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Describe software review and formal technical review (FTR).Software reviews works as a filter for the software process. It helps to uncover errors and defects in software. Software reviews enhance the quality of software.

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Software reviews refine software, including requirements and design models, code, and testing data. A formal technical review (FTR) is a software quality control activity. In this activity, software developer and other team members are involved. The objectives of an FTR are: - Uncover the errors. - Verify that the software under technical review meets its requirements. - To ensure that the software must follow the predefined standards.

- To make projects more manageable. The FTR includes walkthroughs and inspections.

Ecs Motherboard Drivers For Windows 7 Download. Each FTR is conducted as a normal meeting. FTR will be successful only if it is properly planned, and executed. What are the attributes of good test case?

The following are the attributes of good test case. Olympus Dss Player Pro Serial Number. - A good test has a high probability of finding an error. To find the maximum error, the tester and developer should have complete understanding of the software and attempt to check all the conditions that how the software might fail. - A good test is not redundant. Every test should have a different purpose from other, otherwise tester will repeat the testing process for same condition. - A good test should be neither too simple nor too complex. In general, each test should be executed separately.

If we combine more than one test into one test case, it might be very difficult to execute. Sometimes we can combine tests but it may hide some errors. Describe cyclomatic complexity with example.Cyclomatic complexity is a software metric that measure the logical strength of the program. It was developed by Thomas J. Cyclomatic complexity is calculated by using the control flow graph of the program. In the flow graph, nodes are represented by circle. Areas bounded by edges and nodes are called regions.

When counting regions, we also include the area outside the graph as a region. Complexity is computed in one of three ways: The total number of regions of the flow graph. By using the formula defined as: V(G) = E - N + 2 Cyclomatic complexity, V(G), for a flow graph, G, is also defined as V(G) = P + 1,where P is the number of predicate nodes contained in the flow graph G. Note: Nodes that contain a condition is called a predicate node and is characterized by two or more edges originating from it.

Describe Condition testing in brief.Condition testing works on logical conditions contained in a program module. A simple condition is a Boolean variable or a relational expression. A relational expression takes the form E1 E2 Where E1 and E2 are arithmetic expressions and is one of the following:, or ≥. A compound condition is created by using two or more simple conditions, Boolean operators, and parentheses. Conditional error is generated if Boolean variable, relational operator or Boolean operator is incorrectly used. The purpose of condition testing is to detect errors in the conditions of a program. Explain component testing.- Component testing is also termed as unit, module or program testing.

- It looks for defects in the software and verifies its functioning. - It can be done in isolation from rest of the system depending on the context of the development life cycle and the system. - Mostly stubs and drivers are used to replace the missing software and simulate the interface between the software components in a simple manner. - The stub is called from the software component to be tested while a driver calls a component to be tested. What are decision tables? Whyy do we use them?- Decision tables are specification-based techniques which are more focused on business logic or business rules. - A decision table is useful in dealing with combinations of things like inputs.

- This technique is sometimes also called as 'cause-effect' table as there exists an associated logic diagramming technique called 'cause-effect graphing' which is at times used to help derive the decision table. - The techniques of equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis are usually applied to specific situations or inputs. Explain exploratory testing.- In exploratory testing approach testers are involved in minimum planning and maximum test execution. - The planning includes creation of a test charter, a short declaration of the scope of a short time-boxed test effort, the objectives and possible approaches to be used.

- The test design and test execution are performed parallelly without any formal documentation of test conditions, test cases or test scripts. However, this does not imply that other more formal testing techniques will not be used. List the pre-requisites for white-box testingThe pre-requisites for white-box testing are similar to that of black-box testing with one major difference: During white-box testing, the testers have access to the application logic. The tester should ask for access to detailed functional specs and requirements, design documents (both high-level and detailed), and source code. The tester analyzes the source code and prepares functional tests to ensure that the application behaves in compliance with both the requirements and the specs. Explain the following. ) Stress testing: - It checks the robustness of application.

- It verifies that application consistently provides satisfactory performance under unfavorable and extreme conditions. This includes - heavy user traffic, heavy process loads, irregular hardware clocking, and heavy utilization of resources. - Stress testing is also useful in verifying the effectiveness of error handling under extreme conditions. B.) Sanity testing: - Sanity testing is used to ensure that multiple or conflicting functions or variables do not exist in the system. - It verifies that the components of the application can be compiled without a problem. - It is conducted on all parts of the application.

C.) Ad hoc testing: - It is a type of testing that is performed without the use of planning and/or documentation. - These tests are run only one time unless a defect is found. - If defect is found, testing can be repeated.

- It is considered to be a part of exploratory testing. D.) Smoke testing: - Smoke testing covers all of the basic functionality of the application. - It is considered as the main test for checking the functionality of the application. - It does not test the finer details of the application. Explain the following.

A.) Compatibility testing: - It is a non-functional test performed on a software system or component for checking its compatibility with the other parts in the computing environment. - This environment covers the hardware, servers, operating system, web browsers, other software, etc. B.) Integration testing: - This test is performed to verify the interfaces between system components, interactions between the application and the hardware, file system, and other software. - A developer can also perform it. - Ideally an integration testing team should perform it.

Explain the following. A.) Code Complete: - Phase of development where functionality is implemented in entirety with only bug fixes remaining. - All functions from the functional specifications are already implemented.

B.) Code Coverage: - This is an analysis method which determines which parts of the software have already been covered by the test case suite and which are remaining. C.) Code Inspection: - A formal testing technique where the programmer reviews source code with a group who ask questions analyzing the program logic, analyzing the code with respect to a checklist of historically common programming errors, and analyzing its compliance with coding standards. What do you mean by following? A.) Test Script: - It is usually used to refer to the instructions for a particular test that will be carried out by an automated test tool.

B.) Test Specification: - This is a document specifying the test approach for a software feature or combination or features and the inputs, predicted results and execution conditions for the associated tests. C.) Test Suite: - This is a collection of tests which are used to validate the behavior of an application or product. - Usually a test Suite is a high level concept, grouping together hundreds or thousands of tests related by what they are intended to test. When should you stop testing?It is pretty difficult to determine as many modern software applications are so complex and run in such an interdependent environment that complete testing is never possible. However, common factors which help in deciding when to stop are: - Deadlines to release or test is over. - Test cases are completed with certain percentage passed - Test budget is over - Coverage of code/functionality/requirements has reached a specified point - Bug rate is below a certain level - Beta or alpha testing period has ended. Why are decision tables used in many cases rather than equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis?- A decision table is a good way to deal with combinations of things (e.g.

- The techniques of equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis are often applied to specific situations or inputs. - If different combinations of inputs result in different actions being taken, it can be more difficult to show using equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis, which tend to be more focused on the user interface.

- The other two specification based techniques - decision tables and state transition testing are more focused on business logic or business rules. Situation: You need to test a system but there is no documentation available and the developers who developed it do not work there anymore. What would you do?- We will perform the exploratory testing of the product - this will give us an idea of the system and its basic workflow. - During this testing, we can discover some ‘blocker’ bugs that cause system to crash. - As a white box tester, you can next test the different module code. This gives us an idea about the test cases for different modules and relation between different modules. What are various severity ratings in a project?There can be four types of severity ratings in a table: i.) Severity 1 - Showstoppers - Do not allow the application to move at all.

Ii.) Severity 2 - Application continues with severe defects - Application works with these defects which might have severe implications. Iii.) Severity 3 - Application works with unexpected outputs iv.) Severity 4 – Suggestions - These are the improvements suggested in the application. They do not affect the performance of the application. Explain the elementary process.Software applications are a combination of various elementary processes. Different elementary processes come together to form an application. Elementary processes are classified as below: - Dynamic elementary process: These processes move data from an internal application boundary to an external application boundary or vice-versa.

- Static elementary process: This process type maintains the data of the application either inside the application boundary or in the external application boundary. What is SilkTest? What is the methodology behind Silk test?SilkTest is software testing automation tool developed by Segue Software, Inc. The methodology behind silk test is a six-phase testing process: i.) Plan - Determine the testing strategy and define specific test requirements. Ii.) Capture - Classify the GUI objects in your application and build a framework for running your tests. Iii.) Create - Create automated, reusable tests. Use recording and/ or programming to build test scripts written in Segue's 4Test language.

Iv.) Run - Select specific tests and execute them against the AUT. V.) Report - Analyze test results and generate defect reports. Vi.) Track - Track defects in the AUT and perform regression testing. Explain the following: SilkTest Host, SilkTest Agent, SilkTest Projecti.) SilkTest Host - SilkTest component that manages and executes test scripts. It usually runs on a machine different than the machine where AUT (Application Under Test) is running. Ii.) SilkTest Agent - SilkTest component that receives testing commands from the SilkTest Host and interacts with AUT (Application Under Test) directly.

SilkTest Agent usually runs on the same machine where AUT is running. Iii.) SilkTest Project - A SilkTest project is a collection of files that contains required information about a test project. What is 4Test?4Test is a test scripting language used by SilkTest to compose test scripts to perform automated tests. It is an object-oriented fourth-generation language.

It consists of 3 sets of functionalities: i.) A robust library of object-oriented classes and methods that specify how a test case can interact with an application’s GUI objects. Ii.) A set of statements, operators and data types that you use to introduce structure and logic to a recorded test case. Iii.) A library of built-in functions for performing common support tasks.

What is the purpose of checkpoints in Winrunner?Checkpoints help to compare the behavior of current application to its previous version. There are four types of checkpoints in Winrunner: a.) Text – reads and displays the text contents of GUI objects and bit map and in bitmaps b.) Bitmap – compares application window or area snapshots to earlier versions of the same window or area c.) GUI – validates GUI object information (i.e. Whether a button is enabled, an item is selected in a list, etc.) d.) Database – verifies the contents and size of a set of results (based on a database query). Situation: You want to record a data driven test.

How would you do that?There are three ways to create a data-driven test: a.) By using data from a flat file b.) By using data from a data table c.) By using data from a database - Using Flat File – Data must be saved in a pre-determined format and is read from the file using file manipulation commands and assigned to variables. - Using Data Table – Similar to the flat file method but data is usually stored in a Microsoft Excel file. - Using Database – Similar to the previous methods except test data is saved in the database. What tasks do checkpoints perform in QTP?Checkpoints in QTP are used to verify the information that is expected to be displayed while the running the test. Following are eight types of available checkpoints: a.) Page – checks application characteristics b.) Text – verifies that text strings are shown at the proper locations in the application c.) Object – checks the values of application objects d.) Image – checks the values of application images e.) Table – verifies information in an application table f.) Accessibility – checks the web page for compliance with Section 508 g.) XML – verifies the contents of XML data files or documents that are part of the application h.) Database – verifies the contents of databases accessed by the website. Explain various object repositories modes in QTP.There are two object repositories modes in QTP: a.) Per-action mode - Best used in following cases: - While creating simple record and run tests when there is only one or very few tests that correspond to the interface, objects, or application - When test object properties won't be modified every now and then - When creating single-action tests. B.) Shared mode - Best used in following cases: - When there are several tests that correspond to the interface, objects, or application - When test object properties are expected to be modified and with multi-action tests.

What types of bottlenecks can be expected in performance testing?Bottlenecks in performance testing can have following effects: - It slows down testing - It can affect the performance and the scalability of an application. Hardware, software, bandwidth which has defined limits in the flow of data, processing speed, and any of the system resources can lead to bottlenecks in a system. Some of these bottlenecks include: - Increased time - Increased resources - Appropriate monitors to determine performance. Differentiate between Master Test Plan and Test Plan. Master Test Plan - i. ) It is required in all projects. Ii.) It provides the strategy to be used to test the entire project.

Iii.) It provides the details like the modules to be tested, the time frame, the resources, hardware dependencies, and any training required. Iv.) It also involves a block diagram showing how the testing takes place. It also has the location of test plan for each module and the documents to be referred for testing purpose. Test Plan - - It is required for each module in white box testing - In Black Box testing, it is required for each feature - It carries information about test cases, strategy and stubs used to test a particular module. We can say that an MTP consists of various TPs. What can be the main reasons fornot being able to reproduce a bug?

What should be done if such a bug is found?A bug can not be reproduced for following reasons: 1. Pointing to non available memory location. Things happening in a particular sequence. Following information should be passed to the developer if such a bug is found: 1. Any other applications that were running along with the application under discussion.

Time for which the application was being used. Crash report or related information. Sequence of activities followed before the application behaved in this manner. Did the bug show up while performing a normal workflow or complete workflow?

How many times did it happen? Impact of the bug. QuickTest’s Keyword Driven approach, test automation experts have full access to the underlying test and object properties, via an integrated scripting and debugging environment that is round-trip synchronized with the Keyword View. Advanced testers can view and edit their tests in the Expert View, which reveals the underlying industry-standard VBScript that QuickTest Professional automatically generates. Any changes made in the Expert View are automatically synchronized with the Keyword View.

If you want more info visit What are the primary techniques to design test cases for black box testing?

Four primary techniques to design test cases for black box testing are: a. BVA (Boundary value Analysis) b.

EP (Equivalence Partitioning) c. Decision Tables d. State Transition Tables (and diagrams) What are the techniques to test the Internal structure of the application in white box testing? The two primary techniques to do this are: a.

Code Coverage b. Path Coverage List some common tools used for functional testing. A.) QTP b.) IBM Rational Robot c.) Selenium d.) Test Complete e.) Push to Test f.) Telerik.