Driving Log Sheet For Drivers Ed Colorado

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Which drivers are required to have a DOT medical certificate? Interstate: All CMV drivers who operate in interstate commerce are required to have a medical certificate based on FMCSA requirements. • If they operate a motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR), gross combination weight rating (GCWR), gross vehicle weight (GCW), or gross combination weight (GCW) of 10,001 pounds or more. • If they transport hazardous materials, in a quantity requiring placards. • If they operate a motor vehicle designed or used to transport more than 15 passengers (including the driver). • If they operate a motor vehicle designed or used to transport between 9 and 15 passengers, for direct compensation, beyond 75 air miles from the driver’s normal work-reporting location.

Intrastate: • Intrastate certification is regulated by the DMV of each state. All states have based their physical qualifications on some of the Federal requirements, but may grant waivers for certain medical conditions. • Some carriers e.g. FedEx, UPS and DHL, are subject to interstate regulations even if they drive intrastate. I have a CDL and have been notified to present DMV with a medical certificate or I will lose my driving privileges. I’m not currently driving and may not drive again.

Driving Log Sheet For Drivers Ed Colorado

Do I need to get a DOT physical just to maintain my license? For more information see our blog post. In order to keep your CDL, some states will allow a CDL holder to certify in a category that does not require a medical certificate e.g. Intrastate Excepted, if they are not currently driving.

Driver's Education Permit Restrictions • You are only allowed to drive with a driver's education instructor or the person(s) who signed the Affidavit of Liability and Guardianship form. Driving and 10 of those must be at night. You must keep a written log and give this to the DMV when applying for a Colorado driver's license. Drivers Ed for Foreign Visitors to Pennsylvania, The AmericaDrives.com course prepares you for the written knowledge examination, AmericaDrives.com offers a.

You will have to check with your State Drivers License Agency (DMV) to see if they permit this option. This will give you a way to maintain your CDL without a current medical card. If you want to start driving again, you will first have to get a new medical card, and then visit your DMV, to self-certify in the category that is appropriate for the type of driving you will be doing. Do I need a medical card if I’m a local driver? Requirements for local drivers (intrastate) are regulated by the DMV of each state. You will need to check with your state DMV if you are a local driver. All states have based their DOT physical qualifications on some of the Federal requirements, but may grant waivers for certain medical conditions. If you’re a local driver you can still get your medical card from a certified medical examiner.

() In some cases e.g. FedEx, UPS and DHL, drivers are subject to even if they drive intrastate. Who can I go to to get my DOT physical exam done? New federal regulations state that starting May 21, 2014, CMV drivers can get medical certificates only from a medical examiner who is FMCSA National Registry Certified. Updated: May 2014 Starting May 21, 2014 you can only get medically certified by a federally certified medical examiner – called a CME or Certified Medical Examiner. That examiner will have a National Registry Number, which must be included on the information on the medical certificate issued to a driver.

Medical professionals who participate in the CME program may be MD, DO, DC, APN, or PA. The caution here is that even though these professionals are certified by FMCSA, some states will not recognize certain categories of medical professional to qualify drivers within that state. The information we have at this time is: Michigan and Washington do not qualify chiropractic physicians to issue medical certificates for their drivers. What is a waiver or exemption, and how can I get one? A waiver or exemption gives a driver temporary relief from a regulation; one of more of the FMCSRs. FMCSA Exemption Programs are for drivers of CMVs that intend to operate in interstate commerce.

A driver may apply for an exemption from any of the standards where the driver can show that safety would not be diminished by granting the exemption. The exemption is granted for up to two years, and may be renewed. See the for more information and details of how to apply. Intrastate commerce: FMCSA does not have statutory authority to grant waivers/exemptions to drivers from states’ intrastate requirements. Therefore, the FMCSA waivers/exemptions do not permit regulatory relief for drivers who plan to limit their operations to intrastate commerce. For how long is my medical certificate valid? • 2 years if the driver meets all the FMCSA standards (see ) • If the driver meets standards, but periodic monitoring is required for certain conditions, a medical certificate will be issued for a limited time period.

Depending on those conditions the period could be 1 year, 6 months, 3 months, or some other time limit. Medical conditions stable, on treatment include hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, sleep disorder, conditions qualified under exemption. • If the driver does not meet FMCSA standards, then medical certification is disqualified. Disqualified due to medical condition and/or medication, stage 3 hypertension, insulin-dependent diabetes. “Does not meet FMCSA standards” means the driver is not medically qualified at the time of the examination. Until a certified medical examiner makes a determination that the driver is medically qualified the driver is not able to operate a CMV in interstate commerce.

What do I do with the medical certificate (MEC) and long form (MER) once I get them? The Driver: • Carry the original medical card (Medical Examiner’s Certificate, form MCSA-5876) with you at all times you are driving.

• Keep a copy of the long form (Medical Examination Report, form MCSA-5875) for your records. Even though DOT regulations state that you only need to carry the medical card with you, you’ll save yourself hassle if you carry the long form as well. • It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that they have a current Medical Examiner’s Certificate on file with their CDL, so make sure you renew the copy of your Medical Examiner’s Certificate together with your Self-Certification affidavit at your State Drivers License Department. (more info on ) The Company: • The motor carrier is required to keep a copy of the Medical Examiner’s Certificate in the driver qualification file. Drivers, make sure you provide a copy of the Medical Examiner’s Certificate to the company that employs you.

Certified Medical Examiners: • The medical examiner is required to provide the driver with a paper copy of the original Medical Examiner’s Certificate, form MCSA-5876. • The medical examiner is required to keep the original long form and a copy of the medical certificate on file for a least three years. • The medical examiner is required to enter driver examination results online to the National Registry system for each interstate driver examination. The examination results information is reported whether the examination is completed or not i.e. If a driver leaves the examiner’s clinic during the examination because they do not wish to continue, the medical examiner will report the results as “Incomplete Examination”. Do I need to have a medical certificate if I operate a CMV only in my home state?

Requirements for intrastate drivers are regulated by the DMV of each state. You will need to check with your state DMV. All states have based their DOT physical qualifications on some of the Federal requirements, but may grant waivers for certain medical conditions. If you drive intrastate you can still get your medical card from a certified medical examiner. () In some cases e.g.

FedEx, UPS and DHL, drivers are subject to even if they drive intrastate. Can’t Find An Answer For Your Question? If you have a question that you feel has not been answered, scroll down to the Questions and Comments box and post your question. • Before posting, please make sure you are on the appropriate Category page, so that relevant questions and answers can be found by other drivers too. • To save us all from zombie spammers, your question will not appear on this page until it has been approved. • Trucker Docs™ will answer your question as soon as possible. • Visit this page again soon to see our response.

Your email address will not be published. Your comments are also welcome. So if a driver goes out on a personal medical leave (current medical card is good) do they have to get a new DOT physical to driver a commercial truck? I have read a few posts on this but wanted to see if what I read was right. “If a driver goes out on a medical leave of absence and that medical leave of absence would disqualify him form operating a CMV, then when he wants to return to duty, he is required to get reexamined for his medical DOT.” Does that mean only if his medical leave of absence would have disqualified the driver from operating a CMV? Good Afternoon, My question is I have a WV class A CDL w/hazmat and tanker endorsements, My WV DOT physical expires 9-Jan-18 ( which was for 2 years ) and My license expires 2-Nov-2020,I am currently working for a contracting Co. For the DOD in Afghanistan and I wont be coming back to the states till after my DOT Phys.

I currently took a Fit For Duty which I take every year Dubai ( Which is good till 13-Mar-2018 ) I have a complete copy of my last FFD on PDF Will the state of WV except this and I have another FFD coming up again before 13-Mar-18. Will the state of WV accept a physical ( FFD ) from Dubai.

I am on anticonvulsant med (Lamictal XR, 150 MG) due to a head injury 2 years ago, My neurologist is not sure if its seizures or migraines variant. But i did research and both have issues either with dizziness, memory loss, cognitive issues or even paroxysmal episodes of prolonged visual auras, So the DOT physician at this time still will not pass me, So is there a difference between being approved because of taking med for seizures or migraines variant?

And if I go off the med, when can I be able to get a DOT physical card again.? Im confused as one Dr. Says it should be fine to drive CDL if the anticonvulsant med is used for Migraines variant, but another says they both have occurrences that can cause issues while driving CMV because if I miss a dose or have side affects of the med or condition while under control of a CMV. So which is correct.

Long story short, over the summer I trained as a bus driver. They paid for the DOT exam. While waiting for the summer to end, I decided I would rather drive am 18 wheeler than a bunch of children.

I went up to the Via Christi clinic that it was done at to request my long form and they told me they couldn’t since it is property of the school bus company. I live in Kansas, so I’m not sire if that makes a difference or not but, from what I’ve seen the clinic is supposed to give it if I request since it is MY medical records. Any answers you can provide would be greatly appreciated. As a child I had seizures and was on medication. I went off the medication at age 10. I have not had a seizure since the age of four.

I am now 22 years old. I went for my medical exam and passed. Recently I was put on some medication and my primary doctor needed to sign that this would not affect me getting a CDL. He signed the form and I gave it to the medical examiner. Apparently the medication I was recently put on is also used to treat seizures. I was not put on this medication to treat seizures, it is for something else. I have a letter from the doctor stating this medication is not being used to treat seizures.

However because I have a history of seizures from my childhood and now take seizure meds, the medical examiner denied my med card. I have been seizure free since the age of four and off seizure meds that were being used to actually treat my seizures since the age of ten. I have documentation of all of this also. Shouldn’t I be able to obtain my med card in this case? I had a required for my work a DMV/DOT exam, done on July 10th, did not pass re: Hypertension, (the facility did not give me any documentation, just said you flunked.I am currently on BP meds, and see my Dr regularly, went to my Dr. On July 20th, he signed a medical clearance stating I was cleared for performing the essentials functions of my required duties, thus listing those. Also stated i am being treated and the treatment has been shown to be effective and stable.

The DOT examiner stated, that Dr.s clearance didn’t matter.it was DOT’s exam that counted.Now, my deadline for my renewal was up July 28th.What next? Thank you John H. Ma company workin the state of Connecticut, as per usual the company had us all go to a dr in conn, been to the same place for the third time, new doc this year waited 3 hours failed me! Says I need an apnea test. Never failed.

Gave me a 3 months card did that wrong RMV had to get an override! It has taken me 2 weeks to months to see my primary care, referral to Pulmonogist took 8 weeks, sleep study done finally! But they have 2 weeks to get results to primary and Pulmologist! My card is going to expire on July 19!! I don’t drive I am a Superintendent on a job and it’s a requirement! Why in the hell would DOT give you a time frame that’s impossible to meet?

With the medical insurance industry the way it is right now! As soon as I got a referral to pulmonogist I called everywhere in and out of network most of these doctors are taking appointments 4-6 months from now never mind getting tested and the rest!! What do we all do??? @Lon Each clinic is different, the FMCSA has no say in this issue. If the examiner held your results in “pending” status in order to receive the stress test results then the clinic just needs to complete that medical examination.

If the examiner gave you a new medical card, then the clinic has to complete a whole new medical examination form and a new medical certificate which supersedes the previous one. The examiner may chose to repeat the entire physical exam or not depending on the time-frame between exams. Just for everybody’s info: Can I get a copy of my DOT physical long form or will I have to take another physical? Now I noticed that your answer is yes, but when I called they claim I don’t own those records that my company does and they wont give them to me. (I just changed jobs and the physical isn’t a month old) I was givin the runaround for 3 days trying to get a copy, so I called one of their other locations and they said sure come on down. My question is isn’t this like medical records? I mean if that was the case nobody could ever get any medical records that they’re insurance paid for.

I guess I’m just dealing with morons at that one location. Hello, November of last year I went to my companies recommended doctor to renew my dot physical which is Concentra. Concentra’s doctor said I needed to take a sleep apnea test. I didn’t agree with that decision and wanted a second opinion. I went to another doctor that is on the DOT registry list, and he approved me with a two year medical card.

Now my company is saying that they are not recognizing the second doctor’s approval because of the first doctor’s recommendations for the sleep apnea test, and that I can not work untill I take the test. Is this legal?

If the state of Maryland excepted my new DOT card why my company not excepting. Is there a way I can fight this, Thanks. Thanks Trucker Doc’s for your response. Yes they are giving me a hard time. I’m an O/O without health insurance and they are saying they will not pay for the sleep apnea test. With your knowledge in this field, do you know of anything that will help me to resolve this with this company?

I cannot see how this would be policy for them or any other company for that matter, however if it is in fact their policy, can this be over ruled? I really enjoy working for the company that I’ve been loyal to for so long, starting there as a dispatcher and then working my way up to become O/O. If I can possibly come to a resolve or reason with them, I feel that would be in my best interest. Also, would you recommend taking legal action against them if they continue to refuse to not accept my current valid DOT registration card?

Thank You Very Much for your time. I have a clinic that’s stating they’re correct in dating the determination page of the long form, and medical card with the date before the exam, i.e., exam date 12/21/16, expiration date. They say that’s how they learned from their DOT physical classes before the new physicals came out last year. We are an Interstate carrier and follow federal guidelines. We have a 3rd party record keeper and I know they would not accept in into their system if the dates didn’t match.

Is there an answer in the FMSCR regarding dates matching? Obviously, if they’d obtained 3/6 month cards, I’ve seen them go by the days but this is a 2-year card/physical, thank you.

If California has no variances in the MEC from the Federal standards, does that mean that all Doctors performing exams in California be on the national Registry, regardless of whether a driver is Intrastate only commerce? I am at issue with both the DMV and the first Doctor I went to for renewing my MEC. DMV turned it down because said doctor is not on the National Registry and even though I do only intrastate commerce, because the back of my DL shows no restriction of interstate, DMV says Doctor must be on National list. I went to a second Doctor on National Registry, but first Dr.

Says he is in compliance and will not refund my money.headed to DMV tomorrow with all new forms from second doctorwe will see what they say this time. The DMV is technically correct. If your license is not specifically restricted to intrastate I can understand why they would deny the first exam you had done. Any CME that is not on the National Registry cannot mark on the exam or certificate that the physical was done to federal standards.

The FMCSA requires any CME performing interstate exams to be on the National Registry. Also, this is a good time to note that it is the driver’s responsibility to know if the CME is on the National Registry. These rules have been changing over the last 2 years as to the training requirements for CME’s. If you do not ever plan on driving interstate it might be a good time to ask your local DMV about having the intrastate restriction and if that changes who is allowed to perform your exams in your particular state.

Whether or not it is required to use a CME on the Registry, it is always a good idea too because that particular examiner has proven to the federal government they are willing to stay up to date on FMCSA regulations, which all states have to meet as a minimum anyway. Jewel Quest Solitaire Free Download For Android. Good luck to you. B DOT Certified Medical Examiner.

Boyfriend was let go from his job of 7 years. He tested positive for marijuana on a random drug scree.

They sent him to SAP course which he began immediately. After 4-5 sessions with his Counselor, she did a SWAB test on him in her office and came back negative.

He told her he was going to schedule the appointment to retest for work so he could get back on road as it had already been 7 weeks. He took urine test at work and it came back positive. He contacted both the SAP & Counselor and was advised that there was nothing they could do for him he would have to take the program again and was let go from his job. Can you offer any suggestions or advice on what the next step is to get him back on the road? I have an offer to drive a lease tractor tractor from Florida to Maryland for a person who wants to transport their own personal property. Does this make the haul into a “PRIVATE CARRIER – NOT FOR HIRE” situation, or simply a personal haul involving a tractor trailer loaded to max. I have a valid CDL-A to operate the lease company vehicle.

The guy wanting to transport his property intends to rent a vehicle for about 1 week and return it. Do I also need a current DOT MEDICAL CARD as well? It is not interstate commerce. It is not a commercial for hire carrier. This is a person who wants to transport their personal items and property which will fit into a tractor trailer van to about 80,000 pounds and is NOT hazardous materials. Just general commodity items. They want to go to a truck rental place to rent a tractor trailer for about 1 week, then return it.

They do not have a CDL or want to dive it. I would be the hired paid driver to operate that tractor trailer from Florida to Maryland and back. Hence – the Hours of Service rules would not apply?

The DOT medical card would not be required? Only a valid CDL-A license needed?

I drive a school bus, My license says P-if CMV,School buses interstate. When I got my med card in April I told the doctor I had sleep apnea and he gave me my card for one year, until April 2017. My school just had their annual physical and I wrote down I have sleep apnea, the doctor temporarily disqualified me until I provide some cpap usage and a letter from a doctor. I don’t have good medical ins and cant afford to get the information asap. I called the Texas DPS and they said that my med cert did not have to be on file with them.

And the girl at the office who just did my physical said that they do not upload information to the DPS. Can I still use my card that’s good till 2017? I was upfront with both doctors with the same info. I have a good card in my pocket but this last doctor is wanting info that I cant get to him in a timely manner.

I am so confused with what this doctors office is telling me and the Tx DPS and still having this good med card. In Oct 2015 I had a random drug screening and it came up positive for methadone. I was taken out of my truck.

The testing company contacted me asking if I had a prescription for it and if so to prove it to them with a letter from my prescribing doctor, so I did that the same day and the next day I was aloud back in my truck. In Feb 2016 I had to renew my dot card and had a drug screening done and 4 days later and put on medical leave due to methadone. So when was methadone made a absolute disqualifying drug?

And does my company have the right to not let me detox from it and keep my job? During my physical, the CME found sugar in my urine and I was given a 3-month card.

I followed up a few days later with my own doctor, and there was no sugar in my urine, but my blood sugar was still high. She prescribed medication and dietary changes to decrease it. My employer does not recognize a 3-month card and has demoted me to the pay of a non-CDL yard truck operator until I get a full-length DOT card. This decreases my pay by $5 per hour, and limits me to a 4-5 day work-week, rather than a 5-6 day week. Is it within the law for my employer to not recognize the 3-month card? Hello my husbands drives a con ed truck with one eye and has been medically cleared and has been driving with one eye. This year he was sent for medical and was cleared again but was told by his job he is unable to drive the truck anymore.

Can someone tell me if that is against the law as they are stating it is a DOT issue, supposedly there are stating that DOT stated he can not drive. How is that so when he has been driving over a year medically cleared with the job and now they are stating otherwise. Please advise.

I am a CDL driver and have a few questions for the Doctor. I have been a Commercial Truck Driver for the past 16 plus yrs. I was presently diagnosed with Epilepsy.

Then type of Epilepsy I have is. Cortical Irritability fully on my left side of my brain and partially on the right side of my brain. This causes men to have “Silent Seizures”. That is what my Physician has told me, and the EEG have confirmed. My questions are basically 1) Do I qualify to maintain or am I eligible to get a DOT medical card in the state of North Carolina, and 2) How do I keep my CDL Enforced if I’m unable to get my medical card yet at this time? Thank you in advance for your time. I have been driving for two years with my company.

When my last med. Card expired they sent me to the Concentra medical office to get a new card, at first the Dr. Said I would get my card when they got a release letter for my medication, then I was denied because of a meningioma, which the examining doctor didn’t know anything about, but instead of getting my Yale neurosurgeon’s information to ask him, she searched with her higher ups until they found a reason to deny my card. I also believe that she was prejudiced against me for some reason, as she left a message on my phone saying she forgot to talk to me about it, which isn’t true, and before I got her call saying I was denied she told me that she would only give me a one year card because the medication I’ve had for years – and now that I have her report I see she wrote “alcoholism”! On the bottom, which she has no evidence of, we are tested regularly for drugs and alcohol, sometime when you walk into the office in the morning, they say “stick this in your mouth” for an alcohol test.

She has lost my job for me because my company does not accept a second opinion unless I go before the FMCSA and risk everything with a lengthy “appeals” process. I have tried to fight it through my company’s med. Dept and sent them a paper I found online saying my condition does not disqualify me. I need to get a card soon so I can start looking for another job. @Alan To begin with, all you really needed was a note from your neurologist explaining the situation and a from him. The CME should have taken all of the available information before making a final decision.

Not sure about the company stand unless it is some type of company policy. You, as an individual, have the right to pursue a second opinion. So at this point get all of the available information from your neurologist and primary health care provider together before going for a new DOT examination. Get medical release forms signed by both doctors indicating that they understand the requirements of a CMV operator and you should be in good shape. You will probably be on a one year card due to the potential progressive level of this condition, but at least you will be doing what you like to do.

I Have been issued two – two year cards and have been working most recently for two years for the same company. When I went to a local Medical center that my company uses, I was examined and denied a card. The doctor went so far as to call me up on the road and tell me that not only wouldn’t they issue a card, but that my current card was now also invalid.

I was on my way back from Canada at the time. I contacted the company’s main medical team, in a separate medical company, and they are trying to help me. Some facts: 1 Nothing about my medical condition has changed at all since my last two cards were issued.2 I am a very healthy 60 year old male with, as my GP put it ” the blood pressure of a 25 year old”. 3 The examining Dr found a technicality that allows them to deny my card, but refused to even consider (so far) the opinion of my attending physician, who is a top surgeon in the field at Yale New Haven. Having talked with my company’s medical group, they said they would review everything and try to consult with the examining doctor (who I don’t think will budge for unknown reasons) and then consider getting me examined by someone else.

They are saying this would be problematic of course. I feel like I’ve won the anti lottery because of this Doctor’s unwillingness to look at the report from my doctor. I don’t want to appeal to the FMCSA because if I get an exemption, I will not be able to go to Canada, which is crucial to my job. Any advice would be appreciated. Hello, sorry, I guess I’m worried about info online. It’s a meningioma, which the examining doctor didn’t know anything about, but instead of getting my Yale neurosugeon’s information to ask him, she searched with her higher ups until they found a reason to deny my card. I also believe that she was prejudiced against me for some reason, as she left a message on my phone saying she forgot to talk to me about it, which isn’t true, and before I got her call saying I was denied she told me that she would only give me a one year card because of a medication I’ve had for years – and now that I have her report I see she wrote “alcoholism”!

On the bottom, which she has no evidence of, we are tested regularly for drugs and alcohol, sometime when you walk into the office in the morning, they say “stick this in your mouth” for an alcohol test. She has single handedly lost my job for me because my company does not accept a second opinion unless I go before the FMCSA and risk everything with a lengthy “appeals” process. I need to get a card soon so I can start looking for another job.

I live in california. I have never had any commercial driving incidents. I learned the old school way. From my Grandfather in an old cabover on private farms. Never needed to drive on public roads.

I was 18 and left the business. 30 years later i apply for a retail job part time and have been there 2 years now. I have been through the DOT physical and all has been good.

Now that California has a mandated 3 day inspection, log book check, fmcsa, etc.my supervisors are stacking paperwork in front of me to be completed that myself and others dont even know what it means. They say check yes. They dont even know what it means. Vehicle checklists i get. A driving test.i had that signed off when i took the test. Subject to fmcsa, sensitive 49 code? I drive paper towels and toys down the street 2 blocks, a total of 10 miles a week in a single axle cargo truck.

I like to know what i am signing and this baffles me because no one at work seems to know anything and going online hasnt helped at all. Does anyone have a simple explanation in laymans terms what this all means?

I received a letter from the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency stating that there is no record of my CDL medical found and thus they were going to cancel my newly issued CDL Permit. I did have the DOT medical and showed the Alabama DMV my DOT medical card (with no restrictions) in order to be allowed to take my CDL exams. Is it possible the medical information was not yet entered into the Feds DOT system when AL later checked? How soon do CMEs have to enter your medical info into the system after the exam? I have a very urgent question. I’m in idaho and a school bus driver.

I have been taking methadone for a couple of years now. I got hired while on it with a note from my doctor saying I was ok to drive a bus.

Just a couple weeks ago I was in a n accident which wasn’t my fault. I’m on workmans comp due to whip lash. I went to the doctor and she told me that she was turning me in and my medical card revoked and start an investigation. What happens now? What can I do to keep my card and probably my job? @ Angela Just make sure you have a medical release form from your doctor explaining the reasoning behind the present usage of the medications that you are using.

You are out on a workers compensation issue and your medical card is void because you are presently unfit for duty. When you are fully healed and recovered and the doctor releases you to return to work, then get your medical release form from your prescribing doctor with the explanation of your properly prescribed meds. The CME needs to understand why you take what you take and what type of driver you are. With all the proper documentation in hand the CME can make a better informed decision. I have a torn labrum in my shoulder and a bulging disk in my neck from a workplace injury. I am at work but the orthopedic doctor has given me a work restriction not to lift more than 20 pounds and not to lift above the shoulders.

The note from the orthopedic doctor actually states “OK to drive. OK to operate forklift.” I went to renew my medical card today (expires in 2 weeks) and the physician said that she could not perform the physical until those work restrictions are lifted and that my current medical card is invalid while those restrictions are in place. Is this true? And will my class A CDL (South Dakota) be downgraded when my card expires?

My husband went to get his dot physical he had a high blood pressure reading for the first time ever 186/78. So he has to come back to the examiner in 3 weeks with normal readings from his primary physicians if he comes back with normal readings but the examiner checks him that day and his blood pressure goes high again from being nervous or the the whitecoat snydrom can the examiner disqualify him from his medical card he has never had a blood pressure problem ever. Just going to see this doctor made it rise.also if you are disqualified when can you apply again for a medical card he is vary worried about this can you please respnd back we live in ohio his blood pressure had always been way below 140/90. I have a question regarding medical cards. As many drivers I was diagnosed with sleep apnea my medical card expired and I needed to get a new one this happened in between my initial sleep study and getting my machine. The sleep Dr wrote a note to the examining Dr to give me a three month card while we got the cpap set up and going. The examination Dr refuses to give me a card without30 days of data from the machine.

He says it’s illegal for him to give me a temporary card. This seems like the exact reason there are temporary cards. I can’t not work for thirty days. The information I can find is on both sides I would like to know how to proceed or if I’m just going to have to go a month without pay. Can a company force you to not use your doctor for sleep study and force you to use a company 850 miles away that flies in a nurse to do a sleep study in a hotel room where you are not properly monitored?

The company I did work for forced everyone including drivers who were under care of a doctor to take test and everyone was prescribed a apap. One driver was even terminated because he had documentation from his doctor that he had a sleep study done and did not require apap but company said that only their medical company opinion mattered not his personal doctor. I have never driven commercially and my “Possible” Employer sent me for a DOT Physical. I was at first denied by the physician until I provided a note from my personal physician on a medication he prescribed. I have been taking a single Xanax pill every morning for 27 yrs.

I worked as a Maintenance Electrician involving climbing, extremely dangerous machinery, 80 ft. Art History Marilyn Stokstad Third Edition Notes On Piano. High lifts, operated cranes, etc. And drove 60 miles per day just for work. No accidents and 1 speeding ticket in the last 15 years. My wife and I ride a Harley Dresser. I just retired after 41 yrs of employment.

My doctor was willing to attest to the fact that I have had no side effects and that it would not impair my driving ability. The next day the DOT Physician called me and told me she contacted her Director and he said Xanax was Prohibited and that the medical card she issued me was void. My doctor says that I would have possibly serious consequences going off of this medicine after such a long time. The Employer said they would wait for the 45 days the DOT Physical would be good for. Do I have any options? This is for a Class C w/ Passenger. I have a permit now.

1) I need an Interstate Class C with Passenger. (For Transit Bus) 2) I have never had and do not have a DOT Medical Card (They issued me one and then called and said it was Voided due to the Director reversing the DOT Physicians decision). 3) The Company that “will” hire me is the one sending me to this Hospital for the DOT physical. I was not given a choice of where I take the physical.

4) The 45 days, is how long the physical that I took is good for before I have to take another one if I can’t resolve the “Xanax” issue. 5) This is in the state of Iowa. The Physician that was going to approve my physical with my personal doctors approval had her decision reversed by her director whom I never met.

I have an appointment with my doctor next week, but if this “director” is having a “Zero Tolerance” on the use of Xanax, it appears I don’t have any options, even tho the DOT Physician said it was only a recommendation and not a law concerning the use of Xanax. I think this “Director” is just trying to cover his — and not really concerned about whats right. @Leonard Unfortunately the FMCSA pulled the guidelines 27 months ago and all of the new CME’s are having to go on what they were taught in the CME class. And the FMCSA is not monitoring what is being taught in these classes. Your best bet is to go and get a second opinion from another CME. Take your doctors release form with you and explain your situation. Also have your doctor explain in the medical release form the reasoning for the medications and the present length of time that you have been using the meds.

Good Luck • Craig Nispel says. @Bart You can obtain a CDL. The CDL box puts some states off. Like you can’t check the CDL box if the driver does not have a CDL, but in some states if the driver does not presently have a CDL and is planning on getting one, then the CDL yes box must be checked. I would explain to the CME what your intention is and have him mark the correct box for you. It seems that the main point is that the examination of the driver was at the CDL level and the driver is medically fit for duty as a commercial motor vehicle operator.

@Oscar Make sure of this with your state drivers license department, but if I’m not mistaken, any vehicle over 10,001 pounds and is being used for commerce requires a valid medical card. If you for sure need one, then first check DOTPhysicaldoctor.com and see if there is someone near you that does driver friendly™ DOT examinations. If there is no one close to you, then check with the FMCSA-National Registry and see if there is some one near you. They should know what paper work you will need, just ask. I work though aTemp to Hire Class A Driver Staffing company and have been working at a company though them that wants to hire me. My med card does not expirer for another 6 months an my question is, if i would fail their new company’s prehire dot physical, does that mean my valid card would be no good, or should i wait until card bout to expire then hire on, ive been working at the same company for 6 months and had to already meet all the requirements for me to even temp for them, so could i lose both driving jobs although im already quilified an i couldn’t work though the temp company in which i passed the test and was issued? @Alicia So let me get this straight, your husband lied on a federal form, (that he signed as the complete truth) does not take care of his condition and puts himself and everyone around him at risk and you want to know who to tell, if he does not take better care of himself???

Did I get this right? Call the CME who did his DOT examination.

Call the company he works for. You know about this and are sitting on a serious safety issue and could be held as an accomplice should he manage to kill someone. I am being told that since the company paid for my dot exam (as a part of orientation) they will not give me the long form.

The clinic they sent me to packed everything in a sealed envelope and they are refusing to give me a copy of my own long form. I looked up the regs: FMCSR 391.43 sub-part g: (g) Upon completion of the medical examination required by this subpart: (1) The medical examiner must date and sign the Medical Examination Report and provide his or her full name, office address, and telephone number on the Report. (2) If the medical examiner finds that the person examined is physically qualified to operate a commercial motor vehicle in accordance with § 391.41(b), he or she must complete a certificate in the form prescribed in paragraph (h) of this section and furnish the original to the person who was examined. The examiner must provide a copy to a prospective or current employing motor carrier who requests it.

Is anyone else having this problem? I am curious to know if a major corporation is required to handle the whens and where’s to a DOT physical or if it is solely on a driver to remember that they have a DOT physical due My brother, is a driver for a major company, and they are constantly changing trucks based on routes in which they have to drive their supply to. Originally from another state, we moved where we are now, he transferred between DC’s in the company, in which the old DC would remind him, that he had so many days to get driver physical done, the new DC did not remind him and has gotten very upset at him because DOT physical has lapsed, by this causing a suspension in his DOT CDL. While trying to transfer from one state to the other. Now he has 10 days to get it fixed or the company will fire him, so I ask, Is it the company’s responsibility to make sure that he gets the physical or is it his own? I can understand if he was an owner/operator that it would be his fault, but under a big corporation I would believe that it would be the corporate jurisdiction to make sure that he gets his physical ( North Carolina).

@gholmes Each time a DOT medical card is issued, then the last one becomes invalid. Most of the time when this occurs it is because of injury or illness that took the driver from behind the wheel and he was seen as ‘unfit for duty’. Each time a new card is issued it is usually because the driver has returned for a new DOT examination to be deemed ‘fit for duty’ again. Your last medical card supersedes anything before. If you have a valid medical card from 11-14 and it is good to 11-16, then just make sure that your DPS has a valid copy so they can re-enstate your license.

Good evening, Quoting” Until January 30th 2012 you will be required to carry a copy of your medical examiner’s certificate/card while operating a commercial motor vehicle and your carrier will be required to maintain copy in your driver qualification file. After January 30 2014 you will no longer be required to carry. After January 30,2014 you will no longer be required to carry a copy of your medical examiner’s certificate/card and your motor carrier will no longer be required to maintain a copy in the driver qualification file.

This Information will be maintained on your driving record. ” I am looking for information regarding Medical certification. Has this rule been enforced yet? Also Is a state by state case.

I am hearing different stories. A student asked me if they need to still carry there medical card with them in the CMV, even though they have self certified.

According to out text book it states yes and to be honest it is not very clear in the FMCSA Book. As I had tried to find the information. I am hoping you could help me answer the question or at least point me in the right direction. Thank you very much. Is I have went and got my physical done.

Was given a 90 day Card and ask to have my hearing tested from a hearing institute got hearing aids and they programed them to get me back to work and released me to go back. The company witch is schneider national says the letter that was given by hearing doctor is not good enough but the doctor that gave me physical ok it. Now im stuck without a job. Can I go to another company to work or get another physical with this 90 day card cause they also ask me to get my blood pressure checked by MD it was 140/96 or do I need clear everything thru this Doctor that gave me exam before I can drive again.

@Gary Not really. The mouth piece may do the trick, but you will need to be using the unit for a period of time before you would know that it’s working and not interfering with your sleep patterns. After the waiting period, then you need to have your doctor fill out a stating that the device is working as expected. Toughest part is most CME don’t have enough information to make a determination regarding proper compliance with the device. Your doctors explanation and his medical release done for you will be a huge help answering most of the CME’s questions right up front.

@Sam He does not need to prove anything to the DOT. The CME is saying he has questions, and the medical doctor who does these tests is saying you don’t have sleep apnea. Just get the medical doctor to write in on a that he feels the test is unwarranted and go from there. The CME is trying to cover his behind and the medical doctor that does sleep studies is the expert here, so get the medical release and if CME is unsatisfied, go elsewhere for your physical. Sleep apnea screening is a much misunderstood issue in the world of DOT medical certification. To better understand the issues, for both drivers and doctors, read this set of articles on our blog, about.

I am currently dependent on insulan, I am a Type 1 diebetic in California. Later this month I am going on a 24 hour monitoring system by Dexcom with a wireless Omnipod pump that delivers the insulan. With this system in place, no more needles, would I need an exemption to obtain Commercial drivers licence?

This new system will inform me 24 hours a day with alarms if sugar count even starts to drop or go to high. This is like having a perfect working pancreas. Hope somebody can offer some insight. I work for a company that is pushing me to get my Commercial Driver license if I want to promote. Question – I am a Non-CDL driver in the state of Washington who has to get a DOT physical every 2 years.

The form I was given by my employer has a drug screen box and a DOT physical box. Both boxes are checked. When I asked what the deal was I was told a drug screen is a DOT requirement.

This is the first time in 10 years that I’ve worked for this company other than Pre-Employment that I’ve been told I need a drug screen. I’m just wondering if there were any changes to Washington’s laws in particular. I’m having a hard time finding an answer to this question so if you can point me in the right direction that would be great. Been all over WSDOT and WA DOL websites with no luck. Thank you for your time and I apologize for the long post. I wondering if a CME @ one of these emergency care places has the right to make you undergo a sleep apnea test even though we do not travel long distances ( generally no more than 25 miles out and back, most days just in town ) Our trucks have no sleepers on them, all day cab trucks in our fleet. We normally don’t work over 10 hours a day.

My high blood pressure is under control through my personal doctor which is checked every 3-4 months at his office He said he would only give me a 90 day card until I get that done. He also said something about renewal was 30 days at a time. Sure sounds flakey to me, like they are just trying to make more money for return visits because my company pays for our physicals and has our emergency treatment through them.

Several of us have had problems even with our old company doctor. All of them see this as money machine to get you back in the office again so can ring their cash register again. Trust me there is still abuse in the new system with these crooked medical outfits that specialize in drug tests and workman’s comp. If it quacks like a duck, it must be a duck, right? I have a question.

I currently have a 2 year medical certification. Was issued 5 months ago. I was evaluated for everything like normal and now sleep apnea. I passed all obviously since I got two years.

I went to oreintation for a new company that required a new medical cert. I passed all conditions but because my bmi is over sleep apnea thresholds but nothing else the examiner is requiring a sleep study. Does this negate my old cert? Them saying I only get a 3 month certification? Or is it still valid? I am wondering because I personally think it is absurd to assume a driver has sleep apnea due too size alone in one persons opinion. I was just cleared 5 months ago and since have actually lost weight.

Not significant but 18 pounds. The medical hold; was in regard to a medication prescribed by an internal medicine physician and a board certified psychiatrist since 2003; with numerous DOT physical’s taken without a medical hold in regards to the medication for ADHD. Since it was clear that the physician performing the DOT physical lacked the clinical education in regards to the medication and its application for ADHD. Is it permissible to seek out a DOT physician, who is educated in the understanding of the medical condition and medication utilized? So the question is “May a person who discovers that the DOT doctor performing the physical is not qualified to make the determination” seek another physician certified under DOT to issue a medical certification based upon their superior knowledge of the condition. Yes, I found another doctor that was willing to do it because of their superior knowledge.

I was in a Motorcycle accident 1 year ago. In that accident I had a Traumatic Brain injury. Since that accident 1 year ago I have had no seizures and I am on no medication. I ride my motorcycle 3 to 4 days a week.

I drive 100 miles round trip there and back to work. I used my pickup and pulled my motorcycle trailer to New Hampshire and back for bike week. I used my pickup and pulled my Corvette to Carlisle Pa and back. I have had no physical problems.

My Boss rides motorcycles with me and also rides the same distance to work. The question is can I be released to drive? I drive a oil/gasoline tanker. Hello doc, a fellow driver quit his OTR position for health reasons. Upon searching for local employment, he had a DOT physical and was NOT hired, but given a 1 month card due to blood pressure.

Is there such a thing as a 1 month card? Physical was done in WI. Also, I understand everything to ultimately fall onto the “driver’s responsibility” but in the above docs/questions it is not clear on who exactly updates the state/gov’t of health changes (in this case a degrade of cert). Do ME, or the new registered ME’s, update the state or is this all on the driver? @Merritt With the new FMCSA requirements for the DOT examiners, the answer should be NO.

With your present conditions, I would just have your primary healthcare provider fill out the for both your OSA and your diabetes. Then, with the forms in hand, go get your DOT exam. The examiner now has all the information he needs to complete your DOT examination. The disqualification would be that you gave incomplete and misleading information on the DOT long form and you lose your medical card completely. Not real sure that it’s worth it. Is there a way for the DOT to verify if an individual should have a card? I work with a fellow who was denied by two different facilities to get one ( he has a pacemaker and a device in his back for pain, as well as diabetes) he self paid another facility and was issued a 2 year card.

I verified with the facility it is good till 9/25/2015. When he filled out the long form he indicated nothing was wrong and he only takes vitamins. It seems very unsafe for facilities that issue DOT Med Cards that do not check information with at least a primary doctor to verify if the party seeking the Medical Card is using false information to do so. @Linda Basically what happens is the driver is required to fill out his long form. It states on the bottom of the long form that he signs, that all the information is true and any mis-information or falsification makes the medical card invalid. It is not up to the DOT examiner to confirm or deny that a driver has told the truth.

However, the medical examiner should have observed indications during the physical examination, that there’s more going on here than the driver stated in the Health History, and question the driver. Most likely this was the case in the facilities that disqualified him. If he were to tell the truth and get his medical release filled out by his primary healthcare provider, then he may qualify for a one year card. If your driver has lied on his medical form, then what else will he lie about? He is placing himself, your business, and the public at risk at this point. This is less likely to occur with the new Certified Medical Examiner requirements, since May 21, 2014, and the online data capture that CMEs are required to make for the DOT physical exams they conduct.

The medical examiner who gave me my physical wrote “INTRASTATE ONLY” on my dot medical card because i was not 21 at the time. I was going to turn 21 in a month.

Before that, they refused to give me a physical on the grounds that I was not 21 however the trucking school I was enrolled in explained to them that I in fact could get a physical exam under 21. The problem is now that the self certify law is in place I cannot certify interstate now that Im 21 and legally able to do so. The medical examiner is refusing to replace the card without a new physical which is going to cost an extra 95 dollars on top of the 95 Ive already paid. The card doesnt expire til. Is this legal? I’ve never heard of them writing intrastate only and refusing to simply update the fact that Im 21 now I feel it was illegal to ever write intrastate only in the first place.

I have no restricting medical conditions and nothing has changed in the last 2 months. Because you were not 21 at the time of the physical, you were not eligible to receive an interstate medical card. The physician is under no obligation to change your intrastate medical card to interstate, and quite frankly, it would be foolish of him to do that without having you undergo a current medical examination. It’s unfortunate that you were just shy of 21 when you took your physical, but that’s just the way life goes sometimes.

My advice: Spend the $95 on a new physical, and get a new valid interstate medical card. Look at it as an investment in your future.