to Applications >Adobe InDesign CS5 >Tele Popup Software Cracker. Presets. Create a new folder named 'PPDs' (case sensitive). Then place your PPD file in this folder. You don't even have to rename it. The trouble with this method is that you'll have to repeat it if you ever reinstall the program or install a major upgrade. And by then, of course, who knows if you'll be able to find these instructions.

So, a better method is to set up the PPD file in a new print queue -- a dummy print queue -- where InDesign can find it. Start by following the same procedure as for CS4, locating, installing, and renaming the PPD file. Go to the Print & Fax pane in System Preferences and click on the plus sign to add a printer. Select ANY connected printer from the dialog. Then for 'Name,' change what's shown to 'Adobe PDF' or whatever else you like.

From the 'Print Using' menu, select 'Other,' and then choose the PPD file you installed. When you click 'Add,' you'll get a warning about installing a queue for a printer that already has one.

Take a deep breath and click 'Continue.' You will now have a print queue with the desired PPD associated with it, in addition to your original queue for that printer. You will not be able to create PDF files with this new queue, but you will be able to access the PPD from InDesign CS5. And that will enable you to create PDFs with pages of any size. Are none of these working for you?

To make a Postscript file, in InDesign you should have a 'Postscript (R) File' choice under 'Printers' IN the print dialog. (not Adobe PDF 9 anymore) You would then change any settings you want to change in Distiller to create the PDF. There are no Acrobat options available AFAIK for settings BEFORE you make file.

To make a Postscript file, in most other apps, you should have a 'Save was Postscript.' Using the 'PDF' button at the bottom of the print dialog. If you were hoping that the Acrobat 9 driver would let you print to Acrobat PDF from *InDesign*, in 10.6 or higher, nope -- must now print to a postscript file and distill. Print or Save to Acrobat PDF from print dialog no longer functions in InDesign. But using the 'PDF' button at the bottom of the print dialog, choosing 'Save as Postscript.'

Should work (or the Postscript (R) File under Printers in ID). AFAIK, it is NOT a good idea to have Acrobat 9 AND Acrobat X or XI (or their drivers) both installed. If it is another app and you want to print to PDF, it is also now using the 'PDF' button at the bottom of the print dialog, choose 'Save as Adobe PDF' (with Acrobat X installed) If none of these work in ID, I would uninstall Acrobat 9 and/or X and re-install Acrobat X. If you have Acrobat XI (the newest) -- dunno, I don't have that yet. On 10/30/12 12:43 PM, 'Carol F Majors' wrote: >Just can't get if back onboard. I was readying a paper at adobe that >makes it sound like that aspect had been changed after 10.6. But I'm >still not able to get it to work following their instructions or by >reinstalling acrobat.

>>If I try time machine again, what should I restore to earlier? >>Sent from my iPhone >919-559-1886 >>On Oct 30, 2012, at 1:48 PM, Peter Truskier >wrote: >>>Oops.

I missed the different versions bit. Rebecca Evans, UNC Press 31.10.12 06:19. I did an oversize-page test, printing to postscript and then distilling.

When I selected 'device independent' the resulting page was too small (US standard 8.5'x11'). When I selected one of our in-house printers as the PPD, it did size the pages properly. I then defined my own page size of 9'x12' and tried printing to postscript, device independent, but as soon as you choose device independent, you no longer have access to any page sizing selections. Device independent used to work properly, sizing the postscript page to the file's page size. Back in the day, I had a whole slew of printer drivers for high-res postscript RIPs found at printshops.

I don't know how the printer PPD selection affects the postscript file's resolution, type handling, and so on, and would be reluctant to trust that a PPD for a laser printer would provide the proper result. Rebecca cfmajors 31.10.12 06:30. On Wednesday, October 31, 2012 6:19:36 AM UTC-7, Rebecca wrote: I did an oversize-page test, printing to postscript and then distilling. When I selected 'device independent' the resulting page was too small (US standard 8.5'x11'). When I selected one of our in-house printers as the PPD, it did size the pages properly. I then defined my own page size of 9'x12' and tried printing to postscript, device independent, but as soon as you choose device independent, you no longer have access to any page sizing selections.

Device independent used to work properly, sizing the postscript page to the file's page size. Back in the day, I had a whole slew of printer drivers for high-res postscript RIPs found at printshops.

I don't know how the printer PPD selection affects the postscript file's resolution, type handling, and so on, and would be reluctant to trust that a PPD for a laser printer would provide the proper result. Yes, we understand that there are highly uninformed practitioners in printing and prepress who cling to obsolete workflows based on either problems experienced by early adopters of InDesign twelve years ago, many of whom were working with faulty workflow software and RIPs at the time. Every time I've discussed such restrictions with print service providers requiring PDF via distillation of PostScript, I've never been able to get a rational response in terms of why they actually have such a restriction and when further challenged, they agree to accept exported PDF and have no problems with it. On 2012-10-31, at 5:50 PM, Dov Isaacs wrote: On Wednesday, October 31, 2012 6:19:36 AM UTC-7, Rebecca wrote: I did an oversize-page test, printing to postscript and then distilling.

When I selected 'device independent' the resulting page was too small (US standard 8.5'x11'). When I selected one of our in-house printers as the PPD, it did size the pages properly. I then defined my own page size of 9'x12' and tried printing to postscript, device independent, but as soon as you choose device independent, you no longer have access to any page sizing selections. Device independent used to work properly, sizing the postscript page to the file's page size. Back in the day, I had a whole slew of printer drivers for high-res postscript RIPs found at printshops.

I don't know how the printer PPD selection affects the postscript file's resolution, type handling, and so on, and would be reluctant to trust that a PPD for a laser printer would provide the proper result. Yes, we understand that there are highly uninformed practitioners in printing and prepress who cling to obsolete workflows based on either problems experienced by early adopters of InDesign twelve years ago, many of whom were working with faulty workflow software and RIPs at the time. Every time I've discussed such restrictions with print service providers requiring PDF via distillation of PostScript, I've never been able to get a rational response in terms of why they actually have such a restriction and when further challenged, they agree to accept exported PDF and have no problems with it.