Doom 3 Bfg Edition How To Install

Doom 3 Bfg Edition How To Install Rating: 6,9/10 6992votes

The second opus Doom is really good if you haven't played Doom 1.6. Animations are good, tons of action, hallucinating ambiance and great multiplayer. But it's very similar to Doom 1 and looks like a mission pack: same 3D engine, same textures, almost same sound and music, only one new gun, six new monsters. The 30 levels are bigger and more complex than Doom 1, without much originality. The last two level are the exact copy of the last levels of Spear of Destiny! That said, Doom 2 is a classic, you can spend hours on it because it's so addictive!

Doom 3 Bfg Edition How To Install

Now includes all three premium DLC packs (Unto the Evil, Hell Followed, and Bloodfall), maps, modes, and weapons, as well as all feature updates including Arcade Mode.

DOOM II has the following addons available:, and, don't miss them! LongDADDYlegy2k 2016-01-29 2 points DOS version way back in the day we had a friend who owned one of the early PENTIUM computers and most of us had 386 or 486 pc and some of us NO pc at all. So all the guys would go to his place after school and take turns playing DOOM2, to be honest I had no interest in this game at first, I just went to his place to admire his sister's LOVELY backside, man she had a nice butt, she had nice legs too.she would make some type of juice for us using fruits.

Her bum would haunt my dreams many years after. Hey if you can't get this game to work with dosbock then just download ZANDRONUM and place ur doom.wad/doom2.wad in the folder and you can play in windows with no problem. I hope this was helpful.peaceOUT~. Dos Box Fan 2016-01-01 1 point Ok, if you want to run in DOSBox, there are several steps you have to make. After downloading, run the 'deice' file and press 'c' then 'enter', then 'y'. That creates a new folder in your directory (It was 'Doom2' for me) with a DOOM2LZH file.

(I copy and pasted it back into the main directory) 2. Run the DOOM2LZH file is DOSBox and it will install the rest of the files.

You can run the game, but I had no sound. I ran the 'SETUP' file in DOSBox and set: a)'Select Music Card = General Midi = 330' Enter b)'Select Sound FX Card = PC Speaker' Enter 4.

Run DOOM2 in DOSBox and you should have sound. Random 2014-03-26 16 points DOS version Hey people, just stopped by to drop in some advice regarding installing and playing the game I didn't download the game from this site but if the copy is perfect then you just need to follow a very simple step 1. Get D-Fend (Google it) 2. Install it 3. Get Doom II (I got it from here, 4. Now just drop the package into D-Fend 5.

Keep accepting the default conditions and you're good to go (Remember, DO NOT CHANGE ANY SETTINGS JUST ACCEPT THE DEFAULTS WHILE INSTALLING THE GAME) For those having problems with sound should try installing everything with the DEFAULT and that's it For those having problems with fullscreen, either follow one of these methods Automatic -------------- 1. Just select options by right clicking the game while in D-Fend 2. Select graphics under the 'Hardware' tab 3.

Now change the 'Renderer' from 'surface' or something like that to 'overlay' Manual ---------- 1. Right click the game while in D-Fend 2. Then -- 'View DOSBox config file' 3. Look for output then change to this -- 'output=overlay' If you still have problems then head to the DOSBox forums:).

Id Software's Original README.TXT File for Shareware Doom v1.8 Below is a copy of the README.TXT file that was included with PC shareware Doom version 1.8. This edition of README.TXT includes a large amount of information that is missing from later editions of the file. Note that URLs, mail addresses, and phone numbers mentioned in the README.TXT file may no longer be valid.

Content of the README.TXT file is Copyright (C) 1995, Id Software. Download (ASCII text format, ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to v1.8 of DOOM! To register the entire DOOM trilogy call 1-800-IDGAMES. If you live outside of the USA, or if you wish to purchase DOOM with a check or money order please refer to the text file, (ORDER.FRM) located in your DOOM directory. Id Software respectfully requests that you do not modify the levels for the shareware version of DOOM.

We feel that the distribution of new levels that work with the shareware version of DOOM will lessen a potential user's incentive to purchase the registered version. If you would like to work with modified levels of DOOM, we encourage you to purchase the registered version of the game.

------------------------------------------------------------ Additional support ------------------------------------------------------------ If you are looking for external PWADs for DOOM, DOOM2 or Heretic, look no further than the DOOMania! BBS, owned and operated by Paul Johnson.

The BBS number is (317) 662-8842, the voice number is (317) 662-1449. ------------------------------------------------------------ Auxiliary programs ------------------------------------------------------------ There are a number of auxiliary programs that come with DOOM. These are DM.EXE, the DeathManager you use as a front-end for network and modem play; DWANGO.EXE, the client software for the NEW multiplayer gaming environment of the future; IPXSETUP.EXE, the IPX Network Device Driver that enables you to play DOOM over an office network that uses the IPX protocol and SERSETUP.EXE, the Serial Device Driver that enables you to play DOOM over the modem or serial cable. The documentation for the DM.EXE program is named DM.TXT, the documentation for the DWANGO.EXE program is named DWANGO.TXT. The documentation for the IPXSETUP.EXE and SERSETUP.EXE programs follow. ------------------------------------------------------------ THE STORY SO FAR ------------------------------------------------------------ You're a marine, one of Earth's toughest, hardened in combat and trained for action.

Three years ago you assaulted a superior officer for ordering his soldiers to fire upon civilians. He and his body cast were shipped to Pearl Harbor, while you were transferred to Mars, home of the Union Aerospace Corporation. The UAC is a multi-planetary conglomerate with radioactive waste facilities on Mars and its two moons, Phobos and Deimos. With no action for fifty million miles, your day consisted of suckin' dust and watchin' restricted flicks in the rec room. For the last four years the military, UAC's biggest supplier, has used the remote facilities on Phobos and Deimos to conduct various secret projects, including research on inter-dimensional space travel.

So far they have been able to open gateways between Phobos and Deimos, throwing a few gadgets into one and watching them come out the other. Recently however, the Gateways have grown dangerously unstable. Military 'volunteers' entering them have either disappeared or been stricken with a strange form of insanity--babbling vulgarities, bludgeoning anything that breathes, and finally suffering an untimely death of full- body explosion. Matching heads with torsos to send home to the folks became a full-time job. Latest military reports state that the research is suffering a small set-back, but everything is under control.

A few hours ago, Mars received a garbled message from Phobos. 'We require immediate military support. Something fraggin' evil is coming out of the Gateways! Computer systems have gone berserk!'

The rest was incoherent. Soon afterwards, Deimos simply vanished from the sky.

Since then, attempts to establish contact with either moon have been unsuccessful. You and your buddies, the only combat troop for fifty million miles were sent up pronto to Phobos.

You were ordered to secure the perimeter of the base while the rest of the team went inside. For several hours, your radio picked up the sounds of combat: guns firing, men yelling orders, screams, bones cracking, then finally, silence. Seems your buddies are dead. It's Up To You Things aren't looking too good. You'll never navigate off the planet on your own. Plus, all the heavy weapons have been taken by the assault team leaving you with only a pistol.

If only you could get your hands around a plasma rifle or even a shotgun you could take a few down on your way out. Whatever killed your buddies deserves a couple of pellets in the forehead. Securing your helmet, you exit the landing pod. Hopefully you can find more substantial firepower somewhere within the station. As you walk through the main entrance of the base, you hear animal-like growls echoing throughout the distant corridors.

They know you're here. There's no turning back now. ------------------------------------------------------------ INSTALLING DOOM ------------------------------------------------------------ DOOM is too large to run from a floppy disk, so before playing you must first install DOOM to your hard disk drive. To install DOOM, follow these steps: 1. Make a backup copy of your original disks. Before you start copying, make sure the write protect is enabled on each of the DOOM disks. Put disk #1 in your floppy disk drive and select the appropriate drive by typing A: or B:, then press the Enter key.

Type INSTALL at the prompt and press the Enter key. 4.Follow the prompts to create a directory for DOOM and to install it on your hard drive. After installation, DOOM will automatically run a Setup program.

Follow the prompts to customize DOOM to your specific system. Please refer to your hardware manual for information regarding your system.

To start DOOM, go to the directory in which you have installed DOOM (the default is DOOM), type DOOM, and press the Enter key. If you have finished installation and setup, you are automatically in this directory. ------------------------------------------------------------- OBJECT OF THE GAME ------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to DOOM, a lightning-fast virtual reality adventure where you're the toughest space trooper ever to suck vacuum. Your mission is to shoot your way through a monster-infested holocaust. Living to tell the tale if possible. The gameplay for DOOM is quite simple. This is not a cumbersome adventure game, but an action-oriented slugathon.

You don't need the reflexes of a hyperactive eight-year-old to win, either--using your wits is IMPORTANT. To escape DOOM, you need both brains and the killer instinct. ------------------------------------------------------------- USING THE DOOM MENU ------------------------------------------------------------- When you run DOOM a self-running demo will begin. To get to the menu press the Spacebar. Use the arrow keys, mouse, or joystick to move the skull cursor up and down.

When the skull is adjacent to a desired selection, press the Enter key, left mouse button, or joystick Fire button to activate that selection. If you're in a game, you can bring up the menu at any time by pressing the Escape key.

Many of the Menu options can be activated directly by using a function key, thus bypassing the menus entirely. To exit the menu, press the Escape key or to return to the previous menu from a submenu press the Backspace key. NEW GAME If you want to jump into the action, select this. First, DOOM will ask you which episode to play. Then, DOOM will ask you to set the difficulty level. Each difficulty level differs in the toughness of the enemies you'll face.

LOADING AND SAVING YOUR GAME (F2 and F3) Games can be saved or loaded at any time during the gameplay. To save a game, move the skull cursor to an empty slot (or one you don't mind writing over), and press the Enter key. This option is only available if you are currently in a game. To load a game, simply select the appropriate game from the Load Game menu.

QUICKSAVE: Pressing the function key F6 allows you to Save a game without leaving the action. The first time QUICKSAVE is used in a given game, the standard Save menu appears. Select a slot. From then on, pressing F6 automatically saves the game to that slot without interrupting the fun of smackin' baddies around.

Pressing F9 loads in the last QUICKSAVE game after prompting you. (F1) This, the most important part of DOOM, tells you how to order other copies of DOOM, and contains help for playing DOOM. QUIT GAME (F10) Quit Game enables you to quit from DOOM and return to DOS.

END GAME (F7) This allows you to end the current game without exiting to DOS or loading a new game. MESSAGES (F8) In DOOM, whenever you pick up an item, you'll receive information about the thing you just picked up. This option lets you toggle DOOM's messages on and off.

GRAPHIC DETAIL (F5) The default setting for the screen detail is HIGH. If you have a slower computer or video card, and the action is too jerky, you may wish to select LOW to make the game action smoother. SCREEN SIZE (+ and -) Just below this option is a bar with a sliding marker.

When this option is selected, you can use the arrow keys to slide the marker back and forth to adjust the viewing area. A smaller viewing area increases the smoothness of the animation on slower systems. SOUND VOLUME (F4) This selection has two bars with sliding markers, allowing adjustment of the volume from 'off' to 'maximum.' One bar modifies the music while the other bar modifies the sound effects volume. MOUSE SENSITIVITY This selection lets you adjust the sensitivity of your mouse control. Just below this option is a bar with a sliding marker. When this option is selected, you can use the arrow keys to slide the marker back and forth to adjust the sensitivity of the mouse.

TIP: Save your game and save it often. When you die, you're back to the beginning of the level, toting that little pistol again. That ain't good, especially after you progress to some of the tougher levels. ------------------------------------------------------------- ON-SCREEN INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------- DOOM provides on-screen information that's necessary to survive. THE STATUS BAR At the bottom of your screen is a gray bar (unless you've selected the largest possible screen size).

From left to right, the segments of this bar indicate: 1.MAIN AMMO: In big fat numbers, you see the number of shots you've got left in the weapon you're currently using. 2.HEALTH: You start out at 100%, but you won't stay there long. At 0% it's time to start over.

Try a little harder next time! 3.ARMS: This list of numbers shows which weapons are available. If a number is highlighted, the weapon accessible by pressing that number is available.

('1' is always available.) 4.YOUR MUG: This portrait isn't just for looks. When you're hit, your face looks in the direction from which the damage came, telling you which direction to return fire. Also, as you take damage you'll begin to look like raw hamburger--as shown to the left. 5.ARMOR: Your armor helps you out as long as it lasts.

Keep an eye on it, because when it goes, you might, too. 6.KEY CARDS: You can see any keys you possess right here. There are three key colors; Yellow, Red, and Blue. 7.AMMO: This shows how much of each type of ammo you're carrying and the maximum amount you could carry--if you had it. MESSAGES Often you'll find yourself running over various bonus items and evil artifacts. DOOM tells you what you're picking up by printing a message on the game screen--unless you've turned the messages off.

------------------------------------------------------------ THE AUTOMAP ------------------------------------------------------------ To help you find your way around DOOM, you're equipped with an automap device. By pressing the Tab key, you replace your normal view with a top-down map of everything you've seen up to date. The white arrow represents you, and points in the direction you're looking. You can zoom in and out by pressing '+' or '-'. Press the number '0' to toggle between zoom and full view.

To mark your location on the map press the 'M' key. This will place a number over your location. To clear all the numbers from the map, press the 'C' key. Using the arrow keys, you can move yourself, while viewing the Automap. This is dangerous, since you can't see the enemy while viewing the Automap.

To scroll the Automap without moving yourself, turn off Follow mode. Pressing the 'F' key will toggle Follow mode on and off. ------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROLLING THE ACTION ------------------------------------------------------------- Most of the play commands in DOOM are a simple keypress away. You can use either your keyboard, mouse, joystick, and combinations of both to move, pick up items, shoot, and open doors. MOVING At first, you might find yourself bumping into walls while demons beat on you.

Once you've got movement down, everything else follows. WALKING: Use the up and down arrow keys to walk forward and backward. TURNING: The left and right arrow keys turn you left and right. RUNNING: Hold down the right Shift key and the appropriate arrow key to speed yourself up. STRAFE: By holding down the Alt key and the right or left arrow key, you can sidestep, rather than turn left or right. JOYSTICK OR MOUSE:If you are using a joystick, use button 1 to shoot and button 2 to open doors and activate switches. Gravis PC Gamepads have a third and fourth button.

Cossacks Back To War Crack Deutschland more. These can be used as a Strafe and a Run button, respectively. If you are using a mouse, use button 1 to shoot and button 2 to walk forward. Double-click button 2 to open doors and activate switches. With a three-button mouse, use the third button to strafe.

PICKING UP STUFF To pick up an object, just walk over it. You're smart, and know if you need to take it. ------------------------------------------------------------- USING DOORS, SWITCHES & ELEVATORS ------------------------------------------------------------- To open most doors and operate switches, stand directly in front of them and press the Spacebar. When you successfully operate a switch, it will change in some way (lights up, flips a handle, etc). If a switch does not change after a couple of tries, it is probably assigned to do a task that cannot yet be accomplished. LOCKED DOORS: Some doors have security locks, and require you to have a color coded (yellow, red, and blue) security card or skull key to open them. Other locked doors are operated by a switch on a nearby wall.

Rather than walking up to the door, you'll need to operate the switch. HIDDEN DOORS: Some doors are hidden. Many of these can be opened by finding a switch. In some cases you just need to walk up to the wall and press the Spacebar. If you've found a secret door, it will open for you.

There are clues that reveal a secret door--a wall that's shifted down or a different color, a flashing light on a wall, etc. ELEVATORS: You'll see platforms that raise and lower. Some platforms operate continuously, while others must be activated. Some of them sense your proximity and lower automatically. Others have a nearby switch. Those without a switch can usually be operated by walking up to the platform and pressing the Spacebar. TELEPORTERS: Teleporters can be identified by an evil red symbol on the floor beneath them.

To use a teleporter, walk over the symbol. ------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLETING AN AREA ------------------------------------------------------------- At the end of each area in DOOM there is an exit chamber, generally marked by a special door or an 'EXIT' sign. Enter this chamber and press the switch inside to exit the area and head onward. When you finish an area, an Achievement Screen tallies your performance. Hidden regions located, ratio of kills, percentage of treasure found, your completion time, and a par completion time are all displayed.

To leave this screen, press the use key. ETERNAL LIFE AFTER DEATH If you die, you restart the level at the beginning with a pistol and some bullets.

You have no 'lives' limit--you can keep restarting the level as often as you're killed. The entire level is restarted from scratch, too. Monsters you killed before are back again, just like you. ------------------------------------------------------------- FIREPOWER AND HOW TO USE IT ------------------------------------------------------------- WEAPONS: At first, you have only your pistol and your fists for protection. When you run over a new weapon, you'll automatically equip yourself with it.

As the game progresses, you'll need to choose between firearms. The numeric keys select particular weapons (you cannot use the keypad keys for this selection).

The weapons are: 1 = Fist 2 = Pistol 3 = Shotguns deliver a heavy punch at close range and a generous pelting from a distance. 4 = Chainguns direct heavy firepower into your opponent, making him do the chaingun cha-cha. 5 = Rocket Launchers deliver an explosive rocket that can turn several baddies inside-out. 6 = Plasma Rifles shoot multiple rounds of plasma energy-- frying some demon butt! Crypter Cracked Feet here.

7 = BFG 9000s are the prize of the military's arsenal. Great for clearing the room of those unwelcome guests. Shoot it and see for yourself.

FIRING: To use a weapon, point it towards the enemy and press the Ctrl key, or hold down the Ctrl key for rapid fire. If your shots hit a bad guy, you'll see splattering blood. Don't worry if the enemy is higher or lower than you.

If you can see a monster, you can shoot it. AMMO: Different weapons use different types of ammo. When you run over ammo DOOM automatically loads the correct weapon. You have a maximum limit on the amount of ammo you can carry, too. These are listed on the right side of your status bar.

Also, when you find a weapon that you already possess, don't scorn it! Picking it up also gives you ammo.

TIP: When you're comfortable playing the game, try using the keyboard and the mouse simultaneously. The mouse provides fine control for aiming your weapon (allowing you to smoothly rotate right and left) while the keyboard permits you to activate the many useful functions of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------- DANGEROUS DOOM ENVIRONMENT ------------------------------------------------------------- Some parts of the DOOM environment can be more dangerous than the monsters you'll face.

Areas containing exploding barrels, radioactive waste, or crushing ceilings should be approached with caution. EXPLODING BARRELS: Scattered around the base are drums containing fuel, toxic waste, or some other volatile substance. If your shots hit one of these barrels, it's kablooey time! It might take several bullets to set off a barrel, but a single blast of any of the other weapons usually does the trick. SLIME AND OTHER RADIOACTIVE WASTE: Many of the areas in DOOM contain pools of dangerous liquids that will damage you if you walk through them.

There are several varieties of waste, each doing an increasing amount of damage. If it looks fluid, beware!

CRUSHING CEILINGS: Some of the ceilings in DOOM can smash you, making you cry blood. Often you'll be able to see the ceiling moving before you go under it, but not always. Be careful and Save often!

TIP: Barrels can often be the most devastating weapon in your arsenal--delivering a body-blasting explosion to all nearby purgatory pedestrians. Wait until several evil guys get next to a barrel and blast away at the can, then watch 'em all go boom! ------------------------------------------------------------- HEALTH AND ARMOR ------------------------------------------------------------- Even for a tough hombre like you, DOOM can be a deadly place.

Whenever you are injured, the screen will flash red, and your health will decrease. Keep an eye on your health or you'll end up face down.

HEALING: When you're hurt, you'll want to get healed back up as soon as possible. Fortunately, Medikits and Stimpacks are frequently scattered around the base. Grab them if possible. Stimpacks give you a quick injection of booster enzymes that make you feel like a new man--at least, to a degree. Medikits are even better, and include bandages, antitoxins, and other medical supplies to make you feel a lot healthier. ARMOR: Two types of body armor can be found laying around. Both reduce damage done to you.

Unfortunately, both deteriorate with use, and eventually are destroyed by enemy attacks, leaving you in need of replacement armor. Security armor (green) is a light weight kevlar vest that's perfect for riot control. Combat armor (blue) is a heavy duty jacket composed of a titanium derivative--useful for protection against real firepower, like the kind you're gonna face. If you're wearing armor, you only pick up a replacement suit if it provides more protection than what you're now wearing. ------------------------------------------------------------- POWER-UPS ------------------------------------------------------------- Other bits of 'challenging electronics' may be found in DOOM. Most of these are pretty doggone handy, so grab them when able. These special items have a duration of either the entire level, a specific amount of time, or just provide an instant benefit.

A few of them affect your game screen so you can tell when they are active. For example, when you pick up a radiation suit, the game screen turns green. As the suit deteriorates the screen will flash. This is a hint to get out of the radioactive ooze now! Radiation Suits provide protection against radioactivity, heat, and other low-intensity forms of energy. Basically, these suits enable you to wade through the radioactive ooze without taking damage. While a suit holds out, your screen will have a greenish tint.

Duration: Time Based Berserk Packs heal you, plus act as a super-adrenaline rush, enormously boosting your muscle power. Since you're already a pretty meaty guy, this enhanced strength lets you tear ordinary dolts limb from limb, and you can even splatter those demons without too much trouble. However, you've got to use your Fist attack to get the benefit of the Berserk attack bonus.

When you become Berserk, your screen will briefly turn red. Duration: One Level Backpacks increase the amount of ammo you can carry. In addition, whenever you find a backpack, you receive extra ammunition. Computer Maps are a handy find, updating your Automap with a complete map to the entire area, including all secret or hidden areas. Areas you haven't been to are mapped in grey. Duration: One Level Light Amplification Visors allow you to see clearly even in pitch dark.

Duration: Time Based ------------------------------------------------------------- ARTIFACTS ------------------------------------------------------------- A few artifacts from the other dimension are now laying around and you may want them, too. Health Potions provide a small boost to your health even past your normal 100%! Spiritual Armor provides a little extra protection above and beyond your normal armor. Soul Spheres are rarely encountered objects that provide a large boost to your health. A close encounter with one of these and you'll feel healthier than ever! Blur Artifacts are strange orbs that make it difficult for others to spot you.

The enemy can still see you, but most of their attacks will be less than accurate. Duration: Time Based Invulnerability Artifacts are products of the Anomaly that render you immune to all damage. Pretty cool, until the effect wears off. When you're invulnerable your screen will be white--your punishment for being tough. Duration: Time Based TIP: Create dissension among demons by maneuvering them into a crossfire. If a bad guy is hit by another demon, he'll turn his rage towards the poor jerk with the pitiful aim. If this happens, let 'em at each other--it's always best to let the bad guys do the work for you.

(This isn't effective with projectiles fired between demons of the same form.) ------------------------------------------------------------- THE ENEMY ------------------------------------------------------------- From the very first moment you enter the door, till the last gunshot of the game, you'll be fighting a host of baddies. Some are just regular guys with a bad attitude, others are straight from Hell. Some of the monsters you'll face aren't shown here. Don't say we didn't warn you. Former Humans (dudes in filth-covered combat suits): Just a few days ago, you were probably swapping war stories with one of these guys. Now it's time to swap some lead upside their head. Former Human Sergeants (dudes in black armor, also filthy): Same as above, but much meaner, and tougher.

These walking shotguns provide you with a few extra holes if you're not careful! Imps (brown thorny hominids): You thought an imp was a cute little dude in a red suit with a pitchfork. Where did these brown bastards come from? They heave balls o' fire down your throat and take several bullets to die.

It's time to find a weapon better than that pistol if you're going to face more than one of these S.O.B.s. Demons (pink horrors, vaguely humanoid): Sorta like a shaved gorilla, except with horns, a big head, lots of teeth, and harder to kill. Don't get too close or they'll rip your fraggin' head off.

Spectres (vague, half-formed shapes): Great. Just what you needed. An invisible (nearly) monster. Lost Souls (flying skulls): Dumb. Cacodemons (gigantic floating one-eyed heads): They float in the air, belch ball-lightning, and boast one Hell of a big mouth. You're toast if you get too close to these monstrosities.

Barons of Hell (you'll know 'em when you see 'em): Tough as a dump truck and nearly as big, these goliaths are the worst thing on two legs since Tyrannosaurus rex.